Makoto AE 2012: the nerfage!Trollface.png&sa=X&ei=wO95TuOOJrHYiAKP_OWjDw&ved=0CAcQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNFjSNHOOVmSRMEoT_QRwydztbA1aA

No, but seriously, enough with my faux nerdrage. Someone had to say it. Last time it was Zuranthus who did all the complaining and proclaimed he was NEVER going to play Makoto again when the alpha changes were released. I figured it was my turn to take one for the team.

EDIT: I’m so fucking gullible.

Man these last few posts had me crying at my desk at work LMFAO.

People were looking at me like I was crazy. Thanks vryu/nuts/lost fragment. I almost lost my job over here reading this shit lol

hahaha xD


oh yeah it would be nice if they fixed her hitbox so that we could crouch under high hits like most other characters. I’m looking at the second hit of akuma’s s.HK…

Bloody hell man, you know the sudden feeling when you realize you´ve seriously screwed something up and are in big serious trouble now? That was the feeling i had when i read the very first change from vruys trollpost. It literally took my breath away. Well played v-troll, well played…

Oh man, I don’t even main makoto and that scared me. I wouldn’t want makoto to get nerfed like that. lmao

I swear down…

that scared me too lmao…

the only thing i hope they don’t change is the hitbox on fukiage and her EX moves…those the only thing that really scare me…and a S.MP nerf would mess me up too.

hopefully they just leave her alone…im fine with the nerfs they givin her now

Rofl, if they do that, i will become toptierwhore

WHEW! dodge a bullet on that one

Nothing changed, and a sigh of relief, lol

I skipped past Makoto on the list and read everyone elses changes first. I was scared. D:
Then I was all

OMG! Makoto got nerf hammer invulerability in the alpha version!

(^_^) Yes no changes, life is good.

A sigh of relief for all of us. Of course, it did mention a final adjustment phase after the next location test. Let’s hope she can avoid one more round of possible nerfs.

lol u guys got lucky this time.

Summs up my feelings exactly

I guess I should remind you guys:

Tiger dropped down to 49th. Using him when talking about the lack of nerfs to makoto might end up being a prophetic choice about her later standings :wink:

Nice. Mo more nerfs listed. Good stuff

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shit, i wanted some buffs :frowning: