Isn’t there a Marvel night on fridays at LGS now, or was that a one time thing?
I’m pretty sure the MvC3 stuff is run by Simon and Katie, so days for that are mixed in with Blazblue, or at their discretion.
I don’t have anyone here I can travel with (yet). I haven’t made any concrete plans, but I still have over a week to do so.
Who here is going to the NB tourney?
Halifax, whens a good time to come visit? I need more deep fried pepperoni.
Stuff the rest of GHSF in your suitcase when you come.
LOL, they’d be hard to bring seeing as some of them tend to forget to carry ID so we get kicked out of bars. lol
I’m sure there’s some sketchy enough places to get in just fine sans ID! We’re not classy here or anything.
Actually, I find all of my experiences have been extremes when going into bars. I’ve just walked into some places, and I’ve been ID’d 9 times in a single night at a place I was a regular. I think I got refused entry in a place once because of wearing a collar, too. D= Sad!
That was a crap night.
I dunno about a good time to come, but it seems like there’s not too much crazy exciting happening save for a tournament every couple months. Perhaps I don’t know what I’m talking about and I’m a bad person to give an opinion. Heh.
hahah last time I came, I brought the tournament with me rofl.
Haha, this is true. I wasn’t thinking you were intending on doing that again just yet, though.
Well, in that case, you should just come anytime! I’m certain you’ll make it entertaining regardless. Just get Shrub drunk and take all of his money. It’ll totally work. Trust me.
hahah yeah, i still need to take that 40 dollars i donated back.
Shrubs a money Pinata, we just need to break him and take it all. Probably some time after April, just because of exams for those of us in Uni.
That might be a good idea. Donating is for bitches. Don’t want to do that, now.
Yeah. I forgot about you people in Uni. I better be…work…terming around then. You know, making web pages and stuff.
By the way, it is hard to type when you have a cat on your face. I hope I am typing things good.
man i’m old. school was almost 5 years ago now.
For having a cat on your face, you typed pretty well.
I checked you’re profile and you’re only 5 days older than me! :looney: I don’t consider myself old and I’m in school.
I’m a professional at typing under distractions. I live with annoying people and will probably have to make stuff for annoying clients. Also, the internet is the greatest distraction of all!
Tis simply discipline all of us web developers must have.
Pfft, discipline coming from you? Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.
when ever you come down RXS, I’m sure we’ll throw some sort of Maritime shindig.
Sweet. I’m thinking after EVO.
RXS: We’ll have a tournament in your honour
Endless Battle Tonight at 7pm in lieu of no Ran Bats (due to weather) All are invited!
Full endless room!