Let’s round up interesting tech with Bison in here.
VIDEO LINKS___________________________________________
5F safe jump setup
Backthrow crush counter setup
VT Inferno 4F crush counter setup
EX-Blast wakeup pressure setup
V-Skill compilation
Corner mixup
Forward throw into corner dash meaty
MP inferno knockdown into df.HP crush
Inferno mixup #1 (meter heavy)
Disappearing Dictator Meaty Setups
Punishing with Bison
Bison Combos #1
Bison Combos #2
Reset Combo #1
Reset Combo #2
Reset Combo #3
4f safe jump if no recovery
If they quick recover (standing or back) your stMP beats their move (I presume a 4f move ?)
Bison EX-Head press / Throw Tech / V-Reversal OS (not sure if this will work with Alex DLC patch update yet… will test)
Reset Compilation #1
Reset Compilation #2
RnK Clan Resets (Bison combos start at 3m 19s)
Shadaloo TV Bootcamp #1
Shadaloo TV Bootcamp #2
Shadaloo TV Bootcamp #3
Bison Punishment Guide

Some things I have learned, might have been posted already but I missed it:
-If you hit a CC st.hk, instead of doing st.hk CC downforward.HP, do st.hk slight walkup st.hk, cr.mp MP inferno for the same damage, but 40 more stun. If you manage to hit st.hk from really far, then you should use downforward.hp.
corner throw 4f safejump/meaty setup: normal throw, dash st.hk, neutral jump (jump normal)
If quickrise, they face meaty st.hk (you are +6 after throw into dash, so the st.hk leaves 3f gap), and if they don’t quickrise you get an easy safejump. To all non-bison players, that means ALWAYS quickrise throws.midscreen 4f safejump (if no quickrise): hold upforward and upon second jump, you get a safejump. Only useful if other person doesn’t know about it/accidentally doesn’t quickrise, you might be punished in the air a well so be advised w/ this.
CC sweep 7f safejump, cr.mp, cr.lp neutral jump. Might be a better one but it’s really hard to find. If someone can find a way to wait somewhere between 27-30 frames after the sweep you might be able to get it.
stomp has significantly less charge time than blast/scissors. You can jump, start charging, and immediately upon landing do the stomp/devil’s reverse.
I don’t think bison has a large throw range particularly. The reason it seems that way is because he is one of the characters in the game (along w/ grapplers, rashid, nash, karin, might be missing someone) who has a very tight tic throw string, namely from cr.lp/st.lp/cr.lk into throw. Cannot be jabbed out, must be teched/jumped/backdashed/DP’d out of.
chip kill: HP inferno VT HP inferno super for 124 guaranteed damage
good mixup: cr.lp, slight walkback st.lp LP blast. Will beat throwtech/delayed throw tech, block reversal DP, will beat neutral jump since blast comes out, loses to reversal low/3f/4f normal.
Backdashing after crossup works really well to beat throwtech and potential DP. You can get st.hk but no followup, but you can react to the throwtech and do cr.mp MP inferno. Backdashing in general works really well to beat many things, especially against antsy players who always feel the need to do something (DP/throwtech/button press).
If you stick out st.mp, react to the counterhit under your health bar and then go for downforward.HP.
gilley’s frame data doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1976rt8B91PqVCeYJAmcnW1uwVJ0H03QJtV-dJC5ohL8/edit#gid=1686056911
V-Trigger Cancel Properties
Attack VT Hit VT Guard
s.LP 1 0
s.MP 9 5
s.HP 9 4
s.LK 2 0
s.MK 6 2
s.HK 10 7
c.LP 0 -1
c.MP 6 3
c.HP 11 5
c.LK 0 1
c.MK 5 3
c.HK Kd 4
df.HP 15 10
s.MP~df.hp 15 4
LP blast Kd 15
MP blast Kd 15
HP blast Kd 14
EX blast Kd 17
LP inferno Kd 19
MP inferno Kd 20
HP inferno Kd 28
EX inferno Kd 29
LK knee press 5 -2
MK knee press 5 0
HK knee press 6 3
EX knee press kd 7