lulz fox news would have a field day if this were real (which i still highly doubt the POTUS would be this retarded): democrats = anti-family devils. and if their dicks touched? democrats = gay anti family devils. i can only hope marilyn received two big facial loads. fap fap fap fap fap fap
They didn’t have internet back then, or knowledge of it. Hell, back then if somebody found that tape and discussed it, they would just end up dead or missing. Gov’t (or mob) cleaned you up GOOD back in the 50’s and 60’.s
start now because you’re wrong. The only reason this video is even available now is due to banks seizing bankruptcy property. This will likely be huge. Everybody is going to fucking torrent the shit out of this. And then the Not A Kennedy Orgy XXX parody video’s will come out, and Ron Jeremy will play Ted Kennedy.
you know that’s a good point, it was a lot more difficult for things to go viral back then. not like how a dick pic text would get a politician fired today. well if this thing is real, i hope marilyn gets some big juicy facials. mmmmmmm
Have you ever read any of Kennedy’s unauthorized biographies? He pretty much would walk up to female interns pin them against a wall and start talking to them about how they were spending the night with the president tonight. He had mad game, and no telling how many women he laid waste to before his assassination. His reputation as a womanizer was so widely known by other world leaders that the Russian leader Khrushchev(IIRC) sent a Russian spy to hook up with JFK and get intel. She was supposedly very successful IIRC.
Side note: Marilyn Prime was the hotness, I’d videotape that shit too.
But this is the Kennedy family though. They’ve basically made it their JOB to do whatever they want and get away with it for DECADES! I can’t imagine shooting a porn would even phase any of them.
First off, Kennedy was a mad great President, but, let’s be honest here. He was a straight up Stud Sex Freak, I mean to the point of where it was a real problem with him, or basically an addiction (I probably fall in the same category since I love me some fine women). I remember his comments he made to the British Prime Minister at the time that if he went too long without sex that he would start getting severe headaches, and “too long without sex” was 3 days on average for Kennedy.
Not to mention Sex wasn’t off limits to anyone in his eyes. Sex with the female staffs at the White House, even close friends wives, or other sisters, or whatever have you. He even had an affair with a Cuban woman that had to be shipped out of the States due to the obvious Cuban USA relations at the time. I mean my goodness, this guy was a natural Pimp whom was our President…and he had an absolutely drop dead gorgeous wife to boot!
So if this is indeed legitimate then I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised. Also, Marilyn Monroe in his prime during that Era was drop dead Gorgeous! Even today she stands the test of time and if I could’ve ever went back in time and hooked up with her, we’d of been having some Asian/Caucasian mixed babies for sure.
However to be honest, I don’t know about beating off to a woman whom has passed away already for over 50 years now. Would I still watch it if it went public? Absolutely. Yes, we’re all sick bastards in the end.