DS is added on top of the existing lineup. NO game was dropped for DS. The DS tournament, the WiFi, etc. are things we are ADDING to the event to make it more fun for everyone. If you were’t too much of a wussie to wait until all the game announcements were made, you would have figured this out.
I swear sometimes I feel like strangling a few of you.
Evo: Hey, we’re tripling the number of events this year!
FGC: There are no international regionals. Evo says this is a world tournament. They are liars.
Evo: Oh…well we’ll have WiFi in the lounge! And we’re adding a Mario Kart tournament!
FGC: Mario Kart isn’t a fighting game. Evo is killing the FGC.
It’s the same bullshit every time Evo does something new: consoles, 3D, now this. Ever wonder why Evo is oh, five times the size of any other fighting game tournament? (no offense to any other tournaments. They do a great job within their own constraints) Because we’ve opened up beyond your uber-hardcore-niche 2D lovefest! In case you haven’t gotten the theme of the last 4 years, it is: expand the event, not to dilute the focus on Street Fighter, but to have a greater pool of resources from which we throw an even better event for all games!
Hey, guess what? For 90% of us, the arcade days are GONE and they’re not coming back. If you want to hold on to the glory days, there are tournaments that will accomodate you: ECC and MWC. I think it’s pretty clear where we’re going with Evo, and we’ve been successful; every year the event gets bigger and most attendees have a lot of fun.
When Evo can’t come up with Japanese PS2s to run Slash, but can come up with enough DS units to run MKDS, I’d say you need to get your priorities straight. Unless MKDS is BYODS or something, that would make sense.
As long as no game was dropped for this, I’m fine with it.
Seriously, what harm can it do?
People tend to act like having another tournament will lessen the focus on the game they play. These arguments get even more odd since over 90 percent of people that complain or hate on a game have a zero percent chance of making the top 8 in whatever they play.
The only downside I can think of is that I wouldn’t really want to watch finals matches for this on a big screen. But that isn’t much of a problem in my opinion. When I didn’t want to watch Tekken 4 I took a nap or got some food.
Well to be honest, I don’t really have a problem with MKDS or the fact that Evo is branching out. But I think MKDD for GC or hell even GT4 would’ve been better choices for the racing title.
However, I do see how the wifi thing will help and that people just relegated to an area with their DS’ can make more available tvs for the fighting games.
Anyway, regarding the MKDS videos thing, anyone else have a clue on how that could be done?
P.S. Tetris DS would work better in Evo than MKDS, just my 2 cents.
Shit MKDS > KOF XI, shit I’m just hoping that once all the boxes have been taken by the usual lineup, hidden ones will be unlocked and KOF XI will be one of them.
I actually like the idea of adding new games to EVO, including non-fighting, AS LONG AS it doesn’t interfere with the # of fighting games that will be there.
But, I think Mario Kart DS is a bad choice. The game is broken beyond broken…you just snake all day and hope somebody gets a random item. It’s pretty dumb to be honest, it’s fun in casual play (which is obviously what the game was designed for) but it’s hideously bad for tournament play.
What I think you guys SHOULD do is have a Tetris DS tournament at EVO. Tetris DS is not broken in any way…in fact the most broken element, items, can actually be turned OFF if you so desire. You can even have matches of up to 10 people at a time simultaneously…people can’t complain it’s broken because everybody gets the same pieces in the same order! FINALLY A GAME WHERE EVERYONE IS PERFECTLY BALANCED, HAS A CHANCE, AND RELIES 100% ON SKILL! (again, keeping in mind you’re turning items off).
I vote Tetris DS for the win.
One other thing…I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again, the reason EVO is so big and gets bigger every year is not necessarily because you’re “doing the right thing” but just because the venue gets bigger, gets a better location, adds games, and to be quite frank, YOU THROW MONEY AROUND MORE THAN ANYBODY ELSE BECAUSE YOU HAVE IT. This is the first year you’ve actually secured a real sponsor, so you have the ability to expand as you’re planning. But don’t think that just because the Cannon brothers have thrown their money around makes EVO better than any other tournament…most people would argue that Texas Showdown, MWC, Final Round, ECC, or another regional tournament is actually a better one than EVO…
Don’t you think that if I wrote programs for Microsoft, and I had money like you do, I would be spending thousands upon thousands every year to get a huge fighting-game-only event going to rival EVO? You bet your ASS I would. Unfortunately, life hasn’t been as good to me as it has to you…I buy three PS2s for fucking ECC and I get fired…
I really don’t think any of the folks in this thread are trying to be “elitist,” or are ridiculing those who play games outside the fighting genre – hell, the vast majority of SRK members very likely play a variety of genres. Rather, the reaction seems to be confusion at the inclusion of a non-fighter in what was, until now, an all-fighter event.
Thank you for posting, inkblot – good to hear that MKDS is an addition, rather than a replacement. As far as the forum members being unwilling “to wait until all the game announcements were made” before posting “MKDS@EVO2K6 - WTF?!”, I’d have to say that rampant, wild speculation is the chief export of internet forums, and without an explanatory post from those in the know (like the one you’ve posted), theories and accusations are bound to fly fast and thick. Given the fact that EVO2005 had 7 fighting titles (T5, TTT, ST, 3S, CvS2, MvC2, #R) and that there were originally 7 mystery slots on the updated 2006 site, everyone naturally assumed that these represented 7 fighting games. People figured they’d either be the same 7, or that at least one of 2005’s titles would be dropped in favor of a different (possibly newer) title. Pop a shocker like MKDS (or any other non-fighter) into the 3rd slot, and it’s only natural that alot of people wondered at the process behind the decision and whether one of the remaining 4 slots might not also go to a non-fighter.
Granted, EVO opting to include 3D fighters and opting to go with an all-console format was fuel for much debate on the part of the 2D die-hards and pro-cabbers. But I would respectfully submit that, in spite of those changes, EVO’s focus was still where it had always been: on fighters. The potential change represented by the inclusion of a non-fighter like MKDS – at least, through the eyes of many of the posters in this thread – is that EVO’s focus may be shifting away from fighters exclusively, and into other gaming genres. For a fighting game community like that represented by the SRK forum members, such a perceived potential change could be seen as cause for legitimate concern. The folks who choose to attend EVO do so because they love fighting games, and EVO was always seen as an all-fighter tournament. Given the surprising nature of the MKDS announcement, and given the frank and direct expression of opinions that forums by their nature encourage, it really isn’t all that surprising that some of the reactions would be ones of bewilderment and anxiety.
“mario kart ds” ? isnt evo a “fighting/beu game world tournament” anymore?
hope evo doesnt screw up the evo tourney with having games like mk ds and/or other none beu games (just beeing honest here) ^^ that could even stop many players from not attending this evo if the game list isnt good enuff, even i were planning to go this evo if i got the time and money for it.
This is actually quite an intelligent move. If this tournament is “Bring your own DS”(dont see why anyone participating wouldnt want to use their own anyway). All that evo staff would be required to do is provide enough space for these jokers to play and not have to use resources to aquire consoles.extra tv’s, etc. With everyone owning the handheld things could move extremely fast, possibly finishing in only a few hrs. So what you have is a low maintenance event that could bring in a very large amount of people(seeing as it is the only tournament of its kind and includes the most recognizeable character in any medium) This could bring unprecedented exposure to the scene and resources that can be used to improve the tournaments for the other games and the scene entirely-
These guys are trying hard to improve things for us, to think otherwise is foolish.
Evo and SRK have been cash neutral year-over-year since B4. I like fighting games, but not THAT much. Come on, get real. Evo grows at the rate that the community will support it, through forum subscriptions and DVD sales, and hopefully external sponsors in the future. Evo is growing because we have a plan to grow it.
I’ll give you a little credit and assume you’re just talking big. It’s easy to say you’d spend thousands of dollars. Thousands per year, for what, 6 years now? Don’t make me laugh.
The semfinals are 4, 8-man races. Top 4 from each race make it to the finals
The finals are 3 races. Same rules as #3.
Total number of players: Unlimited!!!
Total STAFFED races: 7!!!
Total equipment required: WiFi station. That’s it! We’re working on getting a DS kiosk so we can show the final races on the big screen, but that’s optional.
So let’s see…next to no cost? Check. Runs parallel to the fighting game tournaments? Check. Requires almost no staff? Check. Tell me again why we shouldn’t do this?
*These are not necessarily the exact rules for the tournament.
Excellent format. But I would be against 8-man races. I’ve been studying/playing MKDS for a while now and based on my observations a 4-man race would require a bit more skill than an 8-man race simply because the number of random events is considerably decreased. In theory, the weaker your opponents, the easier it should be to win. In MKDS, it’s not completely the polar opposite, but it’s somewhere in the middle. I could go into further explanation, but just expressing my opinion based on the hundred of hours I’ve played MKDS - WiFi and Multiplayer.
Maybe 8, 4-man races for Semis?
Btw, I’m probably only going to Evo because MKDS is part of the lineup. Yeah, I’m in the minority, but everyone complaining is missing the point.
Sure, there’s some randomness involved, but if you’re really good, you can almost separate yourself from the randomness–almost. =)
I think you guys gotta have a kiosk for the final races. I can see a ton of people looking over other people’s shoulders to see whats going on lol. That wouldn’t be fun for the racer at all.