Marvel Studios | The Infinity Saga ends

With the arrival of Mutants to the MCU still 5 years away, I think we’ll have 2 or 3 more movies with Ryan Reynolds playing Deadpool, before the character is rebooted and integrated into the MCU.

Deadpool 3, X-Force and maybe even Deadpool 4.

The fact that his chosen people leaked it, you festering shitbred cuntnugget.

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except if they were really following islam they wouldn’t have watched it in the first place. Congrats you ignorant inbred. Its like blaming God for something Trump and 'Mericans did.

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Can we not discuss fictional non-Marvel cosmic entities in here?


that’s my point. there was no need to bring that sort of BS into a thread like that.


Allah loses to Living Tribunal for free anyway.


Sure. Enjoy your the movie. Lets talk after youre done.

Well keep in mind Allah isn’t a name, its just the Muslim word for God.
Islamic followers just like using their word to differentiate their teachings from Judaism or Christianity, despite being the same god.

How that ties with the thread, well the Living Tribunal answers to only one entity the “One above all”, although Marvel never directly spelled it out it is the same god as the Judaism,Christianity and Islam (or it’s just Jack Kirby).

Allah loses to Squirrel Girl in a burkah for free.

And The Mouse loses to Allah for however many millions his princes paid to get an early showing from whence they leaked.

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The BS is yea ole Saudi boys seeing themselves as above any and all Earthly rules not proscribed in Allah’s playbook.

Facts are facts.

No need for you to blow up over this.

Before you guys ever call any other thread retarded, always remember that you guys argued over Islam’s role in leaking spoilers.



Yeah this is silly as hell. This happens whenever anyone gets an early preview of a show.

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Let me troll him unimpeded, P.

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anyways… don’t know if this has been posted or not…

Guys, all religions have gotten bashed at one point or another. While I dont want weird derailments into religious topics, dont flag comments thst woulsnt make people bat an eye if they were directed at Christianity.

If Jesus gotta hold that, so does Mohammed. Dont flag over weird minor shit.

Thank you.


Especially not if you yourself, as the whiner for the Sky Fairy lil’ g to JHVH’s huge Judaic schlong, whose prophet was a child rapist, are known to diss Christianity like it is breathing to you.

Not siding with those nutters, nor naming other gods’ names…

Norse gods are the most badasses js



Except if apologist. :coffee:

Wodin > ______.

Odin is Wodin without even a single “W”.

Heads up to anyone who buys digital. iTunes (not sure about other digital platforms) is having a sale on almost every MCU movie. 50% off. So $8-10 each depending on the movie. The rest that isn’t 50% off are 25% off so around $15

I already own all of them. They did this when infinity war was announced so I’m not surprised they’re doing it again with end game.