On point she controls practically the entire screen horizontally. Dante’s Corridor handles the vertical space she lacks. Dorm’s Dark Hole helps a bit with projectile nullifying and could help her utilize Typhon a bit more. Whirlwind as an assist is great cause it goes 85% of the screen, fast and usually nulls all projectiles in it’s path and hits the opponent or their assist. Might even be able to chaos flame on reaction to whirlwind hit as well. DHC into and out of Hail Storm is almost always guarantied and very effective.
She’s the only one that jumps out at me for this team at right now. Will maul it over a bit more, but can’t think of anyone else except for Sent. He greatly benefits from Jam session, and thats all he really needs. And his drone assist is the bee’s knee’s.
Edit: Forgot, X factor Stalking Flair DHC HailStrom does amazing chip damage.
Not that I know anything but is Storm’s horizontal control really that good in this? I don’t play her but I’ve found I’m usually able to beat her projectiles. Might just be my perspective from spamming Arthur’s lances, but even against Storm players who should by all rights be dominating me I haven’t had a hard time getting in.
The projectile game in mvc3 feels pretty amped up (Ryu’s l hadokens, Arthur’s anything, and I’m really happy about Deadpool’s pineapple surprise). noob friendliness?
ps. if anybody can suggest a good assist third for Arthur/Sent, I’m using Deadpool right now but there is really not a whole lot of synergy on this team. Should I even be playing Arthur? I’m definitely relying on keepaway too much.
I feel very much the opposite. In Super, normals are what give you ideas if you’re doing it right. In Marvel, I’d get an idea then realize that the move/character/button doesn’t exist in the game and just get more annoyed.
I’m getting Marvel for my birthday, so I’ve been looking up stuff and I just realize that there’s hardly any characters in this game that I like (speaking from a superficial “that character’s cool” viewpoint - not gameplay, mechanics, etc…). Pretty much every character I really enjoyed in MvC2 didn’t make it across. Maybe Doc Ock will make up for Omega Red, but I doubt it.
Kind of too bad you can’t fully rock a Final Fight trio. Probably will try some really random combinations like Arthur, Haggar and Chris… dunno.
Probably going to want a get the hell of me assist. Dante’s Jam Session is a good idea, Haggar Latriat assist has close to 70 frames of invulnerability and serves this purpose extremely well. Also Haggar benefits from having Arthur’s-B and especially Sent’s Drone assist for getting in and nasty knockdown games.
See, when I play, I’m not looking for things not in the game, I’m playing it and going “well, if I do this, then this, followed with an OTG with an assist, can I get another good combo going?” Most of the time, you get some pretty cool shit coming out.
Sorry you don’t think the characters are awesome. =<
I was worried I wouldn’t like many for a while. but then I decided to get latched on Dormammu for some reason. Probably because his head is on fucking fire, and he’s a total badass.
I’m sure I’ll find some when I get to really sit down and have time to really go deeper into the game eventually. Just looking at the movelists and how-to vids in the hyper guide, there’s not really anyone that jumps out at me aside from Haggar yet. We’ll see.