Afrolegends defeats papercut to win the first qualifier. 2nd qualifier begins in approximately 10 minutes
Congratulations to dgv For winning the 2nd super arcade qualifier for Tournament of legends!
Big shoutouts to Watts for allowing us to run the qualifiers at Super Arcade. I didn’t see you around when we had to leave so sorry I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye.
Also, HUGE shoutouts to Commando for running the stream for us. If you haven’t already, follow his channel at He needs our support to improve and keep his streaming going!
Thanks to MuffinMan for putting this qualifier together and running the brackets. Eltrouble, MillerTime, Ultracombo, Ken, Tai, Digital, Afro, Mariblanka and everyone who helped out with commentary on the stream.
It was great to see everyone bringing their A game. So many great entertaining matches with so many coming down to the wire.
Tough luck award to Papercut for making it to both grand finals but still putting up an incredible effort. Your Hawk is already ready for EVO!
Finally, thanks to Fudd, Ultracombo, Cesar and his crew for making the long drive out. As well as everyone else for coming out. You guys all rock!
We should have the brackets and full results up tomorrow. Here are the archived streams:
Thanks guys, it was very entertaining to watch ! Unfortunately, I couldn’t watch the second qualifier, because it was too late from France hah, but it seemed you had a great time, overall event was nice and friendly, that was great.
Props to afro and dgv, and yeah, papercut you deserve a spot to evo, I’m sure you’ll get one another time soon !
Congrats to DGV and Afro, I’m overjoyed that super turbo is making a resurgance.
Big fucking props to Mando for the stream. For those of us that can’t make it to Super Arcade it’s the only way for us to be a part of all the action. Many many thank yous for that. Also Whatever you did to the second stream PLEASE don’t change it. It worked flawlessly.
I’m so happy to see DG in the tournament. So damn interesting to watch him play lol.
The roster for the ToL is gonna be so fucking deadly ! This isn’t gonna be a tournament… it’s gonna be a fucking RIOT
Yeah, thank you for the stream, it was so hype, I wish i could be there!
I was rooting for paper… anyway congrats afro and dgv!
Good matches, wish Paper could have at least had the second qualifier But good games to DGV and Afro.
Where was jumpsuit jesse’s fei??!
Jesse is in Texas so look for him next week at the Texas Showdown qualifier. That tournament should be streamed as well so we’ll post the stream link in the coming days.
Big ups to Mando for hooking us up with super high quality streaming. This was one of my favorite tournies. I’m really bummed that I couldn’t qualify, I wanted it so bad. But at the same time I’m really happy that Afro and DGV are going to represent so cal at EVO. Especially DGV, I’ve followed his tourny matches from when he first started competing and I’ve really been rooting for him the whole time. After he sent me to losers, I was just thinking, “oh shit, this man is playing with the passion to win”.
Shout outs to the norcal guys that came down, its always fun to hang out with fudd. And it was cool to finally meet ultracombo after knowing him for years now on GGPO. Also shout outs to Caesar and his crew, too bad we didn’t have enough time to kick it. Too many people to list, but you all know who you are.
Seriously, this was an awesome set of tournaments, and none of it would’ve been possible without Armando and Watson! Super huge thanks to you guys for putting in work for our little scene. Also, thanks to everyone that came out and participated in the tournaments, especially those who traveled out of their way to join, and big time congratulations to AfroLegends and Dark Gaiden for qualifying!
one of the best streams i ever watch , very funny, stream runs good, great matches , good work ST is alive.
Man when I watched you vs afro’s, I almost had a heart attack when you failed hop -> super after a dizzy, twice, luckily you still finished those rounds off but it was scary. I think that set is among the best in the tournament.
I wish I could donate entry fee to see zaspacer’s dictator in action again (if he is willing to accept it). He was so kind to contribute $40 for top 16 last revelation and he did great at that tournament too.
I think papercut ran out of stamina at the end. He was doing jab jab 720 and in general on point at the beginning of the tournament. DGV is still keeping his 12 MPH pace at the end.
Great tournament everyone!
EDIT: Can anyone post a pic of DGV’s latest toy?
So many shoutouts to give for such a great event. Armando, a huge thank you from the entire socal ST scene for providing such an amazing stream! Thanks to my fellow brother from the motherland (Muff) for organizing the event along with Bob, Terry, Eugene, Jesse, Nathan and many others. Without all your efforts, this event could not have been a success. Of course, have to thank the man with the house rules…Watts…thanks for letting us run the event at the arcade and for continually supporting the ST scene man. OGs like you are a true asset…and thanks for the matchup and tourney advice man.
It was fun meeting and playing with so many friends and newcomers (Comlexz), . Fudd, Ultra…glad you guys could make it out to support our scene; now we have to return the favor for you guys. Ultra, your O. gat is deadly and Fudd, your DJ and Sim are on point…can’t wait to see the havoc you guys do at the norcal qualifiers. Socal ST crew (Nipomo crew, Denjin, SuperArcade)…fun times as usual hanging out and gaming with you guys till 2am today. Jason, congratulations man…you were dialed in last night as usual…you’re easily the favorite to take the entire TOL tournament. Mike…man, what can I say…thanks for leveling me up big time in HDR and ST. From shotos to Hawk, you’ve been forcing me to adjust my game continually. Thanks for the support and I hope “WE” (I know you’ll be in the 32 man bracket, you’re way too good) can represent Socal at Evo to the fullest.
GG’s to everyone at the tourney… Fun times… Congrats to Afro and DGV… Big ups to DPCut, you were beasting, I think you ran out of juice at the end though.(#ThatsWhatSheSaid). WestCoast was definetly putting it down. Armando made the stream real pro, and big ups to muffin for organizing the brackets and Watts of course. See you guys at the next gathering. DGV let me know when your heading up to NorCal, we might have to rent a small yellow school bus and take a Road Trip.
Awesome tournament, I was very happy that I could do what I can to help out the community, and hopefully you guys didn’t mind my terrible commentating.
Big shout outs to Kuroppi for allowing us an opportunity to hold 2 qualifiers for the TOL. Thanks to Muffin for helping out with the brackets and keeping everything organized. Special thanks to DG and V for bringing out their awesome custom-made stands. It felt great playing on them, and I look forward to seeing them at Evo this year. Unfortunately, I completely forgot to take a picture of them, even though I brought my camera specifically for that purpose, but I guess that’s what happens when I keep busy at the arcade. I remember seeing Kuroppi taking a lot of pictures of the events, so hopefully they’ll be up soon.
Congrats to both of our qualifiers: Afro Legends and DGV. Afro had a pretty close call playing against Kuroppi in Winner’s, but he clutched it out, and finished the rest of the Winner’s bracket strong, to take the first spot. And despite some rough performances and mistakes in the first tournament, DGV managed to turn on the juice, and put on a strong tournament performance that I’ve seen from him. Papercut also performed consistently across both tournaments, and definitely deserves a spot in the TOL tournament, so hopefully he’ll be able to make it out to another qualifier to earn that right.
It was awesome getting an opportunity to meet some new players. Fudd, it was great to be able to get in some games against you, and ultracombo has a very deadly o.sagat, and I thank you for putting up with me for commentating on the stream. Always great seeing zaspacer and his deadly Bison play, alongside some of our newer socal players that decided to show up for ST@Super.
I regret not joining the tournament, but I look forward to playing each of you again in the future. I need to level up my game, but rest assured, I plan on representing Socal ST strong in the next one.
Here are the full results and brackets:
Qualifier #1:
1st - AfroLegends
3rd - ultracombo
4th - DGV
5th - MonGoloRoboKop
5th - TheMuffinMan
7th - kuroppi
7th - DigitalInfamy
9th - synco
9th - moocus
9th - MariBlanka
13th - Cossack
13th - Paro-Da
13th - JGD_Chaos
13th - Fudd
17th - Rufus
17th - Problemz
17th - DJTeddyEddy
Note: we were unable to transfer three matches over into Challonge into the first round winners and losers bracket. Here are the details and results:
Winners bracket:
Digital Infamy defeats Rufus to face DNGR S PAPERCUT.
MonGoloRoboKop defeats DJTeddyEddy to face Paro-Da.
MariBlanka defeats Problemz to face DGV.
Losers bracket:
JGD_Chaos defeats Rufus to face moocus.
moocus defeats DJTeddyEddy to face JGD_Chaos.
Cossack defeats Problemz to face synco.
Qualifier #2:
1st - DGV
3rd - DigitalInfamy
4th - ultracombo
5th - TheMuffinMan
5th - MonGoloRoboKop
7th - kuroppi
7th - synco
9th - DJTeddyEddy
9th - JGD_Chaos
9th - moocus
13th - Fudd
13th - Paulee
13th - Problemz
13th - MariBlanka
I meant to take a better picture of DGV’s slick cab but it slipped my mind once the qualifiers started. I did take two pictures of it though.
Those stands are a thing of beauty. I swear I almost cried.