Marvel Vs Capcom 1

Bring it and I’ll play!

Ok…here’s a quick, easy rundown of the tiers.

Top Tier:
Gold War Machine
War Machine
Red Venom

Mid Tier:
Captain America
Chun Li
Shadow Lady

Low Tier:
Mega Man
Captain Commando
Orange Hulk
Lilith (alt for Morrigan)

( I know I’m forgetting someone) >>

The best assists are Colossus and Psylocke. Psylocke comes out quicker than Colossus, but Col has a better angle in which he comes in, making him useful for AA assists. Psylocke just flies straight in the screen, but w/e. I believe Colossus also has one hit super-armor, but I’m not sure on that. Other useful assists are Michelle Heart, Lou, Shadow Charlie, Sentinel and Juggernaut.

As far as your last thing goes, I’m pretty sure you’re referencing the Wolverine Dash infinite. Something like, Dash, stand mp till Dead or Resetted. It’s rather hard to do on the stick, as it involves wave-dashing for every rep. Wave dashing is where you cancel your dash by pressing down after hitting all three punches to dash (or you could just do F,F, Down ; but that’s stupid). Some people use 3P and 3K keys on GGPO when using their Keyboards, so it makes it easier for them to do that combo when all it requires is one button press instead of three. Some people even have it programmed as a macro into their KB’s but whatever. Not gonna get into that.

Best bet is to find who you want to play and ask around for help. Lots of people in the MVC room on GGPO can be kinda…well…yeah. >> But there are a few that are really awesome folks and you can always ask here for help too.

I disagree on Lilith being low tier (still useful in chipping duos) and especially on Mega Man. Mega Man is high mid at least IMO. The runaway game and instant Beat Plane is too good to ignore.

You are missing at least Jin (ass character all around, possibly worst in the game) and Zangief (low-mid IMO).

I haven’t played MvC1 in AGES. I actually use to be really good at it. I’d be willing to throw down.

really apperciate this man not to many nice ppl on srk or ggpo. to many are jerks off the bat cause oh you dont know something but i mean i looked hard for this info before i asked. i know how to wave dash on mvc2 but its so hard on mvc cause of that extra button. how do you get lou or m.heart?? trying to get a strider lockdown pattern going. liking the tier list and makes sense.

Lou = Hold Start + MP (8 Uses)
Michelle Heart = Hold Start + LP + LK (6 Uses)
Storm = Hold Start + LP + HP + LK (6 Uses)
Psylocke = Hold Start + MK (5 Uses)

Strider can be good with almost any helper in MvC1, for lock-downs you can also try to use Storm which does some of the best chip damage in the game and is really good teamed up with Strider. Try to find ways to use patterns with his orbs when using helpers like Lou or Michelle Heart to lock opponents up, the same thing can be said with Devilot as your helper. Devilot + Strider is one of the most dangerous helper team-ups in the game in my opinion, since if you lock the opponents down correctly you can get free huge amounts of damage. The reason I say “free” is because when Devilot’s explosion happens the opponents character becomes vulnerable since its an unblockable attack. Psylocke is also really good for lock-downs with Strider since she comes out really fast and is one of the best helpers in the game her chip damage is decent as well. I have provided some of the helper codes + amount of uses above for your convenience as well :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m the best marvel 1 player mag sucks.

can somebody please refresh my memory on the wolverine infinite?? what is it again?

dash low short, stand mp low, wave dash, low short, stand mp, ^nth.

Doom gave some really good helpers for Strider, but I think the best overall halper in the game is still Colossus. He can lead to combos with many characters and sets up an unpunishable Orobouros with Strider.

I mainly just use whatever helper that the game gives me, because I like to emphasize that any helper has a use. Sometimes I’ll run with Pur and Fur, lol.

But as far as basic Strider tactics go, your main tactic is to find a way to safely land Orbs. Since two characters that I know of can punish it. Wolverine gets a free Fatal Claw super and Strider can punish it with his DP+P move. So, you need to set up the super by using helpers and dogs to get it out . Once you get it out, you can use your standard MVC2 stuff to get in on your opponent. Teleports, Wave Dashing, His QCF+ P move, double jumping, calling helpers…etc etc. Strider also does well in DUOs with his Legion super, since it can keep people from trying to Super Jump out. The main thing I want to emphasize though with Strider is to keep moving. Strider is not a defensive character whatsoever and a few good combos will kill him. so ,use all the stuff at your disposal to move around the stage.

Strider’s best teammates imo are Wolverine, Red Venom, War Machine, and GWM.

Im on GGPO now, anyone want to get some games in?

^ you’re not coming to Evo?

Bernie, My finances are a mess right now Bernie. I was gonna hop a flight this Thursday but it would be irresponsible of me to do that now. I was set to go but my house started eating my money last month.

Sorry to hear that, boss. I can definitely appreciate your situation. Good luck on the house and hopefully we can meet sometime in the future.

I made an account on GGPO today and was wanting to know if any of you guys still play on it. When is the best time to play people on GGPO as I see no one to challenge in the lobby.

There are always people playing Marvel vs Capcom on GGPO, especially throughout the weekdays. Just tell me your username and I’ll be glad to play you. I’m known as Mr. Diablo

It’s Usually Infested By Mexicans Like Mr. Diablo (LoL) But Usually N.America’s On @ Late Hours (8PM+)

What’s Your Name? I Want To Tear You A New One With Mah Swift OTGs.

Weekends are usually the days that most people play.

Fishy, you’re still damn ugly. You’re better off playing with a paper bag over your head! :lol:

I PM’d you Fishy. For some reason it won’t let me PM Diablo.

Shoo! I Am Gorgeous! No Trolls Allowed!