A little note on Airdashing, it’s super easy on the stick, instead of double taping forward like in Super 4, you can either hit two attack buttons, or with the config B, it sets up LB as two attack buttons, making dashing very simple.
Just do B the earliest you can after launcher and delay it as late as you can after ADDF. Builds lots of bar.
EDIT: Actually it’s towards C, ADDF B then land Cr.B… That’s probably what you meant.
I would have gotten away with it all if it weren’t for you meddling kids and your blasted dog!
Edit: If anyone figures out some sweet shit with Spencer for some reason, tell me, pleaaaaaase.
Aye, I noticed that that was possible while I was playing around with things, Nick, but due to hit stun scaling I had to remove as many moves as possible, otherwise they’d just pop out of the combo. Same reason why I only use one jump b per loop. Might be able to do something with forward c instead of of b, but I still really suck at dash canceling it.
Lemmie know how marvel party is tonight since I prolly can’t go now, but feel free to visit me up at work if you guys want some good eating, I’m there all night :shake: and its officall I’m prolly gonna be the last person around here with the game:sad:
Aw, don’t be sad. Were you supposed to have this evening off or something? Fridays seem to be the busiest day for most food-service type places.
They are. Especially if you work around the Hotels, stupid Canada games teams coming in late at night looking for eats.
Yeah…I feel like I’m going to hate making dough tomorrow. =< Bitches and hoes.
these canada games are pissing me off.
i can barley get into the sportsplex to lift weights most days, too many goddamn people! :mad:
It’s only going until the 27th, is it not?
correct, can’t fucking wait
Sportsplex is seeing an increase in gym attendees? Cole Harbour has stay pretty much the same, if anything there’s fewer old naked men chin chillin’ around the locker room. Seriously, I’m getting tired of turning the corner and being bombard by old naked dick. Please don’t take that quote out of context.
Take which quote out of context?
I guess I added a ‘D’ but hey, it was close
I think you win this round, Mesmer.
You’re just supposed to look at the floor the whole time. You’re doing it wrong.
Also, dear lord, fixing posts? The terrible potential of that…
Yeah, I knew it was coming, but there was no better way to put it.
This is what I read
What has been seen cannot be unseen. =<
well for the canada games, they are using 50% of it.
and yeah the gym itself is a crazy place. We did lose a few when the good life in penhornn opened, but alot of them came back (that place is too fucking busy and very little weight room space). and for the ammount of $ its a pretty sick deal (pool, steam room, 2 sauna’s, gym, rink, and a running track for 550 a year). only down side is the old man wang, and the only good sights are DHS’s jailbait