Maritimes Thread 2011

“top five characters in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 right now are Wolverine, Sentinel, Amaterasu, Phoenix and Dante.”

Paraphrased from Ultradavid and James Chen, Dan is playing a top tier character and I’m not…what?

Wolverine and Phoenix I find hard to believe. Wolverine I just don’t find that good, and Phoenix has just way too little health to even make her remotely top tier.

Health isn’t everything. With a good trap team she amazing on point and DPhx X factor or not = GGPO. She defiantly my favorite character and makes me forget that Tron-Y and Ruby aren’t in this game.

Also Doom should also be mentioned for top 5.

Edit: Im stuff is on the way just need to record.


More soon.

If you saw some of the things Wong as doing with Wolverine last night, it’s pretty clear that either Wong is magical, or Wolverine is a lot better than most people thought.

I’m going with Wong is magical, this is the same guy who made Super 4 Mak look pretty damn good.

I think that game is going to be the death of me.

Phoenix I didn’t expect at the start but I can see now what she has. Her damage capabilities and rushdown are insane.

Wolverine also has one of the best mix-ups in the game and he can cause a hella lot of damage.

Amaterasu is kinda odd to me, though. All she seems to have is a REALLY good assist. Though I guess that’s all she needs…

EDIT: By the way, my team is Deadpool/Tron/Zero for those of you who don’t know already.

GG’s Pizza, I guess it’s time for team SMD to, well, SMD. You’ve convinced me to keep Wesker in favour of Dante. You’ve got some really strong Wolverine and Doom combo’s.

Damn it Kyle, play Dante AND Whesker, Dante is just too much fun.

Having great success with Magnus Dante Whesker

It’s all about the Dog. You guys don’t even know.

(p.s. someone teach me how to play Doom. His assists are so godlike, but I have no idea what to do with him once he’s on point)

I just can’t get the feel for Dante, I’ll need to iron him out more in matches, where as Wesker I semi know how to get the job done. Also, learned that Mags on lvl 3 xfactor and using his lvl 3 hyper does a lot of damage, like a lot a lot of damage. It was kinda ridic.

Yeah, I pretty much 1 touch people with mag if I wanna use xfactor

So gross.

I don’t know how I feel about my team. I keep wanting to learn a 4th person. I’m just not sure. I like Wesker, but I just don’t get him. I feel like I’d have better luck with Doom or Storm.

I also am having hard time with Doom, Shrub. Run away blasting is all I got for now. Supposedly he can uniquely cancel some of his basic attacks into a dash, jump cancel (the only way he can cancel a dash) and then air dash to keep pressure on. I think airdash air.m, to C.m works. Or a triangle jumpy thingy that all the air dashers do.

How do you people input the magic series combos? Are you mashing them out as fast as possible, or do you try to hit them at a slower pace that works. I am thinking the second way is probably the better way… I tend to go batshit crazy and mash quickly though.

GG Kyle, you got your three decently down pat, enough to mop me. Perhaps you just haven’t put enough time into Dante. But you don’t wanna be like everybody else. Wesker is cool. His OTG assist really hepls out some characters which.

I don’t know much the game and what makes a character good, but Wolverine seems like he has some potential to me. His Berserker Slash with the right assist makes a great 50/50 mix up that can lead to combos.

Pfft, I’m running two “top tiers” and your not running a single one, Mesmer? Shame on you!

Also, to answer Drew’s question on what makes Ammy good is that she can easily beat pushblock and keep up large amounts of pressure, has a great assist, great dhc, and a really small hitbox. She’s the only character that I’m somewhat proficient at using so far.

Not this impending weekend, but a weekend from now. Potential get-together/event at my place? Thoughts?

I’m learning Doom pretty seriously. He’s got a lot of great options, you can cancel his air f.H dive kick thingy, and his air S, into dash into a bnb from the ground. You can dash cancel his air f.H, so you can continue air combos or try to set up resets. If you’re in the corner you can bnb into air combo, air m, air m, air s. If you time it right you can land and otg with st.H and combo into a hyper or something for sick damage. You can also bnb into doom rocks and use a forward assist to combo into launch for solid damage too I think. I don’t know if he has any instant overheads you can combo into with an appropriately timed forward assist. You can combo into hypers really easy with him too.

He’s mostly a keepaway kind of character though (and good at it), when it comes to rushdown you can put on pretty basic pressure but you can’t cancel his dashes like other triangle jumpers. This is what I’ve absorbed about him so far. I’m running Doom on my main team, so far he’s looking to be my favorite character.

Am I the only person who cannot reliably pull off a DP in MVC3 for the life of me? Did SF4 make me an incredibly lazy / imprecise idiot? Holy shit it is so frustrating that I am going to RAGE FUGUE if I ever see another sweep again.

I am having enough success (and way more fun) with Deadpool / Dormammu / Phoenix that it doesn’t bother me too much. Need to learn Phoenix a lot harder before I get into ranked though.

I was under the impression that only 2 launches are allowed per combo, but I have a Dr. Doom loop that uses 3. (and can go into level 3 super for 904,600 damage, no x factor)

Need to play around with this a bit more, but currently it’s match practical. Could make an impractical one that would probably hit 1,000,000 damage. It’s currently 4:30 and I want to sleep, though.

Edit: So, 3 launches, 2 OTGs. tested against Ammy and Zero.

Edit Edit: Got it to 932,000 off of a 2 a.

So far I’ve only confirmed that this loop works on Ammy and Zero, by the way.

Seems not to work on Arthur. Might be able to do something with some dash canceling nonsense, but I’m not sure. Seems to require too many hits, which kills the combo.

Yet another edit: Can get it to work but need to OTG with b instead of c for the second otg, and can’t get the second hit of the OTG on either launch. The most damage I’ve been able to get is 867,000 against Arthur

More edits! 5 am!: Tried it against a few more characters. super easy against Sent, possible against Wesker and Dante, too. I’m not sure if I’m getting better at executing it, or if it’s easier, but had 0 execution problems performing it against Dante.

Okay, going to bed for real now.

2a, 2b, 2c, e, sjc, b(2 hits), e, c (otg, 2 hits), e, sjc, b(2 hits), e, c (otg, 2 hits), sjc, b (2 hits), b (2 hits), e, b (otg, 1 hit), level 3 super. 958,300 damage.

Edit again:
Can’t seem to land his level 1 dp super after the otg, but simply forgoing the last e (to spike them down) and doing air photon array does ~625,200 damage.

Nice Shrub I will check that out after work. Looks like it shouldn’t be too hard. Another thing you can do after the launcher: sjc xx b(2hits),f+c xx df airdash, c.m back into the loop. This one is kind of tricky(and probably what bloodninja was mentioning) and not match practical for my nubyness yet.