You annoy me.
Someone try this for me! I’m sitting in my Geology course and don’t have access to my Marvel 3. L-M-electric blast-mash H-S-sjc-M-M-H-killer bee-S-sjc-M-M-H-special H-Guns.
Positive it’s corner only, I’m not sure if you can get the S out after his guns thing after the electric blast move thing though.
sup nameless women [media=youtube]KBB9YHQA-oI[/media]
Dem titties.
I’ll be there! Everyone show up to this tournament!
Posted again for good measure:
I’m sorry! What’s wrong with titties, guys? SERIOUSLY?!
I really want to head out to that tournament. I’ll have to talk with the guys here on our Shittank Saturday sessions to see what the haps are and if there are plans to go there.
Not just any titties, dem titties.
Meh thats alright for stylin, but try
S-H-QCF+M-M-jump-M-M-QCF+L-S-H-QCF+H-Million Dollars
Oh yeah and if they’re in the corner KFC into Jam Session infinite
I know what kind of titties I want to get myself into! Jeez!
Also, you better go, Motorack, and take Guru, or I will cry. Real talk.
Chili and strippers? That’s a great combination.
I have 2 spots open in my car leaving from Halifax Saturday morning. I don’t remember who asked for the 3rd spot. Whomever it was, please remind me.
Dare I say, a hot situation?
Jon, I talked to you about getting a ride with you up there, I don’t know if I’m the one you couldn’t remember. If I am, I am hurt </3. Also, are we going straight up and then back down that day?
Bricked, it is prolly you.
Right now the car is jumping with Shrub, Mesmer, Bricked and I.
For the love of god, bring CDs that aren’t boring. I don’t have an MP3 aux hookup.
But all I have is indie hipster music
I still need to know if it’s a one day trip, haha.
When talking to him tonight, the one day trip seemed to be his intention… leaving at 8am, leaving to come back at 8pm or so.
After looking into heading to this tournament a bit more, I found out I can’t get work off to go, so I’ll have to wait for the next one. This was was a bit disappointing to find out.
Aren’t people staying overnight? Not sure…
I’m leaving Friday night after my Dance on Broadway wrap party and I’m sticking around until Sunday morning/noon or so.
Anyone going with Jon needs to get a hold of him.