Making a website for the American ST community

We got a lot of interest in a forum so hopefully in the next two weeks it will get implemented in.

At the moment we’re extremely surprised at how many people are showing up to the site. At the same time were trying to create content to put in so that visitors don’t get turned off by the same old. With that being said I’m going to try to do video interviews with some of the players at the qualifier so if you have any questions that you would like answered feel free to email us at

Won’t a forum just dilute the traffic here? With such a limited set of users why split everything up?

I agree with Geo. Why not just have the site have FAQS, interviews, coverage of big ST events, profiles and bios, videos, and then maybe a miscellaneous section? Have any discussions link to this forum. And then have a permanent sticky at the top of this forum link to your own website.

I also agree with geo and VF4. We don’t need another ST forum at the moment, the community should gather somewhere and this seems the right forum to do so, for English speakers. It would only split up the community, in my opinion.

We had a forum at for a while, and we also had a discussion about whether it would “split up” the community and whether it should just be kept at SRK or not.

What happened was, we got a lot of traffic from people that don’t post on SRK from all over the world. I think it was worth it, but after a while traffic on the forums slowed down quite a bit…I like seperate forums though, just my .02.

Hey everyone, haven’t posted on here for quite a while but it is time…

I am the web designer for this website (Don’t Blow This!), and I was talking with Tetsuo about it, and we decided to put off the forum idea for now, until either we get a huge fan base, and or they are begging for one.

For now, we will simply link to this section of SRK.

Now onto the Question, an idea was brought to my attention about having advertisements put into the videos as a way of making revenue to keep the site going. As it takes a decent amount of $ to host a video site.

I’d like to know if you guys would feel put off having to watch a 30 second advertisement during a 10+ minute video.

I know it annoys a ton of people, but we would like to know your opinion, since the site is coming out of pocket, and Donations and advertisements are the best ways to help keep the site alive.

Thanks in advance.

PS: It’s been my pleasure working on this site, I didn’t know SF2 had such a loyal community backing it up.

^I think for longer videos, 30 second ads would be no problem at all (10+ minutes), on a five minute or so match video, I would either like to have no ads or one of those 5 second or less ones.

It would be sweet too to set up playlists BTW!

Why not just host everything on YouTube instead?

Youtube does not get revenue sharing unless you are a partner and they do not allow video game footage to be used for revenue sharing.

Just a thought on the whole forum thing. At worst might take away a little traffic from here. I highly doubt it would split the community and cause any problems. Anyone serious would look at all relevant forums. Not sure how more discussion could be a bad thing, especially if the forums had subsections for characters like the SF4 forums. Not like this forum is exactly overflowing with posts.

Thanks, this helps a lot. I have a better feel for what I can do with balrog in these matchups. The ST community is really helpful.

Thanks im going to use all of your info and airthrows info to improve my balrog.

ATM were working out the kinks but the forum should be up very shortly…

The Japanese say Boxer has it against Gief at a small advantage (55%). Tsuji seems to challenge his wake up with some aerial hook then proceed to jabs and combo, or IOH. As Ryu, if I know he will not crouch block after the aerial attack due to the risk of low attacks, I simply go for the throw. Zangief has to guess or read between throw, low attacks or jump back attack: lariat, counter-throw and SPD (if it gets him while standing during motion, still in blockstun) lose to low attacks, counter throw also loses to invincible moves and jump back + attack, wake-up lariat gets him comboed for a dizzy and doing nothing may get him thrown. Boxer can do the same, however with much higher damage.

Nice site!, nice design too, great info, two good things combined, can we have a forum soon?

To my favorites! :smiley:

Keep the good work guys i love it!

great indeed! Anyway we can post our own vids and have a critique of our play??:karate:

Seems like there are a few people with some opinions on the Geif vs Rog match and I thought I would post my experience from playing with Giga-MSX for so many years. I am sure that anyone in this thread will agree with me that Giga has the second if not the best rog in the US. Afro is the only player that I can think of that could be better.

As mentioned by airthrow rog’s low rush is really good vs gief. In this situation you will want to spam jabs and push Rog to the corner when ever you stuff the rush. You must be careful because the st.FP will hit Gief clean if you are jabbing with in FP range. At this point just KKK if you guess he is going to st.FP you and you will score a knock down and then get in on him for more pressure. If you are with in FP range and you KKK and Rog does nothing to stop it you can hold forward and you should be close to or in Jab SPD range when the KKK finishes.

When you are with in half screen you can sweep the low rush on reaction before the rush hit animation comes out. When you get this situation the next step will be a safe jump with lk. If rog blocks low to save his charge cr.jab x2 then sweep to reset the trap. If he blocks high just SPD instead of sweep. You must make sure to control your SPD to always push you to the corner.

If you are just out side of Rog’s sweep range you can play footsies with Gief’s cr.Rh but you must be careful that if it is blocked you will lose ground. In this situation I will dance out side sweep till I see a whiffed move then either sweep or SPD to move them to the corner.

If Rog gets you down he will jump in with Mp (I think) and that will stuff your PPP/KKK every time. Your best bet here is to just block and do your best to not get thrown.

When you do finally push Rog to the corner you can hold him there fairly well. If you got him there with an SPD/Sweep or some other knockdown you can repeat the safejump LK cr.jab x2 spd/sweep over and over again until they are dead. Really in this situation Rog hasn’t got a chance in hell to get out if you can control your SPD to always go into the corner.

If in the above situation Rog gets his headbutt out and you blocked it with a safe jump I always like to punish with a KKK to push him to the corner and follow up with another safe jump LK.

Of course this all goes out the window as soon as Rog gets super. At this point you need to be cautious of the reversal super when you are trying to go for SPD. But again you can jab x2 and sweep if he tries super he will have to stand so the sweep will knock him down again. Also you can KKK after the 2nd cr.jab to beat the super for free. However if Rog does the super with the uppercut for the first hit it will beat the KKK/PPP and you will eat that damage. So again you have to make an educated guess.

Lastly remember that a nice walking SPD always puts the fear of Gief in any opponents heart.

None of this will work if you cant read and stop the low rush so that is your first priority when playing vs Rog.

I hope this all made sense.

Again thanks for the support gentlemen. It’s been hectic the last couple of months because two of the three members of Team USA are part of our crew, so the majority of the focus was to get them ready for the tournament. I’m hoping the forum could be up soon and any videos of you guys that you want up just send them to the DBT email address that’s on the site. In the mean time I’m going to try to create a hardware guide so you can enjoy ST like we do.

Also I’m in the process of trying to get another monitor for my astro and trying to get a JROK so that we can stream our matches. Hopefully in two to three weeks we’ll begin our danisen ranking system, so expect some awesome matches from us. If your in the tri-state area and want to play with us please feel free to pm me so I can give you directions on how to get here.

so jealous.

if only the st players here could find the time to play offline SOMETIME.

I would love to come up and play. I live in Northern Jersey so realistically it should take at an hour at most to get to Bridgeport. But since im incapable of competing with you guys im undecided.