Man This Guy Must Be Hating His Life Right About Now

The irony is palpable. I’ll disregard you now.


Yeaaaa, i’d forfeit, but ‘‘shut the fuck up’’ doesn’t give much real estate for an intellectual response, really.

I run a marketing department and I still believe people should say what they want outside of work. Like I’ve said so many times already, NO ONE knew who he was or where he worked. His boss thought it was the right call, something I disagree with. The guy did nothing wrong. He just laughed.

Yeah… you’re not ready for GD yet

I read someone said that the guy got canned, I didn’t read anyone say what really happened when I made that post. You got your metrosexual panties in a bunch sunshine? And for someone that didn’t have a clue what the whole gamergate thing was about, when it had been explained over and over in that thread, that anyone, even with learning disabilities could understand, considering you are a so called “journalist” makes it even more funny. Why get bent out of shape over it, when you can’t even do it yourself sucka.

Your shitty attempts at rapping at looking like sanjay from tech support just make for a bad thing to be online

Please never rap ever again

To elaborate on my last post, the modern culture trending towards hyper appeasement of perceieved political correctness due to fear of offending anyone and facing public back lash severely stunts society emotionally, intellectually, physically, and economically. The fear of being judged negatively by others is what created this culture rather than any genuine concern for others as the same people who go ape shit over first world problems suitable for a post don’t bat an eye to how much blood, sweat, and tears went into the iphone in they use to tweet about whatever minor incident caught their attention that day.

But none of that matters, what matters is that said culture is here to stay for a while so to behave in any way disagreeable to that mentality especially when it’s universally adopted by just about anyone in a position of power can and probably will cost you your job and maybe even more. Knowing that there exists an ill in society yet conforming to it for survival is not necessarily the same thing as actively endorsing said ill. It’s a minor tragedy that this guy was fired, not because he lost his job, but because it sends the implicit message that what others about you should be valued more than what you think about yourself and that your own freedom to live how you wish must fall under the standards of what a vague group of others deems acceptable.

It’s sad that one of humanity’s definitions of a top tier society (first world) is one where you can get fired for what you say off the clock even if you’re the best fucking employee of all time, so that you are not judged on the quality of your work, but are at the whims of someone’s subjective thoughts of you. But that is the way the world works currently and if you want to succeed in it financially you must at least be cognizant of that fact. Changing that fact ideally into a thing of the past and creating a society where people don’t have to walk on egg shells and can just be themselves honestly without fear of negative repercussions will take a lot of time…until that happens watch your fucking mouth if you have an “important” job lol.

The real tragedy of both the specific incident as well as the issue of political correctness as a whole is that people are knee jerk reacting, instantly assuming that others will be offended by whatever “controversial” behavior another person or group makes, and sure most of the time when shit like this happens their is some offended party especially in todays baby thighs world, but not always, and to feel offended for some perceieved individual or group who may not exist at all is some bitchmade shit.

This is all just an extension of the “shoot first ask questions later” mentality.


I believe in free speech.

I also believe that working for a company in a high paying position leaves you with the “employment at will” which means for any reason the company can release you for any reason.

This is why i choose to work at places that have unions that can protect you.

It’s also smart to avoid being on tv and doing or being associated with non-compliant with corporate policy acts

Not if nobody knows who the fuck you are. And nobody knew who this dude was until they went and found his info and put it out there.

Honestly drunk white people always lose out

Those rowdy ass black dudes during the riots protesting? Some were smart enough to wear gloves, a mask, long sleaves and sweats to hide their identities.

Drunk White people and dumb young black kids shirtless in winter don’t give a shit

what an idiot


If not go out after work with a shirt that says FUCK you can they fire me Because other people can claim they feel off shout me?

If I go out for a bender and get drunk, they can fire me for seeing me drunk?

This is too dangerous a can of worms to be opened.

My time is my time. If I want to be an asshole, I can.

If you want to punish me for my actions off the clock, start paying me while I am at home. If not, fuck right off.

“free speech” as a law only protects you from the government infringing on your speech. its not some universal ethic where you get to say whatever you want without any (financial) consequences.

all they are doing is protesting/boycotting/petitioning, which is itself protected speech. your judgment that they are “retarded/batshit insane” really has no bearing on it. if your employer thinks the shit publicity youve drawn towards them is not worth keeping you around, then they also have a right to protect their own interests and fire you. there are certainly businesses out there that value making a political statement over their bottom line so choose your employer wisely if its so important to you to pop off.

Such spoiled brattyness in this topic. I’m reluctant to believe anyone in here is breaking 65k with this mentality of “I should be able to do whatever I want to do away from work.” This just isnt how it works in the real world, and its never worked this way unless you have a crap job with no moral obligation.

Try working for the government. Half of you guys wouldnt make it past the field observations. They talk to your neighbors, they talk to the friends of your friends. If you THINK that you can have a prestigious job with excellent pay and benefits and you only have to clock in and clock out…keep dreaming of that job while youre currently working at [insert job that I hate].

He was trolling just as bad, so good for him. He wasnt “just laughing” he wa sin on the stupidity and tossed a log onto the stupidity and now he;s paying the piper. The “wrong person” being fired doesnt change my perception of the event. Funny that you thought that it somehow would.

Yayabitch, I make over 65k and I have worked government. Not once have I had to worry I would be fired because of things I say or do outside work.

about 3 months ago a woman at my company tried to get me fired by mentioning my politically incorrect views to my boss. Unfortunately for her I was deemed too difficult to replace and she was told to sit down and understand that removing me would just result in me working for their competitors, which is unacceptable. The workplace is filled with disgusting excuses of human filth.

This has been happening for a decade or two now and will only accelerate with a weakening economy. I imagine that this political climate of SJWism and feminism will be abandoned in next 5-15 years. I just can’t see this warped worldview to be sustainable as men are still the producers and the actual ones doing all the real work and innovation. Combine that with these SJWs and feminist continually reaching and pushing the envelope men will eventually get fed up and fight back.

That’s because you probably don’t try to plaster it all over social media

Some of you guys should take a nice long look at your mission statement or package that you received when you started working at the company you’re at, the newer ones and updated handbooks have limits to everything. Some dont allow you to wear your work uniform outside of work ie: to a bar…some limit your advertisement on social media. This is a thing…I dont know how some people feel as though they can represent X company and do whatever they please, that makes you a liability, and they will sue/fire your ass.

Hell, I’m a licensed medical/life insurance producer. I am required BY LAW to identify myself if someone asks (in very specific situations) what and who do I work for. I cant just be a fucking moron and flex my right to be a dickhead and call it “free speech”

Haha…this assclown is now in the media trying to apologize so he can get off of unemployment.

PS twitter is already on the case, theyve found the policy books and have the clauses that limit “disturbance in or near a public place” as well as “indecent” behavior.

Let this be a lesson to you rebeles. Dont want to be those guys. Who are also now banned from that soccer stadium.

LOL. #SocialMediaJustice