Man tells catcallers to cut it out, gets beaten for his trouble

Wouldn’t this same logic apply to ethnic groups too?

All the white folks who think you blacks are criminals when you get close to them can just blame all those thugs…

I guess if a white person had had some black thug do something to them sure, but for most white people it’s ignorance based on hearsay and media messages rather than what they’ve actually experienced.

The number of females that have stories about random dudes groping them, catcalling them, etc is astounding, so while I disagree with the “every guy is a creep until proven otherwise” point of view, I understand it.

The guy had a noble idea, but since he (in no way shape or form) could defend himself let alone those girls, he’s an idiot. From this story, dude put up 0 fight. That’s what makes it laughable. If he got a few licks in, maybe it wouldn’t be as bad. Maybe.
"Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery."

If you want to really understand a problem you have to dig deep into the inconvenient territory.

I was about to say this. What did he think would be the result? If you’re unarmed, you better be actually able to defend yourself unarmed before you sign up to defend somebody else.

I don’t know how anyone denies this anymore. It’s a cultural problem for sure. SRK just hates to hear about it.

Why assume the white person’s perspective is more likely based off ignorance and media manipulation?

How would we know if their experiences are real or not…isn’t just immediately assuming women are always telling the truth about catcalling and groping a tiny bit presumptuous. I mean if were gonna talk about hearsay and media messages, the existing narrative we have on harassment and street crime is extremely skewed when it comes to gender dynamics. You have sites like buzzfeed talking about micro-misogyny and how even a man holding the door for you is a sign of sexism…so I would actually argue that women are more likely to get mixed messages about the differences between real creeps and perceived creeps. Not to mention that profiling a entire class of people based off preconceived notions is very bigoted and is precisely the kind of thinking we should be fighting against. If I perceived every woman I met as being a lying cheating whore until she proved she wasn’t I’d rightfully be called out for my sexist logic…the same applies here to women who intuitively assume all men are scum until proven otherwise.

Not for nothing, but I’d bet a vast majority of white-on-black violence either goes unreported or swept under the rug, especially in urban centers and poor neighborhoods where the vast majority of the victims are either too uneducated or afraid to understand the law or call the police, whereas the perpetrators have the ability to manipulate the system and officials to their advantage.

I guess all that rioting in Missouri is just a bunch of ballyhooing over nothing, huh?

You don’t need an education to know you should call the police when you get robbed.

I can’t roll my eyes hard enough at this.

But this simplistic white vs black narrative doesn’t explain the sheer amount of violence of blacks against other blacks, and why it’s way more common than white on white violence.

I’m willing to acknowledge the dynamics between races since there is actual historical and existing evidence to support that…but this kind of sounds a bit “conspiracy” for my taste. I’m not saying some repression isn’t happening but do you really think it’s enough to nullify the statistics?

I’m talking about a problem that an overwhelming majority of women have apparently experienced at one point or another as opposed to something I’d bet that a slim margin of white people have. The difference between “This has actually happened to me” vs. “Well, I saw it on tv.”

Buzzfeed is a site based on clickbait. If you take anything they put out there seriously, you’ve got problems, but I agree with the mixed messages bit.

Perceiving a woman as a cheating whore means you’re going to be pissed off and humiliated if you’re right. If she’s wrong about the guy being okay and it turns out he’s a rapist, she could wind up physically violated at best and dead at worst. It’s not even close to being the same thing.

I think the funny thing here is that if the catcallers were being catcalled themselves by some really muscular gay men, they’d probably feel a lot like the women did. I think it’s sad that some guy tried to stand up and do the right thing, however foolish it may have been to attempt, got his ass beat, and you guys are okay with that. No wonder this country’s falling apart at the seams…

How about all those case of men being abused(by other men and women) that get unreported due to social stigma?

Same thing, except you have a group of people who have multiple legitimate(and illegitimate) reasons to not go to the police… A history filled with society going out its way to marginalize and belittle them, and it seems like every day there’s a new case involving a police officer shooting and killing unarmed citizens…

Yeah, I’m betting a lot of black people don’t bother going to the police when they get assaulted, be the perpetrator black, white, or polka-dot… I’ve even seen my own family go out of their way to avoid involving the police in things other people would instantly dial 911 for.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if you’re black or white, but rather, how much money and influence you have that determines how much the police are willing to help you.
It just happens that most black people don’t tend to have a lot of either a majority of the time.

…And this is all I’ll say on the matter, because we all know where this train is headed, and I am not getting caught in that stupid ass mix-up.

Not being rich and/or good looking. :wink:

While it’s possible that this was the correct decision, and it’s impossible for us to know any details from what you have posted, there’s about a 99.9% chance this was the wrong decision.

So some ugly chick with no money is aggressively hitting on you. You tell her to go away but she keeps it up. Are you going to just fuck her so she’ll go away? Are some girls shallow? Sure.

The “She’s not into me because I’m not rich/good looking enough” thing is stuff dudes tell themselves to mitigate the fact that they have no game and nothing to offer. Elliot Rodger was rich and good looking and STILL couldn’t get laid. :coffee:

Yup, I had thought he was and it’s looking more & more likely.

I referred to buzzfeed as a example of mixed messaging, I could have just as easily referenced the nonsense routinely posted on Jezebel,vice,salon,the guardian and basically any feminist tumblr. The main point is that lots of women are being told that every man is a potential rapist and abuser…a sentiment echoed on the yesallwomen hashtag and one that giving a very warped perception on half the population.

As for your second point, once again I could simply just flip the genders with races and say the same thing about white people in relation to black people. Perceiving all men as potential rapist until they prove they aren’t is obviously problematic for reasons I don’t think I need to explain…just google schrodinger’s rapist to see why. It doesn’t become any less sexist and bigoted just because the target is men, and I personally can’t understand how someone could be sympathetic to a proposition they profiles half the population as criminals. If women want to believe all men are creeps due to the guys in this article…I won’t blame the idiot dudes for that perception, I’ll blame the idiot woman for being a sexist bigot in thinking men are a monolith that all act the same.

It’s also worth noting that women statistically speaking are the majority of child abusers. Therefore in applying your reasoning, if I told every daycare/school/father to treat women as potential child abusers until proven otherwise how well do you think that will go over…I’m sure women would be perfectly fine with that assumption.


What verification method do we exactly have for all these women claiming they are catcalled…I mean aside from anecdotal evidence exactly what are you basing your opinion that the"overwhelming majority of women"experience this. A bunch of women on tumblr doesn’t exactly instil a lot of credibility IMO.

The funny thing is that men are the overwhelming majority of people getting killed, beaten and robbed on the streets. I don’t know about you but if I had a choice between getting murdered or insulted I’d probably pick name calling…that’s just me though. I wonder how most women would feel realizing they aren’t the demographic most likely to actually face real crimes of violence out on the street…but nah who cares about the guys getting killed and beaten at least their feelings aren’t hurt.

You’re right, but how often does that involve white-on-black? Because that was the original point, was it not? This topic stemmed from the original statistic of “Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.”

I agree that this statistic isn’t as accurate if you take into account the vast amount of unreported (and even disregarded) crimes involving black people as victims. However, how much of that is white on black crime, rather than black on black?

Again, I agree that white people do commit crimes on black people that go unreported, but is it enough to seriously offset the “39 times more likely” part? I don’t know the answer, just asking if you do.