Making a website for the American ST community

I decided to make a website to cater to the NON JAPANESE ST community since nohoho’s website focuses on the japanese community. I recently decided this since it’s starting to become more and more difficult to gather info and videos since HD remix is overshadowing it.

The website is going to have bios of players, character strategies for said characters, and will have a section of embedded videos. Again this is to cater to our community not the japanese since there are tons of videos of them on youtube. We’re also creating a login system so that you can offer constructive criticism.

What I’m asking of you the community is to give me content so that the website can go up asap. If you would like to be part of the bios page I would like a picture of you (If you want it up), what character you play, and a little bit about yourself. If you also want me to embed youtube videos I need the links to said videos. I’m also asking that if you have character strategies if you can send them to me so I can put them up as well. At the moment the only videos that our going up are the ones that DSP have on his page of us playing.

We have a splash page up right now if you want to check it out. It’s

John Rambo was telling me about this, very interested!

Well you could interview top American players and ask them a few things, like how they got into ST, why they like ST, why they play the character(s) that they do, and ask them for their favorite moment in ST history or something. If you want profiles for players then you’ll need to solicit them actively. Like send out a bunch of PMs on SRK with a list of interview questions to whoever you want.

Also steal Nohoho’s charts and diagrams but then have players offer a paragraph about each match. So ask Choi to do a chart for O.Sagat, or Afro for Boxer, or Nohoho for Blanka, CigarBob, Ganelon, and so on, and have them write a quick sentence or paragraph on each match. I love charts but numbers get boring quickly. Reading players concrete thoughts, like “this character has no anti-air” or “this character dies to throws” which makes the the match x-x, gives way more insight than just the raw numbers.

You could cover events in person like the SBO ST qualifiers and do in depth reports on those.

You could interview people who own ST cabinets/boards and ask them where they bought it from, the story behind obtaining the cabinet, and so on. You could even keep a running list of all ST board locations in the U.S. or keep a list of SRK members who own an ST board. Ask the owner of CTF about their ST cabinet or do a writeup on that. Like the first place XXX on the cab at CTF I think is DAM which is Damdai unless I’m imaging it. Maybe get the story behind how many quarters Damdai put into the machine to get #1.

Talk about the history of ST at EVO. The transition from arcade to console from 2003 to 2004. And then from 2004 to 2008 how the console version changed every year.

You could interview Ponder about GGPO and have him break down how he wrote ST into GGPO’s code and what not.

Great ideas VF4. I plan on using all of them.

I plan on doing the write up on the hardware section since I have one and I have some decent knowledge on how CPS2 and Jamma works which is helpful for anyone that’s trying to obtain one.

Speaking of character matchup charts I’m planning on doing a whole new one, since some of the matchups have changed over the years. I spoke with damdai about it and he said he would change some of the matchups that he contributed for Zangief. I like your idea of explaining the matchup since like you said it makes it less boring and gives you the answers right there of why “x” character beats “y” character.

I like your idea of the profile part so if you don’t mind I’ll use those same questions as a basis for everyone to explain a little about themselves to the community.

I will personally be at the qualifier this year so I’ll try to do as many interviews as possible and try to get really good coverage of the event. Hopefully the site will be up and running so that I can try to do live updates.

Keep the ideas coming gentlemen so that we can have this site up and running very soon, and try to keep the ST scene alive!!!

Oh and by the way the site’s name is an homage to a quote that Chris Doyle said to his brother the day they came to play at my house. It’s on youtube on DSPs page lol.

Pull this shit together and you will have one person accessing your website here. No BS. And I already ask for permission to translate it into Portuguese and post it on a Brazilian SF website for the ones who do not speak English, with the proper credits and links to the original material, together with a request to access it at least once in order to give you one extra access.

I would also consider interviewing people who either do or have done a lot for the community, such as Fatboy, Nohoho, zaspacer and NKI (now in Japan). Also, some foreign top ST players, such as Professor Jones.

There is this website called and it has the most complete ST guide I have seen so far. SRK has more information overall when it comes to matchups and text, but these guys have really taken it one step ahead and created videos for every character with their main basic combos, shananingans, juggles and such.

The guide:

The website is mainly in spanish but they have translated the entire ST guide to english. They even have a video that shows you how to do Super Cancels in both normal time and slow motion, look at this:

The guide still needs more material but they have said they will keep updating and just recently added the super cancels. There are also some good articles on arcade stick use and why its better than a gamepad.

In conclusion i would say this is the most complete guide so far as it really takes you by the hand and teaches you how to do all these things. If they keep updating it with things like renda cancels and character specific videos of strategies against other characters, then it will be king of the hill for ST websites.

Double post.

actually i just changed my mind,

that youtube channel you posted has 12 subscribers with about 80 views per video.

the channel we play on has 25,000 subs and the videos of us playing st get about 10,000 views each, so seems to me we might be just as qualified to have a site :slight_smile:

not to mention the title of the thread is "Making a website for the American ST community " with people suggesting things they want to see like “interview top American players, cover events in person like the SBO ST qualifiers and do in depth reports on those, interview people who own ST cabinets/boards and ask them where they bought it from, the story behind obtaining the cabinet, and so on,Talk about the history of ST at EVO”

and then you respond with a site thats mostly in spanish and contains none of these things.

site on.

If someone/anyone does something positive for ST we should be thankful for it. So his site isn’t what you had in mind, it doesn’t mean you should bash him…

If someone/anyone does something positive for ST we should be thankful for it. So his site isn’t what you had in mind, it doesn’t mean you should bash him…

uh who is bashing who, this is exactly what he was doing

tetsuosan made this thread to promote his site and this fellow comes in promoting what he calls the “king of st sites” , basically saying he cant do it better, which is just in poor taste and manners.

yes anyone doing good for st is great, he should make a seperate thread if he loves his site and wants to post links, not try to hijack someone else’s

No it was not. There ain’t a single line which reads or suggests that Tetsuosan should not make his website. He has only posted about a website he thinks is good, in the very least it should serve as a motivation to provide better content or either ask for permission or link what he thinks is good enough.

Views mean nothing, that’s like saying Britney Spears is more qualified for making music records than every violin solist in the world as she sells more and gets more radio/TV repoductions. I had never seen that video about super cancelling and I suppose most have not either, and still it is by far the best presentation of how to cancel the super. IIRC, the very first post in the SRK ST Ryu thread is a newcomer question about how to do it. Next time I see it asked around here, I’ll certainly link it.

the website he posted is great and that video is focking great as well, yet putting it into this thread comes off as disrespectful. Its as if to say no other site is needed since this “king of st sites” already exists, yeah he didnt say that outright but the context of it implies that, he also didnt say he was posting it for any constructive reason but ill take your word for it.

i didnt post that about view counts to be a pompous jerk, just to give validity to tetsuosans project, and yes view counts do actually matter since britney would have a much better time getting people to play st than some mere violinists

OMG HAHAHAHAHAHA Johm Rambo I salute you…you have got to be the biggest internet thug ive ever seen on a forum.

That website fighter101 isnt even mine. Granted i know the creator because i play him at GGPO, but i wasnt giving you a heads up to keep you from creating your own site.

As far as i know the f101 website is only like 4 months old so if they have very few views its because they havent adversited much. I dont kow of any ST enthusiast that would not tell these guys that they have done a great job with their guide.

My bad for posting in your topic, wont happen again.

OMG HAHAHAHAHAHA Johm Rambo I salute you…you have got to be the biggest internet thug ive ever seen on a forum.

That website fighter101 isnt even mine. Granted i know the creator because i play him at GGPO, but i wasnt giving you a heads up to keep you from creating your own site.

As far as i know the f101 website is only like 4 months old so if they have very few views its because they havent adversited much. I dont kow of any ST enthusiast that would not tell these guys that they have done a great job with their guide.

My bad for posting in your topic, wont happen again.

well i just talked with soto and fighter101 on ggpo and we are going to combine our efforts since they are heavy on the strategy side and we are more about players and match vids. this should work really well

i even made a thread for them on srk to help promote them, hopefully they will jump in there and explain the great site they made.

thanks to logankraw for helping to hype these sites

i will now depart and once again promise myself to never again dirty my hands in the pure feces that is this website, thanks kids

That’s not going to help your friends website. Honestly, it’s just sad that an OG ST player like you can get it so wrong.

SRK is shit though :rofl:

Don’t worry about it, Rambo. Fighter101 has some great how-to guide videos that would really help new folks and I don’t think anyone disagrees with that; hopefully, he’ll get more publicity. I know you’re both chill dudes so I’m glad you all were able to clear up the misunderstanding on GGPO.

There will always be detractors but I’m certainly interested in the new site; hope you all get it up soon. One suggestion I would have is maybe step-by-step commentate one of your weekly session matches afterward so intermediate players realize how much strategy and execution (as well as familiarity of system mechanics) go into every move. ST fans can’t afford to get into random arguments with one another.

Oh wow I really like that idea, a lot of other games and even speed runs have audio commentary that you can download along with the video. Maybe record the match videos, and record yourself saying what your thoughts are while rewatching the video and saying something like “Ok I’m paused at the 5 second marker and unpausing in 3… 2… 1…” so that listeners can follow with.