S.HK may be a usable buff. Hit those low attacks for days hopefully.
Hopefully fei gets enough nerfs so that the MU is 4-6 in favour of Makoto.
Just noticed someone created a makoto ae2012 thread on capcom unity boards, maybe we should try to make ourselves heard there. Dont think it will change anything but well, it doesnt hurt.
i doubt they listen
can someone make a thread for fei long to get him nerfed properly?
Read the OP and the only thing I agree with is the j.MK hitbox. The rest of the suggestions sound like they’re coming from someone who has played the game, gained an intermediate amount of experience and knowledge, but has not realized he has so much more to learn. For instance, why the hell would I want s.LK comboable from s.LP? If my opponent is close enough to get hit/ block s.LP, then I’ll just link into s.MP. Also, I want people to guard s.LK after a s.LP so I can Blockakusa their ass! Seriously, I’m not even CLOSE to being a good player, but even I’m seeing huge holes in his “proposals”.
Hmm I’ve read this and evaluated what they’re asking for…
As far the OP goes:
-wants j.MK cross up hit box buff
-wants to increase hitstun on Hayate from 23 frames to 28 frames (lol)
-wants an Instant EX Tsurugi speed buff
-wants s.LK changed from 5 frames start up to 4 frame start up
-lol’d at charged Hayate buff
In addition there are other posts that ask for:
-f.LP buff. currently it doesn’t combo into anything even on counter hit
-wants s.HP from 90 to 100 damage
Will think about this and discuss.
Don’t get me wrong. I think they would be awesome changes, but it would make Mak so unbelievably strong. But the last thing I want is for Mak to become the new Fei/Yun. She’s really good now where only a few people whine about her.
I couldnt agree more about j.mk.
And i think the op suggests to increase hayate hitstun by 1, not 5, for hayate fadc to be +5 in total.
But i highly doubt Capcom gives a shit about anything posted on their boards or shoryuken.
I’ve been practicing hp hayate fadc st.lp lately and I’ve actually started to get reasonably consistent with it. Shit leads to a crazy-ass damage/stun midscreen combo, it should be hard.
Ah yes you are correct
I also dont think that the OP has enough experience to make balance suggestions, but I do agree on the 4 frame st LK for a different reason then his.
The problem with a 5 frame st. LK is that its not comboable out of a cr LP and that messes up a option select Makoto has. If you do a cr. LP followed by a input of u2 like it was a super followed by a fast st MK you get:
cr. LP->target combo 1
If the cr. LP wiffs U2 comes out (dunno if its common knowledge but I found this out myself). This would be a great OS versus teleports or characters with a a lot of recovery on their backdash like Sim or Dictator, but the fact that st LK is 5 frames means it doesnt link, so you dont get a combo off of this OS. I dont know if it would be OP to make st LK 4 frames but it would be pretty usefull.
@lost fragment:
yeah, that’s what i’ve written the other day. But even if it’s a good combo…That shouldn’t be that difficult.
Have 2 EX (and 1 pixel) leads to almost the same damage/stun than in corner:
Karakusa/Tsurugi/jumpHP -> stHP > HP hayate FADC stLP -> stMP*3 (now you have refill 1 EX) -> EX oroshi
I wish Makoto’s s.MK had juggle properties into EX Hayate
That’d be awesome. Cheap and stupidly good, but awesome. If EX Hayate would work, so would Fukiage … which could mean cornered opponent jumping = s.MK xx HP Fukiage, HP Fukiage JC EX Tsurugi for retarded damage.
Wouldn’t MK count as the first juggle then? Meaning only one HP Fukiage afterwards and not two?
You know what would be awesome? Makoto’s super giving her +2 frame advantage on all of her moves. Means that double st fierce-hayate cancel into u1 is possible ^^
She would only need +1 to combo FFF…
Also in theory fighter we try to give cool stuff without taking anything away from the gameplay itself. that keeps it realistic. More like dreamfighter but whatever. Seriously though, +2 on s.HP would mean, on some characters that this works:
j.HP> FFS, MP HayatexxSUPER>FFF>MP Oroshi>Ultra 1.
With the damage increase you’re looking at 814 Damage and 976 Stun. So… Nah Capcom wont have that lol. Even though its a bunch of 1f Links its waaaay OP and the community
It woud also mean that this combo works during super:
FFF>s.HK>c.MP>EX Hayate.
I’m just saying lol.
I say during super they take her ability to block and give her the ability to parry.
Again, I’m just saying…
I’m just hoping for the same
would be SOOOOOOOO OP lmao. ESP if it was very third stike like where you can parry supers/ultras/etc. She would be so much better. I think with the ability to parry, her current form would be better than her 3S form. And they could take away half her tools. Hell, SUPER Makoto with the ability to parry would be OP, let alone AE Makoto… Wouldn’t be better than 3S though.
Imagine Parry>Kara EX karakara ooh shit lol
I got good suggestions though :). Still hoping for charge sustained Hayates (like zero’s buster in MvC3). But again, I know i’m not gettin that lol.
Also I’d like 3S Karakusa Recovery, so we could at least block a neutral jump every now and then…