M.Bison Combo Thread: "Child! It is I who am the strongest!"

First post shows combos with v trigger into v trigger blasts. Does the punch button matter or do they all start up the same? I know the scissors have one more frame than not in v trigger

Also does cr mp xx ex inferno really work? I could have sworn that the training dummy was blocking it

(Posted this question in the wrong thread, moved it here.)

Has anyone discovered any 3 meter (non super) vtrigger combos remaining in the game? Combos like ex inferno, ex blast, ex inferno no longer work but did in the past.

The blasts are all the same in Vtrigger

Cr.MP into EX-Inferno works for sure.

What’s the timing for Inferno into EX Blast? I can never seem to get it to connect

AFAIK the normal Inferno doesn’t combo into EX Blast. Are you talking about outside of V-Trigger too?

For whatever reason, it only works outside of V-Trigger. During V-Trigger, even point blank cr.strong > EX Inferno doesn’t work at all. That makes zero sense, but it keeps getting blocked, while I can do it outside of V-Trigger 100% of the time.

Ex vt inferno is 18f.
But, No need to cr.mp straight into it. Do crmp xx scissors lk xx inferno ex

This is typically what I do when in v trigger. I’m still getting the hang of bisons strings and what not and the hardest thing I’ve found is finding an opportunity to v trigger. I primarily use it defensively like after a blocked slide, but I gotta start using it to extend punishes like off of st Hk or cr mk or even simply off any string that ends in scissors

there are many VTC/VT combos available in our combo thread. Please take a look.

One thing to remember is: VT specials serve different purposes. They’re not simply enhanced variations. They’re meant for completely different situations.

What’s bisons best meterless combo that grants the most stun?

cc st.hk 3.hp cr.mp xx qcb mp 420 stun? That’s a crush counter so it’s your go to SRK punish. Unless you mean like bnb off a jump in or frame trap? Off a deep jump in it’s st.hk cr.mp xx qcb mp and off a frame trap depends what buttons you’re setting up. I’ve been using cr.lp into st.mp as a trap going for st.mp cr.mp xx qcb mp but you can use st.hk to get some crush counter frame traps.

Also note that cr.lp into st.mp as a trap is srkable

Hey bison boyzzz
I compiled a bunch of damage and stun listings based on the combos from @"Kriger Stern"


what is the proper follow up off of a CH AXE using the back throw setup outside the corner? (in 4:25 of this video I missed cr M, would a st HP work in this situation? seems like it would be too short.

St.HP has great range and will most likely hit after CH Psycho Axe in that situation. Just be sure to cancel into HK Scissors because Inferno whiffs at max range.

For some reason I was thinking the Pyscho Axe was fast enough at that range to hit again. I use it almost exclusively as my counter hit followup, but I’m not doing them at that range.

Also, not really a combo you would use for damage, but how come we don’t see more people using not quite, but almost max range st.HP into lp.Inferno during pressure situations where they are blocking a lot? The Inferno is safe as hell and also moves you forward slightly.

You can also VT after the counter hit and go for another axe to move you closer. So

CC axe VT axe c.mp xx whatever.

Thanks I didn’t know that.

Using Inferno at max ranges like that definitely needs more testing. It could be a pretty useful tool to bait out an unsafe punish.

But like I said, it needs more testing.

Also if you hit a super meaty CC Psycho Axe, you can combo into another Psycho Axe without using any resources. One setup I’ve found that works well is using it right after a successful EX Headstomp - just do Psycho Axe right as you recover. It’ll hit very meaty, around the last few active frames. Though it’s most likely safer to just use St.HP in this situation, it looks pretty cool.

It’s not quite max range, although it’s essentially right at the point where st.MK will whiff. I haven’t tested every 3f reversal in the game yet, but for Ken and Ryu at least that’s their jab shoryu, and they totally whiff. There aren’t any normals that I’ve found so far (that doesn’t mean there aren’t any) that are quick enough, with enough range to hit you after either. While the st.HP is technically not safe, often the opponent is more worried about blocking, or don’t realize just how far Bison’s normals can reach until it’s too late. Throwing out st.HP into jab Inferno after a blocked Scissor combo, or a Blast that pushes you back is a great way to keep up the pressure, as well as baiting reversals since it has more recovery than any of the Scissor kicks (but still seems super safe). It also seems like a pretty safe way to fish for a CA confirm, if you actually happen to have the meter for it too.

I think it was mentioned elsewhere that hitting with the Inferno at “sweep range” is safe. I don’t know if this is exactly what they were talking about, but I have yet to be punished by anything so far as long as the st.HP is blocked (or obviously hits). Also, while a minor difference, IIRC, the chip is slightly higher as well compared to a Scissor kick.

I put together a short video with a couple of interesting setups:


these are the optimal/max damage combo right? thanks