Man tells catcallers to cut it out, gets beaten for his trouble

Did you take a minute and actually READ the #yesallwomen tweets? Did it ever occur to you that that’s A LOT of tweets detailing abusive and humiliating behavior from, in a lot of cases, perfect strangers? If you can’t understand that, I don’t know what you tell you.

Generally women who assume most guys are creeps are women who’ve been in situations where they could have been/were raped, or were made uncomfortable/called names because they wouldn’t return the guy’s “affections.” It’s probably a form of mild PTSD. Not all women are like that, but the ones who are, I don’t see why it’s such a stretch to respect that and leave them alone. Why try to change the mind of someone who disagrees with you and doesn’t care to be talked out of it? More dudes need to just take no for an answer and move on rather than getting all offended. It’s basically the real life version of some SF4 scrub who thinks he should win every match just because he boots up the game.

Just start chatting up dudes if women don’t respond to you. At least you get some action.

No one does, which is why I am bowing out before tempers flare and a shitstorm brews.

Although I’m thinking that the majority of that “39 times more” statistic probably isn’t going down in predominately white neighborhoods either… Sounds like tourists or uninformed people wandering into dangerous areas and getting in over their heads.

But we don’t know for sure.

It is more of a social and economical problem then it is a black culture problem. That website helps none in linking where each individual statistic comes from, so you have to click them all, but its safe to assume that the majority of blacks and latinos committing crimes aren’t well off men and women from the suburbs making 50k a year. They are impoverished, under educated, and angry. All things that are an unfortunate recipe for disaster.

I dont think srk hates to hear anything, its just that less then a handful of big mouthes on srk ever present evidence like this in a proper way, and just throw it out there like, “LOOK, BLACKS ARE DANGEROUS”. Black americans are what, 15 percent of the population, with heavy numbers in poverty in compared to their white counterparts. OF COURSE THEY ARE GOING TO BE INVOLVED MORE IN CERTAIN CRIMES. If white people were 15 percent of the populaton, living in the same type of poverty numbers, dealing with the same prejudice and racism, the tables would be turned.

Dont be stupid and present that as a race issue when its not. White people in 2011 made up 65 percent of rapes, 63 percent of aggravated assaults, 66 percent of burglaries, 68 percent of larceny theft, 64 percent of motor vehicle theft, 72 percent of arson, 63 percent of disorderly conduct, 82 percent of DUI. The fucking list goes on, but i dont see you every saying this is a cultural problem for white people, and you never will. Not that i take you serious enough to expect you to, but i’ll still waste time to correct you in order to shed further light to everyone else.

All that fear mongering against blacks is propaganda. You have to pretty much be a retard to believe any of that shit. The numbers below speak for themselves. It breaks it down to total, under 18, and over 18. My numbers above are from the total.

By those statistics, many of which i didnt post, that are dominated by white people, everyone in america should be fearing white people, especially white males who im sure if you break those crimes down by gender, will obviously make up the majority of those numbers. Incarceration numbers mean shit in a country where institutionalized racism is the blatant norm.

Try again

Like crimes against women and children. :coffee:

Also way more relevant.

I don’t understand what’s you point here exactly. I was bringing this video up as a joke, completely unrelated to the scenario in the opening post. (Middle of the street does not equal a bar, where people usually go with the purpose of making contact with the opposite sex.) My point is that the word “creep” gets thrown so much that it can mean anything really…

Yes but most people don’t have teh aspergers so with most people having a BMW and a rich hollywood daddy, and not being butt ugly would have been enough.


Bunch of dudes attack another dude for not standing idly by and letting dudes make women feel monstrously uncomfortable.

Nah, not anti-women at all.

Men are awesome. High five?

I once picked Dan at an arcade, and I overheard some guy saying what kind of man wears pink.


Your quote is simplifying it as A->B.
What really happens here is A->X->B.

The problem isn’t with A, a race. But with X, a social trope that in itself leads to B, regardless of race. For example single motherhood, which is the most common factor in criminals currently in prison, regardless of race. But since single motherhood is most common (relative to the population) within blacks, then most criminals in prison (relative to the population) are blacks.

A isn’t the problem, X is. By solving all of the Xs, you fix the problem.

When you say detailing abusive and humiliating behaviour, do you mean the tweets that went viral in that hashtag that compared men to poisonous M&Ms and sharks…or the tweets that complained about the dangers women have when walking home alone even when men are statistically far more likely be victims of actual violent crimes. I must have missed all the legitimate tweets behind all that bigotry and sexism.

The funny thing is that you say this without any substantial evidence to support it…how would you possibly know this without actually being present yourself. All your doing is taking anecdotes as pure empirical fact…that’s a shitty way to justify sexist profiling of half the population. When I say men are the primarily victims of violence I’m backing it up with the statistics from the department of justice. When you say the overwhelming majority of women are experiencing this, your most likely just basing this off a couple of tumblrs and polls at Jezebel.

The problem here is that there isn’t any strong evidence outside "well this happened to me once"to support the assertion that catcalling is a legitimate problem all women experience. Even assuming that it was, it still wouldn’t given women justification for being sexist and assuming all guys are rapist. In my example of women being the majority of child abusers that shit is actually proven and spoken for so technically we would have far more justification in assuming women abuse kids then men rape women…yet I don’t see childism or yesallkids talking about how all women are abusive.

In summary…there’s no justification for sexism and bigotry.

Well given that men are the majority of people that get beaten up and killed…should we be asking women to stick up for men more since they are the ones actually suffering?

Maybe I’m out of like though cause women feeling uncomfortable>men getting killed…great to know how equality works.

Word, but I wasn’t talk to you or about your post though. I was talking to razor. I didn’t give a shit about your post (no offense) until i saw razor take it, and run wild with it as usual, being wrong, as usual.

Also, why would you quote, “LOOK, BLACKS ARE DANGEROUS” out of context like that? I said, "I dont think srk hates to hear anything, its just that less then a handful of big mouthes on srk ever present evidence like this in a proper way, and just throw it out there like, “LOOK, BLACKS ARE DANGEROUS”. I’m not simplifying anything. I’m saying other people generally do simplify complex issues when they post stuff like that, in reply to razor, not you, or whatever point you were trying to make.

Oh ok then.

I’m okay with this…

Lol my girl she said she like this, men being men, mind your business punks.

She said if you don’t like the attention then ignore it like an adult lol. I love my woman.

You call this a guilt trip? That’s pretty low tier.

No, don’t try to call it anything else.

Haha white knight fgt got pwned


I don’t wanna side one way or another on the race topic but I do have a question.

I remember reading that the majority of the prison population came from single mother households. I also remember reading somewhere that the majority of single mothers are largely in black communities. Now assuming these statistics are accurate I do have to ask why this seems to be a issue unique to black communities?

But the attacker wasn’t minding HIS OWN business to begin with by catcalling.

Obviously the smart thing to do would be to just watch quietly and call the police if necessary but still…

[quote=“tataki, post:35, topic:171065”]

Not being rich and/or good looking. :wink:


I was about to link this video :rofl: It’s so true, any sexually active straight man will attest to this however, like doctamario said sometimes men have nothing to offer a woman and blame all women for being too shallow as an excuse rather than admit they need to step their own shit up.

Anyways it seems as usual most if not all of you are getting riled up about issues that are only tangentially connected to the OP :lol: Clearly the fact that it was a man defending women from name calling is what distorts your views, what if it was a woman who was defending a gay man from being called faggot by a group of women and she got beat up? Or a black man being called the N word by a bunch of white guys and another black man was beaten up for asking them to stop the racial insults?

What all of you fail to realize is that this is not about sexism, this is one man who applied the NY broken windows policy to his own moral compass and got hurt for defending what he believed in. Sure it’s not the smartest move to take on a group of men when you’re all by yourself, but the general principle at work in this story is standing up for what you believe in and not letting the threat of physical violence compromise your values.

Also everyone in here like Po Pimpus criticizing the guy are complete hypocrites because these same SRK’ers bitch and complain when any form of authority be they cops or the federal government infringes on the rights of an individual. Either it’s okay for the majority to always suppress the minority or it’s not, but this half in half out bullshit is just the textbook definition of hypocrisy.

All of that being said I wouldn’t get involved if I was that guy, if a person can’t handle verbal insults from strangers then they are going to have a really tough time adjusting as an adult in the real world where more bigger and inevitable problems arise. But that doesn’t mean I don’t respect the man for standing up for his ideals.

i hope that beta white knight was grinning, thinking he was a hero, while they boot fucked him.


I hope you mean attack being the physical confrontation.

Also no not minding their business, just exercising their freedom of speech. Those women didn’t need that sexist old man and his ancient ways of thinking to protect them from words like they were fragile helpless weaklings. I guess in your view women are just too weak to defend themselves against aggressive speech and need the intervention of the superior man creature to tell them if they are being objectified or not.