Makoto Online Player Directory

Sorry for the 2 spoiler tags! I keep deleting them, but when I save and return to page it comes back… Might be saving issues on server side???

Will try to fix later.

Find Makoto players online via XBL & PSN

Please fill out the sections below to get listed :slight_smile:

SRK Handle:
XBL Gamertag:
Skill Level:
Secondary/Alt Characters:




SRK Handle: minii
XBL Gamertag: minii devil
Location: England
Skill Level: Err… not great but not a complete noob either.
Secondary/Alt Characters: Dunno as of yet.

SRK Handle: Sohjirou
XBL GamerTag: StreetfighterIX
Location: Florida
Skill Level: Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Chun Li

SRK Handle: Prince Radinov
XBL Gamertag: King Radinov
Location: Rhode Island
Skill Level:
Secondary/Alt Characters: Adon/Viper/Juri

SRK Handle: NinjaCW
XBL Gamertag: NinjaCW
Location: Middletown, DE (East Coast)
Skill Level: Average (not really sure haha)
Secondary/Alt Characters: None

XBL; AirPhforce
Location; Tampa
Skill Level; Abysmal

SRK Handle: Killer_Jigglypuff
XBL Gamertag: GoombaFromMario
Location: Cape Girardeau, MO
Skill Level: Decent
Main: Sakura
Alts: Makoto, Seth, Bison

SRK Handle: denshuu
XBL Gamertag: [COLOR=seagreen]Wakeup Super
Location: North Carolina, USA
Skill Level: Decent
Secondary/Alt Characters: Gouken, Blanka[/COLOR]

SRK Handle: HBRD
XBL Gamertag: DJHBRD
Location: MD/MA
Skill Level: Pot monster
Main: Makoto/Ibuki, haven’t decided which
Secondary/Alt Characters: Honda, Gen, Akuma, Sakura, Cammy



SRK Handle: IparryU
Location: Tokyo
Skill Level: Better than most
Secondary/Alt Characters: Gouki/Cammy/Guile/Dhalsim/Ibuki

SRK Handle: Antihippy
PSN Gamertag: Antiwhippy
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Skill Level: Scrub
Secondary/Alt Characters: Ibuki, Sakura

SRK Handle: nekoken
PSN : NightsSeven
Location: Oman, India
Skill Level: uh… not bad I guess.
Secondary/Alt Characters: Cammy and Akuma, will probably pick up more with time

SRK Handle: Twin Rhapsody
PSN ID: twin-solo_2
Location: Wisconsin
Skill Level: Above Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Gouken, T.Hawk
Note: Can’t play that often, but when I can, I can play for very long periods of time.

SRK Handle: Stirfri564
PSN Gamertag: Stirfri564
Location: Ocala, Fl, USA
Skill Level: Phew Phew
Secondary/Alt Characters: Rufus, Zangeif, Fei Long

SRK Handle: Antifreeze23
PSN Gamertag: Antifreeze23
Location: Greater Toronto Area
Skill Level: Average in 3s, who knows in this game
Secondary/Alt Characters: Sakura, Ibuki, Cammy, Akuma/Gouki, perhaps DeeJay (Jamaica represent). Perhaps more down the road.

PSN: Skillzdontexit
Location: Conyers, Ga
Skill Level: Don’t exist
Secondary: Ibuki, dudley, ???[/COLOR]

PSN: Skillzdontexit
Location: Conyers, Ga
Skill Level: Don’t exist
Secondary: Ibuki, dudley, ???

SRK: otter
PSN: MyBodyIsInfested
Location: Ohio
Skill level: Mildly above average
Alts: Ryu/Rog.

SRK Handle: Neber
PSN Gamertag: Swirt
Location: Queensland, Australia
Skill Level: Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Ryu, Rufus, C.Viper
Oh wasn’t planning on posting, but since another aussie did,

SRK Handle: keninblack
PSN Gamertag: rpgfighter
Location: East Coast (VA)
Skill Level: Decent.
Secondary/Alt Characters: Dudley is my main. Ibuki and Makoto are secondarys.

SRK Handle: Gen
PS3 Gamertag: solgen9
Location: Trinidad and tobago
Skill Level: Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: guy, ryu

SRK Handle: FistTaFace
PSN Gamertag: Conafobia
Location: Chicago
Skill Level: 6/10
Secondary/Alt Characters: ibuki,ken,deejay



[details=Spoiler] PSN: PubBasher
XBL: AvianKing Hades <-- buddys account, but i use it often
Location: Northern California
Skill Level: New char, who knows:X
Alts: Blanka, Guile

PSN: ProtoIno
XBL: SSstyleX
Location: Southern California
Skill Level: slightly above average
Alts: Abel, Ken and Cody(possibly)

SRK Handle: tylerzd
XBL Gamertag: HerbieBug
PS3 Gamertag: HerbieBug
Location: western Canada
Skill Level: Waaaaayy the fuck out of practice. Former competitive ST player. Took a lengthy hiatus from fighting games. Played some casual 3S for a couple years. Hopped back on the scene for SFIV. Say beginnermediate for SSFIV purposes.
Secondary/Alt Characters: Chun, Blanka, probably Juri or one of the other new characters

SRK Handle: ConneX
XBL Gamertag: ConneX07
PS3 ID: ExiledShinobi
Location: Virginia
Skill Level: Above Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Ken, Sakura
Games For Windows Live: ConneX07

SRK Handle: izanagisama
PSN Gamertag: izanagisama
XBL Gamertag: izanagisama SRK (Will be active on both.)
Location: Atlanta, Ga
Skill Level: Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Chun, Bison, Ken

SRK Handle: Nitro263
PSN Gamertag: OmegaNITRO
XBL Gamertag: OmegaNITRO
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Skill Level: Competitive
Main: Ryu
Alts: Makoto, Sakura, Ibuki

SRK Handle: BeaM
XBL Gamertag: PK Elec(RROD’d last week though)
PSN Gamertag: HK_Karakusa
Location: SoCal.
Skill Level: Decent
Secondary/Alt Characters: Juri, Fuerte, Claw





promised myself id be playing makoto as my main and stick through it in ssf4. list me!

PSN: PubBasher
XBL: AvianKing Hades <-- buddys account, but i use it often
Location: Northern California
Skill Level: New char, who knows:X
Alts: Blanka, Guile

SRK Handle: Antihippy
PSN Gamertag: Antiwhippy
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Skill Level: Scrub
Secondary/Alt Characters: Ibuki, Sakura

There’s gotta be more than one australian playing… right?

SRK Handle: minii
XBL Gamertag: miniiUK
Location: England
Skill Level: Err… not great but not a complete noob either.
Secondary/Alt Characters: Dunno as of yet.

SRK Handle: nekoken
PSN : NightsSeven
Location: Oman, India
Skill Level: uh… not bad I guess.
Secondary/Alt Characters: Cammy and Akuma, will probably pick up more with time

PSN: ProtoIno
XBL: SSstyleX
Location: Southern California
Skill Level: slightly above average
Alts: Abel, Ken and Cody(possibly)

SRK Handle: Sohjirou
XBL GamerTag: StreetfighterIX
Location: Florida
Skill Level: Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Chun Li

SRK Handle: Prince Radinov
XBL Gamertag: King Radinov
Location: Rhode Island
Skill Level: Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Adon

SRK Handle: tylerzd
XBL Gamertag: HerbieBug
PS3 Gamertag: HerbieBug
Location: western Canada
Skill Level: Waaaaayy the fuck out of practice. Former competitive ST player. Took a lengthy hiatus from fighting games. Played some casual 3S for a couple years. Hopped back on the scene for SFIV. Say beginnermediate for SSFIV purposes.
Secondary/Alt Characters: Chun, Blanka, probably Juri or one of the other new characters

SRK Handle: ConneX
XBL Gamertag: ConneX07
PS3 ID: ExiledShinobi
Location: Virginia
Skill Level: Above Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Ken, Sakura

SRK Handle: Twin Rhapsody
PSN ID: twin-solo_2
Location: Wisconsin
Skill Level: Above Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Gouken, T.Hawk

Note: Can’t play that often, but when I can, I can play for very long periods of time.

SRK Handle: NinjaCW
XBL Gamertag: NinjaCW
Location: Middletown, DE (East Coast)
Skill Level: Average (not really sure haha)
Secondary/Alt Characters: None

SRK Handle: Stirfri564
PSN Gamertag: Stirfri564
Location: Ocala, Fl, USA
Skill Level: Phew Phew
Secondary/Alt Characters: Rufus, Zangeif, Fei Long

SRK Handle: izanagisama
PSN Gamertag: izanagisama
XBL Gamertag: izanagisama SRK (Will be active on both.)
Location: Atlanta, Ga
Skill Level: Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Chun, Bison, Ken

XBL; AirPhforce
Location; Tampa
Skill Level; Abysmal

SRK Handle: Antifreeze23
PSN Gamertag: Antifreeze23
Location: Greater Toronto Area
Skill Level: Average in 3s, who knows in this game
Secondary/Alt Characters: Sakura, Ibuki, Cammy, Akuma/Gouki, perhaps DeeJay (Jamaica represent). Perhaps more down the road.

SRK Handle: FistTaFace
PSN Username: Conafobia/FistTaFace
Location: Chicago
Skill Level:6 out of 10
Secondary/Alt Characters: ibuki,deejay

SRK Handle: FistTaFace
PSN Username: Conafobia/FistTaFace
Location: Chicago
Skill Level:6 out of 10
Secondary/Alt Characters: ibuki,deejay

PSN: Skillzdontexit
Location: Conyers, Ga
Skill Level: Don’t exist
Secondary: Ibuki, dudley, ???

SRK: otter
PSN: MyBodyIsInfested
Location: Ohio
Skill level: Mildly above average
Alts: Ryu/Rog.

Avoided online play for most of vanilla’s lifespan, but its hard out here in the Midwest.