Makoto AE 2012: the nerfage

he split over the tiny nerfs? i thought he used mak pre AE.

I seriously doubt it. If he was pre-AE like me, Mossad, Lost Fragment, or RM, his reaction would have been similar to ours.

He did use her pre-AE and he was really good with her too and a few other characters. He destroyed me with little effort (granted that isn’t saying much) we didn’t play much maybe 30 matches total but I never won a match and only took a round off him a couple of times.

Guess he just had different thoughts on what he would like to see in Makoto.

That’s good to know. Dood still whines a whole lot, though.

We’ll see what happens. I’ve been playing Mak since super and I really don’t care about 50 hp. What I do care about is the karakusa range nerf. Is there any information on how much of a nerf it is? I read that it might be a translation error but >.> The TC change is ok I guess. It seems like a David Sirloin type of buff where you get an equally damaging combo thats easier. Although, I’m sure once we cut into it we might be able to come up with some good stuff with it.

lol. David “Sirloin”? I’m hungry now.

The new EX Karakusa has the same range as lk. Karakusa. I know it sucks, but those are the cards we’ve been dealt.

As has been the reaction with all her ‘nerfs’, still better than Super.

Akuma’s is -2 on block for the latest beta test.

Fuck. Yes.

EX Seismo for Viper lost throw invul, Karakusa that bitch!
Something tells me we won’t be safe this round. :frowning:

They said they’re still taking opinions into account, but I don’t think they’re necessarily going to make more changes.

I second that “fuck yes!”

We’ll never get anymore buffs. Man I can feel her withering away…

Or maybe we’ll get the “no changes made” message. I want a usable buff though :frowning:

So… all viper wake up options are now throwable?

Ok I guess burn kick is not throwable… but who’s going to do that on wakeup lol… or wake up ultra!

They also changed HP TK so it has throw invincibility. Now the guessing game is much more streamlined, and that EX Seismo cancel shit won’t be as effective.

They need to add this nerf to Fei Long, too. I hate it when there are offensive invincible moves that naturally lead into juggles.

Lots of people. Wakeup burning kick isn’t a bad wakeup option. Pretty safe on block.

But loses to meaties big time, which is Makoto’s strongsuit (also safe to ex seismo).

look at u guys cheering for other characters nerfs but when it comes to u its all like “this is noo fair”

Very few people really bitched about Makoto’s changes, and most of the ones who did didn’t whine that hard. Dunno wtf you’re smoking.

see: ex-messiah

Yeah Fei Long needs nerfs, damage needs nerfs and ultra, hes a BS fraud character like Bruce Lee was.