Haha gratz Dan, you beat me after I’ve been away for 6ish months <3
I still didn’t get double R. Kelly’d by a Seth.
Haha gratz Dan, you beat me after I’ve been away for 6ish months <3
I still didn’t get double R. Kelly’d by a Seth.
You? Not sound like an asshole? HAR HAR HAR. Try harder. Also, Jensine has a point.
At least you got a delicious sandwich out of it? For the record I think your inspiration for getting up early ever is slightly misguided.
I still think you should have stolen that raccoon hat.
Although crisis has been averted with proper beverages, I still feel kind of sad. I brought 5 dollars and everything! I should invest it into tasty beverages myself.
Now, to try and grind. I can’t take shit talk anymore. Haha.
Trev, Adam was saying that you thought you were going to be destroyed by everyone because it’s been so long since you played. How did it go? Anyone you’ve played really improved? Sorry I couldn’t be there. Be there next week?
I’ll hopefully be there next week
Thankfully I held my own, still have the basics, but missing a lot of links, and being way less patient.
You best show up next week. What with you getting talked up so much, I demand that I get blown up by you more. I will get better if it’s the last thing I do, dammit!
None of that C.Viper shit next time, though. Mother of God.
Haha my C.Viper is just horrid.
Nah man, I just wont have a way back to the middle of no where next week, so I don’t know if I can make the long trek out. You should consider this a blessing, as you now have another week to practice your moves before I completely humiliate you. MUAHAHAHA.
Also, sick days are ballin’. Aside from being sick, they’re great for playing Mahvel.
It was the worst, because I thought that maybe you just sitting there was you plotting out some sick combo, but it was really just utter confusion and fail. At least you had me mindfucked, I’ll give you that. haha.
Also, Jesus, Kyle, you ended up sluffing school today?! YOU GO TWO DAYS A WEEK. COME ON.
It was me sitting there trying to remember things like instant air burn kicks, and fierce-fierce.
R Kelly’d? Does this refer to “Piss on you” remix by Dave Chapelle?
“This is a remix addition, of a song about pissin’”
That seems like a poor time to think. It turned out okay, though, since all I know how to do with Guile is down-back. Er, that’s all you need to know, right? That and Sonic Boom, follow, press button, win, right? That’s what I hear, anyways…
Also, I realize what you were thinking, I am simply ragging on you, because I’m terrible like that. Speaking of remembering, I really should work on my main or something. I barely have time to do one thing, bleah.
Also also, yes, indeed. It’s yellow, and all.
I feel like I got hit with a brick of pure sick. Balls, is what it sucks.
Ah, that sucks. I concur that one of the best times to get ill is on a new game release. I’ll never forget how grateful I was that Brawl came out when I had Mono.
Lol, Brawl. Shrub, you make me hate this game. Everything Felcia does looks like a crossup, it’s so god damn stupid.
It was all I had!
shouldn’t you be posting less if you don’t have internet? lol
Happy MvC3 day! :party:
Yay! Happy MvC3 day to you, too! CRAZY SHIT ALL OVER THE PLACE! WHOOO.
Well, I have internets at school, and I can steal some wireless here and there, but I have to use my roomies computer. It’s a fucking mess.
Troll Hawk got some buffs.