Mario Kart DS at EVO?!

More reason to bring my DS to Evo…:tup:

I’m really kind of disappointed that they decided to put Mario Kart into the tournament. I love the game and I play it all the time, but what about the other AMAZING fighting games that have yet to make it on the list for this series? Why give some DS game priority over amazing games like Super Smash Bros. Melee? There’s no doubt that Mario Kart deserves its glory, but certainly not before the several other great fighting games that are eagerly awaiting theirs.

+1, that would be sooooo awesome. I mean, it won’t happen, but it would be cool.

You’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. Under no circumstances do I mean you drop thousands and then get nothing back at all. What I’m saying is, you have the thousands TO BEGIN WITH to get a larger venue, get supplies, get the names out there, get the footage, get the DVDs made, etc. Without that initial capital, you cannot “start a business” so to speak, and although so far EVO has supposedly not made a dime, Im’ sure that is where you’re going with this. I have no problem with that, but my point is that YOU HAVE THE MONEY TO THROW AROUND TO BEGIN WITH and because of that, more people come, you sell DVDs, and you are able to make all the money back.

No, I’m not stupid, you’re just making assumptions.

At the very least this way of running the tournaments is a secure way to keep these tournaments going in the future. And at least you have people competant to the history of culture of fighting games behind this. Good for the community, and maybe for exposure of the culture. Too fucking far though.

So they can have Mario Kart in Evo, but not have Garou, KOF, SC3 etc…:confused:

Dont get me wrong, I love Mario Kart. I’ll take anyones money in MK64, but Evo IS a fighting game tournament after all. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, but having it over other fighting games doesnt make sense.

Mario Kart DS is one of the worst Mario Karts ive played. Mario Kart Double Dash would be a hell of alot better.

If your gonna do a handheld battle then PSP is the way to go. Ridge Racer, Burnout, Alpha 3, Lumines, GGXX#reload, GTA (that would be sweet).

don’t front like you’re not gonna be hella hype when daigo and justin are racing each other on the big screen

This is an outrage. Is this real? Are we even serisouly talking about this. They hav’nt even confirmed 3rd strike yet, but ****'n mario kart is confirmed. Its ok to have mario kart at evo, but no kof or darlkstalkers. No sfa3, but mario kart. Wow. I hope all these main stream sponsors dont end up killing the community. This year its mario kart. Next year its smash brothers and ****'n halo. By 2010 it wont even have fighting games anymore. BULLSHIT!!!

Are you kidding me? You are a moron. Did you forget that 3rd Strike gave us Justin vs Daigo… which put Evolution on the map??

I see SOOOOOO many super casual gamers that don’t know a fireball trap, and don’t know about but know about Daigo full parry.

And because of that single event, 3S won’t be gone from Evo for at least 5 years.

Cannons, from a fellow tourney organizer, I salute you. This year is shaping up to be the best ever. And while I may not have the money to make it to Vegas again this year, I’m sure to be attending Evo: NY. Mario Kart DS is an excellent idea and will get tons of participation. You’ll need to advertise in the right places to get the pros to travel though…

and i’m sure it’s another game the japanese will whomp us in.

You’d have to be pretty fuckin retarded to think 3s would not be at Evo.

So…whats the haps on Bleach DS?

co-sign… even tho I still won’t be playing it.

There is one thing I want to make sure of. I was extremely disappointed in the number of tvs available to those of us wanting to play casuals for tekken(or for any fighting game it seemed). Many times halo seemed to have taken over. Please PLEASE add more tvs so those of us wanting to chill in the main room playing tekken tag with our acquaintances from across the oceans can do just that.

If adding mario kart ds adds more funds somehow to let this happen then I’m pretty happy.

I LOVE Mario Kart DS. I play it a lot on wi-fi. I can drift boost when I need to, but I can’t consistently snake, it hurts my thumbs. The game gets hectic with 8 players, but it’s still fun to me.

Now if you ask me my opinion of MKDS being a competitive game: I think it’s a terrible game for a tournament. At higher levels, yes, it is dependent on who can efficiently snake the most, but there is still a large factor of luck thrown in, especially for racers that are 5th-8th place (as they get better items). At times, I think that Mario Kart in general is “whoever can keep the 2nd Place position the closest and longest”, because the 1st place guy is almost always going to get screwed, no matter what, unless he is so far ahead that it doesn’t matter… or, he’s consistently getting item boxes that will give you good items regardless (like that one lone item box in DK Pass, for instance).

Yes, a better game could’ve been chosen, but other considerations were taken, as well. MKDS, as already mentioned, require the least amount of resources, in addition to requiring the least amount of space. Plus it fulfills the sponsorship requirement. I’m relieved that MKDS is an addition, rather than a replacement, to a potential fighting game in the lineup.

It certainly couldn’t hurt, and I might even think about joining this one, though I will surely lose early, unless I have a hot luck streak.

fuck the console port!

arcade perfectness!!the real fucking deal! :cool:

I’m really interested how the MKDS races will be recorded and if they will be above “shakey digital/webcam” quality that most of the top time trial players have out already.

I think an official Bleach DS tourney would have taken less sting off this whole “NDS game main tourney” thing, at least it’s a fighter and more “balanced” than MKDS or what about the PSP? Doesn’t SFA3/Darkstalkers on that have wireless multiplayer too?

if you cant snake, you will not be able to compete. dont waste your money. mkds is for snakers competing with other snakers.

QFT hahahahha

That shit brought tears to my eys lol lol lol.


Fuk MKDS, sup with PSP A3 and DR =D
