Marvel Comics Thread

When’s the cutoff date for the Skrew Poo? I have an idea or two, but I may hold off on declaring in case I have a chance to go to the store and do some more “research.”

Professor X is a skrull

Skrew Poo I like that title lol! Two weeks from tomorrow good for everybody? I’ll start a separate thread for it tomorrow. Anyone have any Liefeld or bad comics to send me if I win? :rofl:

I thought I had read that they were trying to set up Spider Woman for her own series. Wouldn’t her being a Skrull screw that up?

Shhh!!! If someone wants to waste his choice on Spider-Woman, it ain’t our fault!!

By the way, I think we should ban certain choices. Like, no one should be able to call Elektra, Hulkling, or Super-Skrull as Skrulls.

Captain America’s dead fucking body! (At least that is what my Marvel-obsessed friend keeps insisting, so I’m gonna go with it.)

I don’t know enough about non X-Characters, but I doubt it would be any of the X-Men since there are psychics all around them.

well one of the illuminati is a skrull. doc strange and iron tool are the only ones that are guaranteed to not be skrulls. the other three are in the air.

I just wanna know where the hell did they develop the technology to shapeshift at this level.
and how come they aren’t trying to reclaim their lost empire since its been a few days since Annihilation?

Yeah. Strange and Iron Man can’t be Skrulls or else that would make for some pretty terrible story planning on Marvel’s part.

Someone remind me, has there ever been any mention or explanation on whether Skrulls have been able to replicate metahuman abilities other than the powers of the FF? I’m wondering if they have been shown to exhibit psychic powers.

It’d be kind of cheap if Xavier turned out to be Skrull considering what happened in the Bru’s comics, but anything is possible… I can imagine Bru and Bendis plotting to mess with us.

I’d say it is Dr. Strange

Considering how lame he is under Bendis pen it certainly doesn’t seem like the top magic user that he is supposed to be.

I don’t think Strange is it. If he was then what about Dr Strange: the Oath? I doubt it they would make that story void.

i’ll say it

maria hill

btw i remember a some scenes where electro seemed to have green skrull eyes…i have to find the pic…

Final Update before I start the new thread.


sano - Sub-Mariner
akumatrunigga - Storm
Adam Warlock - Wolverine
FreddyLOcO - Wonder Man
Pained Auron - Mr. Fantastic
ShinkuuR - Spider-Woman
4Play - Blackbolt
Kane_warhead - Professor X
Wolfkiller - Captain America’s dead fucking body
Wellman - Doctor Strange
Rengoku - Maria Hill

They don’t have to. Could be the SKrull Strange has been dancing around the real Strange who only makes appearances in our reality once in a while before popping off to some magical plane or something.

Or Strange might not actually be a Skrull but under Skrull control through some sort of means. Either way, it explains in a story setting why he has failed to do the simplest magic tricks when he has gone toe to toe with Marvel’s Cthulu but can’t float a half dozen people while a plane crashes.

Skrull Pool thread started lol!

it is not signed but i have one of the Truth comics regarding the story of the black captain america

New Avengers sounds way too confusing now. But I dropped the book months ago anyhow.

I just read my issues of Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #'s 14-16. Good story arc. I’ve really enjoyed Peter David’s Run on the book. So many other writers are trying to get these Earth-shattering events that unfold across 6-7 freaking issues. Its nice to read a story arc that’s only 3 issues long, remains true to the source material and makes you laugh. And Kudos to PD for bringing back Debra Whitman and The Vulture. Oh and Stephen Colber in FNSM 15? Freaking great!! :rofl: Awww, why does FNSM have to be canceled? I’d love for them to keep it going and give PD a nice 6 year run with the book like JMS had with Amazing Spider-Man. I think four Spidey books is too many but two is juuuust right.

Truth: Red, White, & Black is a great Marvel comic, though. Come on - it’s Kyle Baker! Even Alan Moore said it was one of the best Marvels of the modern day. There’s no reason to treat it with the same disrespect as a Heroes Reborn crap.

If you want more Peter David Spider-Man, he wrote a lot of issues of it back in the '80s. I don’t remember exactly what issues his run was, but I am sure you can find it if you do a little digging. I have his Death of Jean DeWolff TPB - that was from Amazing Spider-Man. I think he also had a run on either Spectacular Spider-Man or Peter Parker, Spider-Man.

I also noticed that he’s contributed at least a few issues to the Marvel Adventures Spider-Man title. I read this one issue a few months ago where Spidey fought Fin Fang Foom and it was awesome. I wish I had bought it when I had the chance.

Yeah I think that’s a good comic too so no thanks lol!