Maritimes Thread 2011

MechaBlackZilla has got to turn his Xbox on. Tired of waiting to be his friend. :slight_smile:

Way to talk to yourself, Joooooooooooooon.

Also, his stuff is back home, he doesn’t have it out in Sydney. You’ll have to wait until April/May.

Friendship status: denied.

We can be SRK friends in the meantime, right? If you’re THAT desperate, I could call my brother and have him add you to my friends list for me. :wink:

Give this girl 100 million internets! :party:

100 Million Internets?! What will I do with it all!? I pretty much own the internet anyways.

I’ll take half.

Great endless last night. Glad to see the Springhill guys showing up too. Sorry I couldn’t stick around, otherwise I would have played all night.

Of course the one time my gracious internet benefactors decide to disappear, it’s right when I need to play with people, Sigh!

Good games last night Ox our game will never die.

I hate Deadpool, not the character design, he’s not that hard to beat. No, I hate the actual character, he’s incredibly annoying, and wont shut the hell up. I swear, I tried to do some of his missions and I had to stop, Deadpool just wouldn’t shut up.

Mute the TV or turn off the sfx temporarily.

I still hate him.


Yeah, I won’t even consider Deadpool as a playable character because he is so annoying.


Getting my disc resurfaced Kyle. We’ll battle soon.

What happened to it anyways? Did you mistake it for a coaster?

Hey kyle, check this
And what did you do to your disc nick??

It’s got a perfect 1/2 the disc arc scratch. Musta happened while the game was spinning in the 360, I don’t get it. Game boots up every tome, but once you see the FIGHT, right before a match happens, its 50/50 if it will mess up from there.

Adam is getting it resurfaced for me. He also said as long as I can get a copy installed on my system, I should be good to go, even if the scratch is too bad.


As soon as it goes up on the iTunes store it is bought.

Ah, that sucks though, Pizza. Don’t worry though, we can celebrate by doing a FT 5 or 10 or something.

That’s awesome, haha.

Hm. Stupid 360’s seem to like eating discs. The resurfacing should fix you up alright. I mean, it made the copy Jon decided to grind up hardcore in my 360 work perfectly again.

…oh, that was funny.
