Making a website for the American ST community

Just send a pm if you’re interested. I might be moving soon so I can have more people over my house, if not I have to cap the ranbats at 10 people.

This makes me want to jump back in the ST scene soooooooo bad! :karate:

is playing super turbo on arcade uncommon in your country…?

Most people are not familiar with JAMMA, kick harnesses, low resolution arcade monitors, CPSII suicide and battery replacement, Phoenixed CPSII boards, importing boards and cabinets from Japan, which controls to use (LS-32), Superguns and RAP-guns, and so on. There are lots of things to know and research about using arcade hardware and CPSII has some other issues to deal with. A (massive) hardware guide would go a long way for the U.S. ST community.

Like VF4 said, doing a guide about playing ST the right way… not the console way.

A lot of people complain that the CPS2 setup is expensive but it’s not. John Rambo found ST at Mak-Japan in akihabara for 100 bucks. If you have the technical know how you can build a supergun for about 150-200 bucks. So all together youll spend like 300 bucks and you’ll be enjoying the game the way it was intended. Plus with the Supergun you just built you can play other great jamma games for no extra cost.

Plus people are always asking about where to get cabs and how much they go for. There are different forums you can go to and get cabs. Plus there’s always ebay and craigs list, but because of the size of them the seller usually asks for local pick up. I recently bought from and he was an extremely awesome seller.

The other part of the guide I’m going to include is how to take a Sega Astro City apart. Japanese cabs fit through “standard” US doors, but my apartment’s a little weird since its a three family home, so I needed to take it apart to fit inside of my room.

So as you can see a guide would help a lot with people just getting into owning arcade hardware.

There is no set stick to play ST with. LS-32s are fine but why would you mention it as if that’s *the *stick to play ST with?

Because 99% of cabinets I played on in Japan were LS-32 for SSFIIX and SBO uses LS-32 for SSFIIX. It’s basically the standard for Japan for older 2DFGs. And if people are importing candy cabinets in an attempt to simulate the way the Japanese play ST then they might as well play using the same sticks in my opinion. Not only that but imagine you invite YuuVega and Otochun over to the U.S. for a tournament and they are playing on parts that aren’t the SSFIIX standard in Japan.

Controls are purely a matter of preference. If a person prefers Sanwas are you gonna tell me they are not


SBO this year ran on sanwas.

Well if you are old dog like me that grow up on arcade, you don’t have a personal “preference” of control :slight_smile:

So I echo what vf4 said. Although I understand for others, they simply get used to their own console control.

But I have seen many top level foreign players going to japan and unable to compete because they cannot play on japanese stick and buttons, it’s just sad.

Tetsuosan, really looking forward to your guide. I want a supergun built bad. [btw, are you howard in john rambo’s video? you looked much older than 25 :slight_smile: ]

Will john rambo be able to import those sexy green boards for us? $100 is $50 less than the usual price here on forum, when they are available.

$100 is an average price for a JP ST board. Years back, they only sold for about $50. It’s the US version that’s always been expensive.

According to Ganelon’s SBO writeup SBO used LS-32 sticks and basically 99% of ST cabinets in Japan had LS-32 sticks. I’ve played ST (and 3S) at a slew of different arcades in Japan and I honestly cannot remember encountering that many cabinets that used Sanwa sticks. For old games most arcades are pretty consistent with using the LS-32. For new games the Sanwa JLF with the shaft cover is basically the new standard (BB, VF5, T6BR, SFIV). Remember most fighting game communities in Japan want everyone on an even playing field and learning everything on the same parts. It means that no matter what arcade you go to the parts are always the same if that makes sense.

Gotta talk to rambo again I had asked what they used at SBO and he insisted it was Sanwa.

He was likely repeating what I mentioned pre-SBO that it was going to be a Sanwa stick. But when we got there, it was definitely a Seimitsu stick (based on the feel of diagonals and the dust cover used). My bad on the confusion.

I just talked to him today and he doesnt remember since he was a bit nervous.

Oh shit why didn’t I stumble across it until today… nice resource… dig the vids… actually like the fact I can hear inputs in these vids contrary to the other shit I come across…

the UK and europe have niche communities of home arcade hobbyists, someone was asking some questions about arcade ST recently on the UK fighting game forum neoempire, and i put some basic info here: Who is the owner of the SSF2T arcade board at SVB 20-X? - Neo Empire Forum

a guide for getting arcade ST is a great idea, i’m sure you know your stuff tetsuoan, but if you need any help or anything written up just gimme a shout :slight_smile:

Update: Ordered a Jrok hopefully it’ll be here sometime this week. If I can get the bugs worked out DBT’s first danisen will be airing on Saturday. As you can see the website has a link now for a stream. We’ll be getting some equipment so get ready for ridiculous commentary from the likes of rambo, DSP, and damdai. We’re calling the ranbat Super Turbo REvolution…

Oh, fuck, man. That’s just sweet, Tetsuosan. Also, +1 for a video guide of replacing batteries*, or other such important things related to real SSF2X arcade, such as superguns.

*CPS-2 Shock can not be thanked enough for their accomplishments.

Can you do a guide for Jrok and other capture/output devices for CPSII? That would be another major thing to have available for people to read.