Is starlord out yet?
someone convince my by tomorrow to pre-order the brubaker capt. america omnibus. For some reason it isnt look appealing to me right now
Ah dammit, am I too late to convince you? What happened to the Church of Bru members around here? If Giddy doesn’t buy the Cap HC, I will hold Painy, deathy, ragey, and the rest of you all responsible.
Look, the Omnibus is only 37.50 on You can’t really go wrong with that price, man. Not only is it Brubaker, it’s one of Brubaker’s great works. Right up there on the same level as Catwoman, Gotham Central, and Daredevil.
I mean first of all, it’s Captain America. You know how rare it is to find GOOD Captain America solo stories? Tell me one run on Cap that you believe stands out, and I will tell you that Bru’s run is easily equal to or superior to it. Second, Bru’s Cap stories are extremely well-thought out and contain a magical balance of action, character development, and plotting. Third, the art has Epting and Perkins, probably two of the top three or four artists who came back from CrossGen.
Fourth, and most important, the Cap Omnibus will change your life for the better. This is proven scientific fact because I lost 4 pounds since I started reading Cap.
hmm…I still don’t know though. Gotham Central didn’t wow me and Cap has never been one of my favorite characters or anything. The art looks really dark and muddy too
gabe. it’s a great run. just trust us. you’ll be a better man for it.
ANSWER MY TEXT MESSAGES ZEPHY!!! i thought you loved me :sad::sad::sad::sad:
Not this week. Although, Nova had his tie in issue this week, definately some critical stuff there at least for the character.
That’s because the story resembles the artwork. It’s not a pretty story when it comes to this Captain America. Brubaker Cap is not your normal Cap. This isn’t Cap vs. Hydra vs. Red Skull vs. Stiltman.
It’s a much more serious Cap compared to the semi-campy stuff from the 90’s where Cap would fight the villain of the month. There’s espionage and crazy action involved. And there is also character development to the max.
I really can’t describe it because it’s one of those books that you just have to read. It’s that good. Brubaker does not fail with this Captain America run. It’s definitely a lot more gimmick-free compared to John Ney Reiber’s run when Cap was fighting terrorism(thank you 9/11).
When you read this book, every character connects to the next and they all fit into the story. No character is left behind in this run. I say give it a try. If you don’t like, I’ll even buy it off of you for the price you paid. Real talk.
I dunno how to do the “hidden” text thing, or I would say something on the Skrull incident.
Marvel has gotten a little better in my eyes, but it’s far from being my favorite comic company. Comics I’m reading:
New Avengers: I hate Bendis, but I can’t get enough of this, great story that I hope won’t be messed with when Bendis does his Avenger giant plots, but I really doubt it. Most of his revamped 70’s heroes (I’m looking at you Ms. Marvel) I dislike, but he’s doing Luke Cage in a great way. Iron Fist has always been a favorite of mine, and the whole team meshes well even though they are vastly different. Whoever the artist is is amazing, love his work.
World War Hulk: Finally a Marvel mega event I’m actually reading! Amazing huh? I love the Hulk, I want to see him get what he wants, and if he rips Tony Stark’s head off in the process then I’m just fine with that. I want to see Namor’s part in it, since besides Cap (pre-death, unlike most of his “Fans” now.) he’s always been one of my favorite heroes.
Anything Ultimate: If this was it’s own company, I would be a VERY devoted fan. The Ultimate universe is the greatest thing Marvel has going for it, and with the exception of X-Men (For the moment) I recommend all the titles. Ult. FF is my favorite, followed by Ultimates then Spidey. Ultimate Power is a great story so far, and with what Bendis said look forward to an Ultimate mega event sometime this year. I recently bought the Ult. Gah Lak Tus hardcover and want to see more of Captain Marvel, but I doubt I’ll see him for a while. With Ultimates 2 (Finally!) over, I look forward to the next installment, and maybe a monthly or bi-monthly date for once. Ultimates 13 seemed like a…filler issue to me, like they threw everything together just for the sake of it.
Iron Fist: Awesome comic, I have a feeling it’ll be cancelled though…
Sensational Spidey: Only reading this to see Eddie’s return, I’m curious to see where he is going.
WWH: X-Men special- I’m not a big X fan, but this comic is great. I might start reading New X-Men due to this, though I believe that is the one with the odd kid killing thing going with it.
Can’t think of the rest, but that’s most of it anyways. Good to see Ult. Power getting some fans, anyone here read the Exiles “King Hyperion” Story arc? One of my all time fav’s, check it out if you haven’t.
Fuck marvel and having all these cosmic series without Warlock.
yeah, i still haven’t found any of warlocks stuff other than his spots in all of the thanos stuff i have.
question, do any of warlock’s comics have pip in them? goddamn i hate that little fuck.
Wasn’t I supposed to upload some shit? I completely forgot. If you pm me instructions again I’ll upload the stuff I have digitally.
Pip is in quite a bit of his stuff. I like how Warlock just pimps him into doing shit.
Lmao I got a mental picture of Warlock pimping out Pip, purple fedora and all.
Warlock seems to be the butt of the Marvel Cosmic universe, you almost never see him, and when you do, he’s either getting his ass kicked, had his ass kicked, or is about to have his ass kicked. I like him a lot, but he isn’t getting any respect.
On the topic of Cosmic, has anyone had the chance to read the new Annihilation comics? I loved the original and was wondering if these were any good. Wraith looks like he’d be an instant fan boy grabber.
no prob, i’ll prob send you a pm at some point.
Like this only don’t space the letters in the brackets apart.
[ s p o i l e r = Skrulls]Man now that Bendis is writing the Halo comic I bet you Master Chief will be a Skrull! The mystery of Master Chief solved finally! [ / s p o i l e r ]
Or just quote this message or any message with a spoiler tag to see how it’s done -
Skrulls, not really a spoiler
Master Chief = SKRULL! Man I knew he was up to no good when he decided to work with the Arbitor, COMMUNIST!
Cool thanks a lot.
Skrull who’s who
Two people instantly jump to mind when I think Skrulls: Captain America and Hawkeye/Ronin. The latter more than the former, and I’ll cover ole eagle eye’s first. During the…w.e it was called arc where SW went all ape crazy, Hawkeye supposedly died with no trace of his body, and just a few scant comics later he pops up, fresh and all new. Another thing that threw me off was in New Avengers #22 as Ronin he didn’t act like he knew what being an Avenger meant, though this could be because of the exiled nature of this team and he’s unfamliar. Onto Cap. First off Wolverine smelled the body and said it wasn’t his scent, there’s one hint. Second the Mighty Avengers were quick to get the New Avengers away from there, and the whole mess was soon shrouded with the Hand and crap. The only reason I can’t fully say he is is because when would the Skrull have the time to take him over, and why didn’t the body revert back to Steve after his “Death” so much mystery
Problem with that theory is #1: Hawkeye got resurrected by the Scarlet Witch. He was already in a state of confusion as to how he is still alive plus Iron Man met up with him and did a full check out on him at Shield headquarters to see if he was the ACTUAL Hawkeye which turns out he was.
#2:Cap being a Skrull has already been debunked seeing as how when he died his body shriveled up to an old man. That fake Cap body was just bait so the Mighty Avengers could take out the New Avengers.
Hmm…kinda defeats the purpose of me using the spoiler box. Still here I go again:
Hawkeye Theory
That is taking into account that Tony himself isn’t a Skrull, which is a hotly debated topic right now, which if he was would cover for Hawkeye Skrull and place him as a sleeper agent of sorts within the New Avengers to monitor them.
hawkeye theory
[details=Spoiler] if Tony was really a skrull then that whole Civil War situation would have been bullshit from the get go. But Bendis has said many of times since this whole skrull thing has kicked off the Tony isn’t a Skrull and that he wouldn’t do that to the fans.
If anything i would put money on Ms. marvel but thats a longshot though.
Hell i’d venture to say that MAYBE Tony knew something like this may happen ever since the Illuminati’s little tussle with the Skrulls after the Kree/Skrull War but thats giving Stark too much credit. But anythings possible though.[/details]
[details=Spoiler] Thing is i would like to see what the skrulls got from there torturing of the Illuminati. They did too much research on those members not to have something come out of it. Then again only thing i can see was maybe them being able to bypass Dr. Strange’s magic somehow.
hmph…who know. I just pray to God that this doesn’t turn into some bullshit where they retcon past storylines.[/details]