Marvel Studios | Hide Your Eyes, Hide Your Ears

Thats an accidental spoiler!

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I mean, the dude is the avatar for the living tribunal, the most powerful beings in the marvel universe except for The One Above All. He goes beyond power cosmic. Lol.

Also, phase 4 has already been said to be about the exploration of power cosmic, different dimensions/realities, deep space and beyond. So I’m sure we’re going to see a tooooon of shenanigans and OP characters abound.


Post credits scene in GOTG 2

I mean, if we are talking thermal dynamics, we have a guy who once had a giant battery inside of his chest that had the energy output of 3 nuclear reactors. Why wasn’t he vaporized on wake-up?

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She’s garbage in the comics too. She stopped being an interesting character once she took up the mantle of Captain Marvel. Civil War II put the bullet in her head.

He’s more likable than present Carol so I will welcome his bullshit.


Healing factors for a lot of characters are fishy at best. Like Thor’s Hammer can help him regrow limbs for example. Deadpool’s regen powers use to be instantaneous but then they retconned it Into basically a mood ring. If he’s upset or mad it takes longer and puts him in a state of agony. If he’s in a good mood the healing process goes much faster and causes no pain.

So much Salt over a strong woman character.

The character that got a BS make over int he comics is Cyclops.
He all of the sudden not evil and not a complete douche bag.


I would argue that the fate of the


Guardians in EG

allow for Adam to exist without it feeling like an asspull

It wouldn’t be a problem if Marvel attempts to make Carol a “strong woman” didn’t make her unlikable.

Cyclops is fucking right.


eheheheh hahahahaha!!!

See below

Cyclops realizing Magneto was right but then turning into beyond a mutant militant extremist was one of the best character developments ever.

Even Magneto was like “dude chill the fuck out”


Only bit which seemed a bit off to me about Cap Marvel is the scene with black widow getting reports from her, racoon (?), Okoye and Cheadle. It seemed a bit lulz to me that black widow of all people was bossing Marvel around.

Maybe it was just out of respect since by that point the avengers have been in action for 8+ years or whatever.

Also re Aforce scene. Yes it was quite a lot on the nose but I still liked it and thought it was totally bad ass.


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Widow wasn’t bossing anyone around. They were leaders updating themselves on the current state of the universe.


She has a Hitech suit made by the Kree.
Basically sher suit made by aliens. Also the way the film goin about her powers, they make sort of a forcefeild around her, which happens to protect her clothing too.

The only time I liked X-Men. I loved that Cyclops.

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It was just so awesome finally seeing the “boy scout” finally get some real character development.

I still hate Cyke but like. It was just cool to see.

That lil girl shoulda picked a seethrough colour then instead of the blue red redesign.