Marvel Comics Thread

after reading hulk 105 all i have to say is that the illuminati and earth are royally fucked

I liked Yu’s pencils much more in Fallen Son that came out today then I did in New Avengers. Much much MUCH more. Except for one panel where Wolverine was dropping down to a lower lever that Winter Soldier fell in where Logan looked pretty akward the rest of the book looked amazing. I’m starting to think Yu is just not a team book person, to my eyes anyway.

I’m reading it right now and… wow. Never knew what hit 'im.

“You okay? That last shot was pretty close. It didn’t graze you ,did–” ZLAK!!

After finishing reading: That’s fucked up. It wasn’t even her fault.

This week’s reads for me:
Hulk: Can’t WAIT for WW Hulk. I hope Tony gets torn the fuck up.

Fallen Son: Very well written. “What’s the gun for, Logan?” lol


Other Marvel comics I read this week:

Ms. Marvel - Julia Carpenter, Iron Man and a suprise Iron Man villain at the end of the issue. I felt like I was home watching the 90s Iron Man cartoon!

Villain who shows up at the end of Ms. Marvel


Modok oh yeah!

Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness - Ha ha Ash is too funny. The routine he did with Spider-Man kept reminding me of Bruce’s appearances in the Spider-Man movies ha ha! Checking out Dazzler’s butt for zombie bites Ash is the man! :rofl: What a cliffhanger ending wasn’t expecting that to happen…

Omega Flight: Man after that Civil War Daily Bugle special where USAgent was talking crap and calling Captain America a pansy I expected more of that in the first issue of Omega Flight #1 but he’s not even in the book! Hopefully the USAgent dose of Hatorade will be all over issue #2

Avengers The Initiative - Okay now how did the writer Slott get me to care about a character they killed in the same issue? I Gotta stop sleeping on Slott…

Friendly Spider-Man - Great read as always. Spider-Man and Sandman banter is too funny. Peter David remembered that Spider-Man doesn’t have a Driver’s License, that was brought up last year too I think by Bendis. :rofl: Alternate reality Uncle Ben is over and done with thank goodness and the mystery of who Ms. Arrow still deepens…

My reads this week:

Hulk: Man WWH can’t come fast enough. He’s gonna fuck someone up!! I’d had my fill of ethical discussions and dick swinging with Civil War, I wanna see some good old fashion asswhoopin, and Hulk is gonna do that. WARBOUND BITCHES!!!

Runaways: I’m glad that Whedon didn’t sap the team’s wit out of the book, but I gotta ask wtf is he doing with that last page?? Sending HIM after them? Crazy.

The art’s not bad, but not as good as before. Meh.

Initiative: The whole time I was reading it, I had a flashback to the first couple of chapters of that X-Men Academy X book(before they changed the name to New X-Men)…but I liked this version alot less for some reason. Plus they got rid of the most badass person in the issue. Sucks.

I’ll read Fallen Son when I get home from work.

I dunno, have you seen Namor fight? He knocked Hulk out with one punch, ONE!

Marvel comic reads for me keep getting slimmer and slimmer. I stopped UFF when the crap God War came around, USM I still read, just because I need some Spidey in my life. WWH I want to read because A: I like Hulk and B: A lot of bastards will be beaten on (Tony Stark, Ms. Marvel, etc.). Annihilation is the best thing they are producing, and I’m waiting for the sequel, Wraith looks fucking awesome.

Also on the Spidey identity thing, he could pull a Tony Stark and Build one of those mind wipe towers and make them forget…you know, because that shit is plausible.

Namor’s new comic will be sweet…I hope…

Also when the hell is Ultimates #13 coming out? I love that comic, but when you stretch that love consequences aren’t far behind.

Actually, Ultimate Marvel is the only Marvel I read (Okay, I picked up Deadly Genesis, and House of M and am awaiting Civil War, but I mostly stay away from 616. Too much continuity that I don’t care to follow.)

My takes on:

Ultimate Spider-Man: I know I’m going to get flamed for this, but I have yet to read a bad USM arc. Well… okay Deadpool sucked ass, but 16 out of 17 ain’t bad. I liked the clone saga and would like to know more about Spider-Woman, Scorpion and Gwen “Carnage” Stacy (bullshit move as that was). Hmm… now that I think about it, there were some sucky moves done by BMB, but it’s still mostly good. Personally though, even though there’s a high chance the arc will suck, I want to see Ultimate Venom again.

The Ultimates: Fucking awesome. Just… when… are… they… going… to… release… the… next… issue…? Seriously, they should be on like Ultimates 5 by now.

Ultimate Fantastic Four: Ultimate Sue Storm rocks my world! Seriously, she has to be the most badass female character in UltiMarvel. Also, F4 as a whole is probably the best Ultimazation there is right now. I mean, for the longest time, the Fantastic Four were some of the most boring heroes ever, but not UF4. Although Ultimate Doom is teh ghey. Goat hooves FTL.

Ultimate X-men: Weak for the longest time. Jumped the shark at about the “New Mutants” arc. Also, Cable as Wolverine? WTF? And now they’re bringing Beast back? Oh, Fuck you Marvel. Moving Kitty Pryde to USM is probably the best thing they could have done for her.

I dunno if I’m right or what, but Namor has been getting nerfed over the years IMO. I smell this ending in bullshit. I called it, folks. Utter bullshit.

he knocked hulk over and then hulk was restrained by thanos. that is the only time i can think of where namor went at hulk 1 on 1.

I just read Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness.


anyway, the only Marvel Title I’ve been considering reading is Moon Knight, and Power Pack.

but there’s just so much DC out there I wanna read, that adding Marvel Titles just doesn’t feel right.

While that title is good, I have one little problem . . . Where the hell was the spider sense ? :wonder:

I dunno, it never occurred to me, but meh.

I’m not a Marvel reader normally, so I missed the detail.

That was pretty consistant actually because no one can agree on how strong or weak his Spider Sense is… It’s just like Wolverine’s healing factor…

If it makes any difference they are not on 616 anyway… his Spider Sense could just be weaker in this world is all. :rofl:

Well maybe you’re right, perhaps that’s a weaker universe. That can be confirmed with the fact

that they . . .


freaking ate Galactus -an entity who was supposed to be made of 100% energy, near the end of MZ 5

That last bit is more than enough . . .


I loved how Planet Hulk played out and loved every issue, I can’t believe its still not selling as well as it should. Remember when Planet Hulk just started and I posted how I would find it in dollar bins a month after? If you aren’t going to follow Hulk now you just need to get your head checked!

I love the “Marvelness” of it all, since House of M, the moral ambiguousity between Hero and Villain especially now that Hulk is approaching earth, warbound to his fellow gladiators who want nothing more than TOTAL ANNIHILATION OF MANKIND! Would you still cheer for the Hulk as he is pounds on Dr. Strange’s face? As he breaks every limb in Spider-man’s body? What’s going to happen when every Marvel character on earth is an antagonist?

Be here in 30 days!

See…now I am getting interested in the Hulk.

For real.

I wonder who’s gonna be the first ones to detect Hulk’s arrival. Because it can just be the Hulk and his friends instantly on Iron Man’s doorstep. Somebody’s gotta be flying around the moon and spot Hulk’s death fleet heading to Earth or something.

And there has GOT to be a panel somewhere in WWH with Namor going “I told you so”.

What is X-Men: Endangered Species going to be about? My knowledge about the end of HoM is kinda fuzzy. The impression I get is that Prof. X and Magneto just disappeared and nobody knows where they went. It seems that some Marvel ppl have hinted that some big event for the mutants is coming in November. For some reason I have a strong feeling that they are gonna come back and Xavier is gonna have the ability to walk.

Also, is there an issue I skipped over because last thing I see



Iron Man gets taken over and morphed into Ultron then next he’s all better.

You’re not missing anything. That happened in Mighty Avengers #1 and it ended like that, the story will continue in Mighty Avengers #2 that’s not out yet so you have to check that to see what happens.



i think it’s black bolt, but i’m not 100% on that since i just saw it in a world war hulk preview.