Makoto AE 2012: the nerfage

Since we’re playing theory fighter, I have a zany request: Karakusa having a hitbox that makes sense.

Crazy! I know! What the hell am I even thinking suggesting that.

Welp, looks like we’re about the same. They took away her only real buff - the Target Combo being special cancellable? It’s now “Super cancellable”. Great, we can go into the super no one uses any more. No changes to charge hayate charge time.

So nothing really changes. We play the same from AE to 2012, we just have to get one more combo and dodge Hadokens better I guess.


ok im done trollin

but she still the same. but i want to see how the other characthers stand vs her with they new buffs and nerfs


my thoughts excatly

idk why they felt that was to much for her but it woulda been nice considering they taking some of her health :confused:

tc buff wasn’t her only buff. They nerfed her health a bit so you would have to play a bit more solidly to compensate, but gave her tools to make it easier to play more solidly. Sucks that the tc isn’t special cancelable, but it’s not a huge deal and I’m a fan of the changes overall.

yeah im looking at all the changes and their looking good.

also kinda off topic but this is my 1st time looking at the cody buffs that everyone was cumming over…they don’t look dat spectacular…

I don’t like the look of the changes at all. Her EX Fuki and normal Fuki has lost damage, she’s lost health, and the target combo is only super cancelable! Honestly. The buffs, if you can call them that come in the way of a charged Hayate. A charged Hayate, I hardly ever use them. Not exactly a popular move for most Makoto players I’d hasten to add. However, it seems the property of a lvl 5 charged Hayate now has the same properties as an EX Hayate. "Excuse me, pal, can you just stand there whilst I charge up this level 5, there’s a good chap. Also level 5 Hayate has armour break… wonderful! sarcasm

Her Tanden Renki now lasts 3 seconds longer when activated! Did anybody actually activate it apart from when cancelling into Ultra? I sure as hell didn’t. Meter was more importantly used elsewhere. EX Karakusa has range of Light Karakusa… great!

Not really a loved character by Capcom I think and these ahem Buffs show it.

Eh, it is what it is. Gameplan isn’t changing like at all so I’m not to off-put by it.

Really wanted that crossup buff though.

Sad about TC1 not being special-cancelable. Curious to see that s.HK buff. As for the other nerfs, I’ve already gotten over it. Health nerf, damage nerf are negligible.

-50 health and dmg on fuki but everything else is the same? ill take it…

Surely you’ll want to be using the new and improved Hayate charge, won’t you? I mean, how can you resist? Just think of it… your opponent is mesmorized at you standing there charging this Hayate. He’s thinking to him/herself, “what is he doing? I dare not move, he looks like he’s doing something peculiar! Wait a sec - DAMN! I’ve been hit by a level 5 hayate!” Yeh boi, and there’s plenty more where that came from.

You haven’t really got much choice, have you? Well, apart from changing character that is. I hear Balrog might be good this time of year.

“Special cancel-able…well…at least it gives us an extra shenanigan options…still sucks about Karakusa but I guess Capcom thinks that target combo buff is a good balance…”

Read this thread

“…oh…SUPER cancel-able”


throws stick into oncoming traffic

Seems like having to block one more hadoken and having to land one more s.MP is too much for this guy. Glad to see him go!

is Target Combo 1 xx Super, Ultra 1 possible? In the corner only? :stuck_out_tongue:
I guess its neat if you need to get it out really fast. Or not. I don’t know, I never use the Super unless I’m against a Boxer (I don’t know why).

Are the Hayate changes really going to be that useless? If you land a stun, can you charge a Level 5 Hayate and then like… idk FADC it?
I’m wondering how long does it take to reach level 5 exactly.
If its fast, then something like, Fukiage, air reset j. HP, charged Hayate that would be neat. It also say that a level 5 Hayate allows the same followup conditions as an EX Hayate. So, you can use a fully charged Hayate in the corner, fukiage jump cancel EX Tsurugi etc?

If level 5 takes as long as just holding down Hayate until she just lets it loose herself while you’re still holding the button, then thats lame.

Also, “Standing hard Kick - Extended hitbox downward.”.
Is this a good thing? Will I still be able to abuse st. HK against Claw?

Sorry for the noob questions, I just don’t quite understand what these changes mean. I’ll probably still play her anyways.

Nope, hitstun on s.MK is much too short.

We still don’t know exactly how long the Hayate charges are going to be. Someone speculated it would take about 80 frames to fully charge and then a few more frames till she reaches the opponent. It won’t take nearly as long as holding the charge until she’s forced to hayate, but it will still take too long.

As far as its real-match utility, it remains to be seen. If fast enough, a lvl 3 Hayate, LP Fuki, EX tsurugi might be a viable option when the opponent is stunned. But there’s added risk-- your opponent might be able to revive before your charge is ready. Also, charged Hayates do not build meter as well as lvl Focus Attack -> whatEever. This has been thoroughly discussed (with proposed damage/stun values) in the thread already, so look back if you’re interested.

Regarding “extended downward hit box”. What that means is that s.HK will hit everything it does now plus stuff that are lower to the ground. If good enough, we can possibly use it for whiff-punishing sweeps and c.fowards

Hello. I just looked up the Japanese notes
Under Makoto TC1 it reads:

I don’t speak Japanese, but I can recognize that the phrase “必殺技キャンセル可能” means “special-cancelable”.

Super-cancelable such as Fei-long’s, or non super-cancelable like Ryu’s heavy srk, have different japanese phrases in the notes. Such as “2段目をスーパーキャンセルを可能にしました。”

So don’t lose your hopes yet!

The big question is even getting there first. Only two situations on paper I can think of for landing a charge Hayate are opponent stun and maybe utilizing it as a meaty/fake meaty on opponent’s wake up. Charge is such a weird thing to add to that move, but I guess it had to carry over from 3S…

exactly! i was raging on twitter, but in fact, it’s english translation which is wrong xD.