Man This Guy Must Be Hating His Life Right About Now

For those that don’t know how a comedia was forced to pay $15,000 for making fun of hecklers during his performance.

"In the end, the tribunal ruled that Mr. Earle’s attack had aggravated Ms. Pardy’s “pre-existing condition of generalized anxiety disorder with panic attacks, and caused her PTSD.” Long after the episode, for instance, Ms. Pardy said that simply hearing Mr. Earle recount the evening in a radio interview caused her to miss work.

When asked why she did not simply leave the establishment, instead of staying until the very end of the performance, “she said she didn’t leave because she was too shocked, and that she literally could not get up from the booth,” according to decision documents. As for the water-throwing, “Mr. Earle’s conduct had put Ms. Pardy in a condition where she was unable to immediately formulate a measured, or even rational, response.”

Once I go home, my work can’t tell me shit. If I work at McDonald’s, can they fire me for posting on Facebook that I went to Burger King? That’s what this feels like, to me.

I don’t a fuck what I say once outside of work, if I ain’t working for you, what grounds is there to fire me?

My personal time is MY PERSONAL TIME. if I want to drink, swear, troll reporters, eat where I want, or go where I want, my employer has ZERO opinion on this.

If they fire me for non work related things, I would sue the fuck out of them.

Shut the fuck up.

Wait til you’re in charge of people. Not every company has this, and i dont agree with the way its used to fire people (especially teachers) but it just is. Although even on the hourly If you mess up bad enough it’ll bite you.

This is some bullshit

I can tell once again that reading is not your strong suit as I’ve told you to read the article and you are talking about the post.

If you’d read the article you’d know that the bloke who got fired isn’t the guy who went and yelled “Fuck her right in the pussy down the mike”, he only said that it was pretty funny AFTER BEING APPROACHED AND ASKED FOR AN OPINION BY THE REPORTER.

You better hope no-one ever catchs you laughing at someone else doing something dumb, apparently that shit can get you fired and illiterate fucktards will support it.

Thats in good old Canadia so nobody cares. This does set precedent for suing trolls though.

This is what I am saying. Whats scary as fuck is people are perfectly okay with having some company or organization telling them what they can and cant do/say away from the workplace because they pay well. As I said before they can take their “morality conduct clause” and shove it all the way up their fucking ass.

You know how hecklers are handled? Security gets rid of them.

So shit like that doesn’t happen

People seem to forget that it’s not always the public that views you differently, it’s your bosses, co-workers, and other employees that may recognize you.

This guy comes into work, bunch of people looking at him weirdly, cause he considers offensive humour to random people, hilarious. His boss thinks differently of him. Women approach him apprehensively. People think he is just some dumb bro and feel uncomfortable around him.

That’s how a high paying office environment is.

If you think otherwise, you probably have dirt under your fingernails at the end of the day.

Edit: Let’s not forget, news will get around the office. People will go home, tell their friends, their husband/wife, “Can you believe our company employs this guy?”, “Can you believe this company employs people like this?” Spreads like a virus.

^ Then those people need to grow up, whether they will is an entirely different conversation.

No u

Where do you work?

Get on good morning america and wear a “i smoke weed” shirt and hold up a sign saying eat a dick

Make sure to get it recorded on dvr then share it on facebook with all your co-workers and hr.

Let’s see what happens


If you work for a larger company, and your conduct reflects back at the company, it is their problem. Because they’re giving you money, in the big game of public perception-- your someone who they feel reflects their values in order to represent their company. That’s always how it plays to people. It doesn’t matter how much you like them, it’s how the game goes.

You’re right that if you work at a McDonalds cant fire you for going to Burger king, but that’s not comparable. If you go on National Television, and look like a massive dick – in the age of the internet you can instantly be googled and found out. It doesn’t take a lot for someone to say “McDonalds employee hates women.”

It is so easy for that shit to spiral out of control. You may not see it as fair, but any time you own a business, reputation and culture of whoever works for you is the number one thing. You serve at the discretion of the employer. If your actions outside of work have a significant negative impact-- you bet your ass you’re probably fired. Also if you worked at Burger King-- quite a few McDonalds will not let you work their any longer as it’s a conflict of interest. My first job was a Hollywood Video-- and a few people left because they got jobs at the Circuit City-- and the companies were considered competitors. So both companies said “choose.”

They ended up doing so well.

In Virginia they can.

I dunno, I don’t think he should have gotten fired over that BS just because she got put in a bad mood and decided to confront him when he didn’t even say it. He was just being honest and honesty isn’t always pretty or agreeable to everyone involved. It’s his and his friends’ sense of humor and nobody actually got hurt (although if you want to get really dark, there could’ve been a rapist out there getting ready to attack someone while the news was on in the background encouraging him/her to “Bleep her right in the bleep”… what are the odds?), but termination being the goto action when he’s not even on the job is bullshit. I don’t care who the company is… actually I do because I view them more negatively for doing that than just being hands off about it. Even if they don’t approve, there are other things they could’ve done about it than kill the person’s livelihood outright.

-That aside, I really don’t fuck with the public eye thing that much outside of game forums because people are way too sensitive/crybabies over the smallest things and always trying to get people punished over it in some way which is not cool to me.

From another point of view, maybe some people at the office would also warm up to him more for the same reason (similar sense of humor or they respect his honesty… the type of stuff that tends to make people walk on eggshells because they don’t know who is going to take it the wrong way), but I wouldn’t really know that past a programmer’s perspective (a lot of people I’ve met are really laid back and don’t get offended easily) and my perception of typical corporate offices is similar to what you describe because I read stories like this one. Not everything is for everybody is what I take away from this.

This thread is great, because I can use it to get an overview of all the people who have never had a job worth having, and who you can disregard when they try to join in on grown-up conversations.

You forgot to mention the people that just chip in to appear and feel superior.

Shut up and get me a coffee.