Maritimes Thread 2011

woo. woo. woo, you know it
( jay knows what Im talking about )

Who would think playing marvel for 6 years would do you such a disfavor in this game. New button config is ass and muscle memory does nothing, but throw me off. I <3<3<3 Vipers AAA = Psylock AAA

The new button congfig sucks soooo much, but once you get use to it, it’s not that bad. I’d try and make my own config, but I know it’d be too much of a hassle when going to tourney’s and shit.

i kind of like the new controls. :arazz:

button configs aren’t going away man, play how you feel like. Harrison already has his own config and its working for him nicely


Nah, man, I’m dealing with the config just fine, it’s just weird. Try to convince me it’s not weird, try it. I will laugh you out of these forums.

The guide is worth the 20$ for the frame data alone. Nice to see info on Jill and shuma too.

Also the Marvel config doesn’t work, 3 hours I tried.

Hulk smash! Enjoyed playing MvC3 for the first time last night, can’t wait to smash some more people!

I MISSED YOU SO MUCH, XBL. Sweet Mother of God.

Might as well get used to the defaults so people don’t have to wait forever on your ass at ranbats/tourneys. :slight_smile:

In the lab today, found a combo that does 80% damage to Sent, super easy to do, based off of the ABCD. Will work on most of the cast. I’d explain it, but I’m saving that shit for nationals. Go Team SMD.

EDIT: Oh, and it can 100% MODOK.

Man, I should…care enough to find combos. Or something.

Hahaha, no no no no no no. Not an 80% damage combo with Sent, that would be laughable. I mean 80% damage combo TO Sent with Skrull.

80% combo with Sent is any combo with Sent.

  1. Smash face on arcade stick.
  2. Lift up head long enough to see opponent die.

More like any button! Ehhhhohhhhhh. I went through the whole cast, and the combo doesn’t work on Morrigan, Tron, V. Joe and Arthur. Pretty cool stuff.

Anyone notice in the training menu, you can change the lag settings? That’s so cool, the game simulates whatever bar connection you want so you can practice your combos in a shitty lag environment.

HAHAHAHA! You could simulate playing against NovaNewf!

Or Cupcake and his cup and string internet connection?

Aha, Tron has a 100% on Sent using xfactor and 1 meter.

Edit: Tron has a confirmed infinite on Sent if hes an assist, no meter, no x factor… might have to pick up Tron

I’m finding Skrull very powerful against Sent, but I’m going to have to see how the game evolves and if this holds true in the future.