Mad Catz Capcom Arcade Cabinet Fightstick: What's it worth?

I won this Capcom Arcade Cabinet fightstick in an official Capcom-Unity contest earlier this year. I haven’t used it whatsoever and I’m looking to sell it, most likely on eBay. How much would/should something like this be worth? As far as I know, there’s only one other stick with the “Avenger” art on it, and that’d the the PS3 sister to this X360 stick.

Does anyone around here know what sort of price range I should be able to reasonably ask for something like this? I believe the artwork panel is the only customized part about it, but that has to count for something, right?

Thanks for your help!

Well it is still a Fightstick Pro at its core, which normally go for $100-120 new, but then you can factor in the special artwork, so add another $15 or so.

Disclaimer: The following is a lose guide rather than any “in stone” value and it is written for the 10/20/2013 time frame.

Customization can actually devalue a stick, even if the custom art is superior to the stock art.
If brand-spanking-new and unused I say about $150

Lightly/ gently used $130~ish

Customization, this is the tricky one
A custom can lose about 10 to 15 dollars per customization/change with panel being one customization, and the buttons another and so on.
The right customization (that bumps value) is at minimum the value of the parts involved. To the Most add the total value of parts and materials involved plus an additional amount like $25 or 10% of the value of the parts in question for labor.

One mod that don’t hurt value if done right is Dual-Mods.

Panel art purely depends on the individual buyer, the subject being a popular game or series would bring in more money than a unpopular one.
Swapping parts from knock off to authentic parts can raise the price. But swapping a stick from one bran to another can hurt the value especially if the stick was full Seimitsu as stock (as they are much more rare than Sanwa sticks).

** Keep in mind there also a** Sale on the MLG TE-S** on the Microsoft store right now for $100. And the TE is more popular than the Pro.

If you are doing an auction, start the bid no higher than $85 to $90, I wouldn’t do BUY NOW and more than $115 going off the panel is custom.
I suggest going for a auction sale, you should get more in the end.

Keep in mind you can’t actually sell the stick on here till you meet all the requirements.

Capcom gave these away as a promotion for the Arcade Cabinet games that were released. They had two for each of a bunch of the different games. I’m not entirely sure if they had them customized third party or if MadCatz made them for Capcom this way. Either way the stick came like this and is rare. If you can find the right buyer I would say that you could probably get substantially more than what a Pro is worth normally.

We made two of each of those sticks for Capcom. That should give you an idea of how rare they are.

Its priceless. I wouldnt take less than a grand for it.

As Mark has stated. It’s a very, very limited edition deal. One that might be worth something to collectors later on. For this 1 of only 2 made deal, I’d say $150 to $200.

I would be interested to know if anyone else on the boards managed to get a hold of one of these things. I tried to win one myself but I never win anything. LoL.

I almost bought one of these (not this particular special edition though). I’d go so far to say that it’s worth more than $200. It’s extremely rare. That being said, since it’s so uncommon, you could put it up for 30 days on eBay and still might not get bids higher than ~$130 because people don’t know what they’re looking at.

Thanks, guys. I really appreciate all the help, and especially the input from MarkMan himself. For the time being, I’ve listed the stick here on eBay starting at $150. We’ll see if anyone bites. If nothing happens in a week, I’ll have to reconsider my options.

If I manage to get both sticks, will I be able to Upkick?

the stock sticks go for £50 or less regularly on Ebay, madcatz sold them for £49.99 a few months back with free delivery.

too bad yours comes with the stock sfxt box with terrible artwork because a proper limed stock should get its own box

is the stock got its own label on the bottom panel our does it say sfxt?

either way i don’t think you will get more than a used round 1

Unfortunately, everything is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. If that stick had a custom MvC box and Wolverine art, you could probably get $500 for it due to its rarity, but as is…the only people who would pay a premium are Capcom/stick collectors, and there aren’t enough of them to generate a real bidding war. $150 sounds fair.

I didn’t know the art was stock.

If they are a extremely rare editions, that would bump up there value considerably.

Yeah, it looks like the artwork was given the same production treatment - no plexi and art there… But the fact that they didn’t give the sticks their own packaging does hurt the value quite a bit, I think. There was certainly no obligation on MCZ’s part to do so, obviously, but I can only imagine what a numbered, limited run like this in their own packaging would be worth. Heck, a total of 8, with only 2 of each having the same artwork?! And what if they were 4 XBox360 and 4 PS3 (one each of each artwork)?!

I honestly wouldn’t sell it because it’s so rare, but I’d never play with it because the art is poo (imho).

It would be a display piece in my man-cave.

May sound steep, but if only 2 exist as of now I’m saying 250$ - 300$ . As you know as time goes on value rise.

Um it’s super rare. Clearly much more than standard sticks.

Problem is that just because its super rare doesn’t mean its going to be worth a lot more money. Nobody is actually out searching for this stick so I don’t think it’s going to go up in value.

Hmm… I know there were some Comicon sticks a while back that were on Ebay for a good $500 but they were autographed. There’s also some top 50/1500 BlazBlue LE sticks on Amazon going for $800.00 + right now. Me, personally, I wouldn’t give your stick up for the world. Given as a prize from Capcom themselves? Wow. That’s priceless, not to mention, an honor.