I hope Korey gets Strider orb’d for free.
^ Cool story, bro.
u still ppl play mvc?? i wanna play!? where do u uys play? GGPO? what is that? someone explain arrrgg!! is there many ppl playing mvc online?? lol …
i have many years w/o playin it
It would just be a blur of red and gold beasting.
I played last night for the first time in a while, it was alot of fun.
I forgot how fun GGPO can be, so many young fools that think they are good. Shit talking starts immediatley with these guys and I have to admit, even though Im rusty, its stil fun as hell to shut them down.
Watching the old tourney videos still give me the chills lol
I thought that my tale was fairly exquisite, old bean.
would own anyone, would like to mm arturo in this.
Hey guys hosting an mvc1 ranking tourney next week on ggpo hope a lot of people join
click here for info about this ranking tourney http://generationx.freeforums.org/post4.html#p4
Looks good DeadShot, Ill try to make it and def sign up for the site.
GGS the other night too!
Yeah Good Games :china:
I loved MvC when it came out. Ryu mode change! and it was more balanced because of less fighters imo
Macro’s (1button 3 punch) changed Marvels game play so much it’s like playing a new Marvel. But I still play it sometimes, 2 many macro players on ggpo to own so it’s addicting.
I said everyone sucks, and I’m the best. :tup:
mg your fucking trash… you sucked when you used macros and you suck now. if your so good how come i 6 streakd you on stick when i dont even play mvc on it… lmao. you’ve been a joke since kaillera step it up ***
lies, how come I 13 streak liquid metal x who has actually been to tournaments and WON tournaments… I’m the best step yo game up:tup:
Sorry, but you arent better than me.
I can think of at least 6 people who I see beat mg regularly. Literally seen Darkcloud 20 streak him multiple times. Not sure where he is getting these delusions of grandeur from.
DarkCloud is a friggin beast at this game.
bobby I would boss that son, everyone on ggpo uses macros accept for me and dc and lmx there for you all suck GG. never heard of this dude level9 so he must be some random scrub oh well. Would MM anyone of you scrubs so boss up