Maritimes Thread 2011

You still had respect for me? I thought we were mortal enemies?

we are now.

Immortal enemies: Nobody wins. EVER.

God dammit.


I made this! And it’s even better!

Oi, Oopo or Flushes, can we be immortal enemies? Sounds like a pretty sweet deal.

Aren’t you and Flushes already immortal enemies? You both eat like shit and aren’t dead yet. You have to be immortal.

I’m more of an immoral enemy kinda guy, sorry.

Wow, you win.

Hey Shrub, want to play some games on Sunday before we do our FT5 on Monday?

I doubt I’ll be able to do much of anything on Sunday, as I’ve been slacking off on schoolwork all break, but if I somehow manage to get things done, sure!

You’re going down! Probably! More likely if I sell my soul and pick up Sent, which is looking like a huge possibility, haha.

SENTINEL CANNOT HELP YOU NOW! Bahahaha. Haha. Hah. Well, maybe.

Well, seeming how all you have to do to win with Sent is C.M-S-sjc-M-H-S-Lp.RP-super. And that’s just basic, with flight you can get more hits in. It’s just so free it’s not even fair.

Landing low M on a competent player is far from free.

Edit: Sent on point is overrated

You’re so free it’s not even fair. I feel bad that I’m going to be taking your money.

Oh jeez.

Oh, that’s it, gloves are coming off, make sure you got the (insert amount that we agreed upon earlier) ready, and none of this coin shit either, I don’t want to be buying my lunch tuesday with dimes and nickles.

Unless you chop the other guy’s head off and gain his powers.

Dimes and nickles is all you’ll have left after I’m done with you.