Sshhhhh, dont you know that Lyghts reads this forum and now next time he plays SeikuRyu he’s gonna start with the holocaust denial trash talking.
Anyway Prodigy i look foward to that vid later in the week.
Also AOD, now we have demonstrated that yes Lyghts uses turbo, he is a liar, and a racist, i wanna ask you if that is the kind of guy you want on your team.
At best his credibility is shot to pieces. I will be emailing all major tourney promoters with Lyghts picture and details and this thread to ensure they check his pad and are vigilant for turbo use. All the while he remains a member of AOD I will have to advise them that he is a representative of AOD one of the premier clans on XBL.
At worst he is a proven racist. We know he used the “N” Bomb on Snakeyes and others on here. Phlush you are black, how can you permit someone like this to be on your team.
All the racist talk to chinese people, the lies, the way he conducts himself all over the place, come on phlush.
Maybe he has been cool with you but bottom line is if i had a friend who was racist, disrespectful etc i would disown them in an instant. You have to judge him by how he treats other people.
Many years ago i told ceasar that Lyghts was bad for business and he disagreed and said he thought he was good for business.
Seems i was right but it isnt too late.
This guy needs to be consigned to the dustbin of history, liars, racists and snakes before he brings your whole team down.
All the while you allow him to remain you are implicitly endorsing all his antics.