Makoto Online Player Directory

Oh wasn’t planning on posting, but since another aussie did,

SRK Handle: Neber
PSN Gamertag: Swirt
Location: Queensland, Australia
Skill Level: Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: Ryu, Rufus, C.Viper

SRK Handle: Nitro263
PSN Gamertag: OmegaNITRO
XBL Gamertag: OmegaNITRO
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Skill Level: Competitive
Main: Ryu
Alts: Makoto, Sakura, Ibuki

SRK Handle: Killer_Jigglypuff
XBL Gamertag: GoombaFromMario
Location: Cape Girardeau, MO
Skill Level: Decent
Main: Sakura
Alts: Makoto, Seth, Bison

SRK Handle: denshuu
XBL Gamertag: Wakeup Super
Location: North Carolina, USA
Skill Level: Decent
Secondary/Alt Characters: Gouken, Blanka

SRK Handle: keninblack
PSN Gamertag: rpgfighter
Location: East Coast (VA)
Skill Level: Decent.
Secondary/Alt Characters: Dudley is my main. Ibuki and Makoto are secondarys.

SRK Handle: Gen
PS3 Gamertag: solgen9
Location: Trinidad and tobago
Skill Level: Average
Secondary/Alt Characters: guy, ryu

I ONLY play ryu in vanilla, only because i hate everyone else in it. guy looks HOT though, but still MAKOTO FTW!!!

SRK Handle: HBRD
XBL Gamertag: DJHBRD
Location: MD/MA
Skill Level: Pot monster
Main: Makoto/Ibuki, haven’t decided which
Secondary/Alt Characters: Honda, Gen, Akuma, Sakura, Cammy

SRK Handle: FistTaFace
PSN Gamertag: Conafobia
Location: Chicago
Skill Level: 6/10
Secondary/Alt Characters: ibuki,ken,deejay

SRK Handle: BeaM
XBL Gamertag: PK Elec(RROD’d last week though)
PSN Gamertag: HK_Karakusa
Location: SoCal.
Skill Level: Decent
Secondary/Alt Characters: Juri, Fuerte, Claw

SRK Handle: Bigboi1play
PSN Gamertag: Bigboi1987
XBL Gamertag: Bigboi1987
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Skill Level: Average (Shows flashes of brillance, then flashes of dumbassery, but tryin’ to get better)
Main: M. Bison
Alts: Makoto, Dee Jay, Guy, Cody, Chun Li, Cammy, and Ibuki

SRK Handle: Simsar
PSN Gamertag: SimsarOO
XBL Gamertag: SimsarOO
Location: Online
Skill Level: BelowAverage (Been playing serious for less than a year. Learn quick though)
Main: Makoto (SF3) Sakura (SF4)
Alts: Makoto, Otomak, Akotom, Sakura, Cody, Tomoka

:smiley: I’m usually extremely light hearted but I prefer people to actually tell me what I’m doing wrong rather than remain silent.

SRK Handle: Thand
XBL Gamertag: Thandrophir
Location: Silver Spring, MD/Washington, DC
Skill Level: Average
Mains: Makoto, Cammy, Juri

SRK Handle: willy277
XBL Gamertag: muffin man277
Location: Denver Colorado
Skill Level: moderate to above avg.
Secondary/Alt Characters: adon, blanka

SRK Handle: GomuGomu
PSN: xXGomuGomuXx
Location: London
Skill Level: Good
Main: Ryu, Makoto & Dudley
Secondary/Alt Characters: Cody, Guy & C.Viper

Don’t think I’ll be online often, if at all, but in case I decide to fuck around.

SRK Handle: ShinobiBrown
PSN ID: TheAngery1
Location: USA, Arlington VA
Skill Level: Average
Secondaries: Viper, Cammy, Juri, Hakan.

SRK Handle: Wonder_Chef
XBL Gamertag: Wonder Chef SRK
Location: So Cal, USA
Skill Level: Average
Secondaries: Everybody

SRK Handle: Devil Trigger
PSN: Cydonian
Location: NYC
Skill Level: aiiight
Main(SSF4): Makoto, Adon, Guy
Main(SF4): Abel, El Fuerte, Gouken, Dic

SRK Handle: Silver Rain 007
XBOX 360: Silver Rain 007
Location: Indianapolis
Skill Level: Eh… SF4… not so good…
Main(SSF4): Makoto
Alts (SSF4): Juri, Gouken
Main(SF4): Gouken

SRK Handle: ShawnMcCool
XBOX 360: ShawnMcCool
Location: Nashville, TN
Skill Level: Advanced with Dhalsim, above average with half a dozen others.
Mains(SSF4): Dhalsim, Makoto
Alts(SSF4): Abel, Blanka, Ryu

SRK Handle:Bee
XBL Gamertag:B TeKz
Location:Tacoma, WA
Skill Level: Above average with Abel
Secondary/Alt Characters: Abel and probably Juri