Makoto Ultra SFIV

Better cross up is the buff I have been screaming for since Super dropped. This alone would be enough of a buff for me to be happy.

Hey guys here is a petition that I found regarding an AE v2013 update.

Give EX Hayate 1-Hit Hyper Armor or Fireball Invincibility :p:

increase dudley’s st.hp damage to 200 on hit

matchups will change in makoto’s favor for sure.

I’m pretty happy with how Makky is, though if anything were to change;

  • Increase hitbox on crossup
  • now hits low (maybe this is too much to ask)

Also, online training mode. I’m teaching my friend to play, it’s really hard online with no training mode.

Already in makoto’s favour :smiley:

to be honest, other than gouki, i don’t think any fireball character posses any real threat to makoto.

yes, me too.
And even gouki, it’s not because of his fireball that this character gives us trouble >_<

Guile. Play dieminion and tell me that isn’t a bad matchup. Not being able to jump punish a fireball on reaction is a gigantic weakness

i think that would be the case for every character facing guile in the game. for me, dieminion is a bad matchup because the dude is really good and way better than me, but generally speaking, i don’t think that guile is a bad matchup. makoto can close the distance on guile, and when she does, up close she has the advantage IMO. i use to fear the guile matchup, not anymore.

But that’s Dieminion too, an exceptionally smart player at the wheel of Guile (I have troubles against a good Guile too, if I get in a well placed Flash Kick just stops me).

  • It was in SSF4 (not AE…february 2011). So makoto wasnt buff.
  • I didnt know V-Tsurugi to avoid anti-air
  • I didnt know corner 50/50 (0 risk/max reward) against guile at these time.
  • I have won more matchs in casuals

Even if that’s the strongest guile I’ve ever play and it wasnt for makoto in SSF4, I’m sure that this matchup is in makoto’s favour now. (even if i dont like to speak about “matchup” with makoto).


Could you explain that please ?

because if you have good read, you can beat any character in the game.
If you have bad read, you will struggle against many too.

Aside that, if you take Abel as an example.
How can you say “6-4” or “4-6”, or things like that, especially when it depends on if YOU’re knocked down or HE is knocked down.

I saw Tougeki 2012 top 4 and there were so few comebacks, it was disappointing. Maybe it’s related to the conditions they played. [details=Spoiler]Uryo destroyed Fuudo and after that, he had a bad beginning with the next opponent and it seems he didnt even try : I cant knock you down, then i will do random stuff until i loose.[/details]
I dont know if people are getting bored of sf4, or if sf4 has a design problem with all the super you gain when you begin beating someone. After that you can turtle, and cancel a few moves with the super your earnt and deny all attempts of your opponent. The guy who screwed the beginning will loose no matter what except if he is called Infiltration.
Persona 4 seems to reward blocking more than sf4. Also you cant cheap damage someone to death (just until near death). But the combos are longer and seem to do more damage than in sf4.

uryo was on fire during tougeki. :smiley: (so was fuudo. OMG)

About what you said, i think it depends on characters. Dictaror or Guile have so few “comeback” potential :frowning:
Sakura has some good one, but if you cannot pierce opponent defense, you’re screwed.

btw, i loved the PR Rog vs Sagat match.
Too many ultras on reaction :smiley:

ps: did you see the pools? I dont know if the video I watched is still available

I watched Ken Bogard stream on Showprime.

The quality is quite bad, and you can’t see all the fights. Evo 2012 was better than this togeki.
PR Balrog did well, that’s was impressive. Haitani got destroyed by Fuudo :frowning:

(ah yes, you speak French. I forgot xDDDDDDDDDD)

hmm haitani did well at the end of the fight if I remember well (video had some problems. Couldnt really see).

i wonder if they will nerf vryu in 2013 :stuck_out_tongue:

hope not