[Mar 31st, 2012] SUPER Arcade Cup II: EVO Edition ***QUALIFIER***

EVO 2K12 “Tournament of Legends” Qualification Cup



Saturday, March 31st, 2012

Super Arcade
1211 N. Grand Ave.
Walnut, CA 91789

Japanese Head-to-Head Cabinets (Seimitsu LS-32s and Sanwa Buttons) w/ SSF2X (JP) Board @ Turbo 3

On-Site from 12pm - 1pm (1st Qualifier) and 4pm - 5pm (2nd Qualifier)
Single Qualifier: $10/Person + $5 Venue + $5 EVO Pot Donation ($20 Entry Fee)
**Dual Qualifier: $20/Person + $7.5 Venue + $7.5 EVO Pot Donation ($35 Entry Fee)

**Note: Any player who has paid for the first qualifier is entitled to the $5 discount for the second qualifier; however, the Single Qualifier fee applies to either qualifier if the player is entering one or the other (not both).

Format (Both Qualifiers)
Double Elimination
Best 3/5 Matches
Grand Finals Best 4/7 Matches

Payout (Both Qualifiers)
1st 100% - $20 (for 2nd Place) + 1 Guaranteed Spot in the Tournament of Legends at EVO 2012.
2nd Entry Fee Reimbursement

UPDATED: Streaming will be provided by the Inland Empire Battlegrounds crew at [twitch.tv/iebattlegrounds]!! Big thanks to TemjinAlpha and SuperDojo for making this happen! Make sure to follow them on twitch.tv and on twitter!

Brought to you by the ST Revival, kuroppi.com, and SUPER Arcade.

Any questions? Post them up!!


I am going to spectate. I am terrible at ST.

I’ll show up for support, and casuals. Not sure if I’ll join the actual tourney or not :frowning:

In it to win it.

i’ll be there as papercut’s cheerleader.

Man that sounds awesome. I wish I had a good reason to live in SoCal other than ST…

Updated the original post with registration information now that we are running two qualifiers instead of one!

muffin / voltech / watson,

are there any plans to stream from the cabs directly for this tournament?

if I end up going, I could help maintaining a http://challonge.com/ bracket so viewers can follow along.

We’re working on putting something together to stream from the cab, but there’s still a lot of ground to cover in that area. Maybe we’ll get lucky :smiley:

MuffinMan has informed me that there will be a stream for the Super Arcade Qualifiers! It will be on the same channel that streamed the ranking battles last night, which turned out great:

For all of you in So Cal, please show up, support and compete! We want these qualifiers to be the biggest ones before the EVO Last Chance Qualifiers! After all, Super Arcade is the number one hotspot for ST competition in the US!

Just wanted to know if anyone could bring 2 CRTS for the second station (preferably 13")? If anyone can help, please post up.


I can bring my CRT if you need but it’s a 25", not 13".

First post updated with stream information! Thanks kuroppi!

See you guys tomorrow/later today. It’s just gonna be me and ultracombo, afaik. Unfortunately, papasi had to drop out of the trip. Gonna be a long drive.

I’m hoping to scope out the arcade today and get accustomed to the sticks for tomorrow. It’d be cool if we could do a small $1 2-man team tourney or something.

Update: Already procured the two 13" CRTs for the second station…thanks for those who offered to help.

Looks like most of us will be there tonight, so a tournament is entirely possible! Drive safe :smiley:

Good work! Thanks so much for helping to make this happen!

Fudd and Ultra are at superarcade right now if you guys want to start heading over there.

Good luck everyone, and little bit more for dsp :stuck_out_tongue: Love this Hawk !

its going down today at 1pm PST!

gl to everyone today and lets hope we get some good matches!

EDIT : still setting up stream. brackets being made atm, first match should be a go at 1:30.