Lyghts Out Accusations

Lyghts always did have a selective memory when it came to his wins and losses.

It got so bad that i had to photograph my win screens. ( didnt have a vid cam back then ). Incidentally i still have the pics.

Also Lyghts dont try pulling the race card when you used to refer to me as a british tea drinking chink.

I been visiting SRK for a long time but never joind cos im pretty scrubby when it comes to fight games. I just wanna learn and i thank you people for improving my game even though i got a long way to go. I dont think id have anything valuable to contribute jus now but im hoping to change that when i learn more. But reading this made me wanna speak out. I never played Lyghtsout on SF4 or SF2 but i used to play him often on Gears Of War 2. Now shooters are definately my thing and he culdnt stand losing on it and kept saying he doesnt play this game and SF is the only skill game out there. I taught him a few things and he was kinda cool but then he asked me to help him cheat and get his gamer score up by glitching. I dunno exactly how its done but back then it was possible to cheat and get max points or achievment or summat and i had every achievment. I said no and he kept on and on and eventually started cussing me out and calling me a dumb nigga, a black rat you name it and he called me it. Every racial slur in the book. So yeah i say this guy is definatly a racist and a cheat and that autofire video vindicates me and everyone he cussed out. Im not gonna get drawn in further and dont wanna get involved but i felt i owe it to you people cos you guys are cool people.


Let’s see the pics…

Looks like lyghts has split personalities. sounds pretty severe from the spectrum of responses on this thread. makes me lolz. his nick should be jekyll-N-hyde

Someone asked me to post up the pics of my wins over Lyghts.

I’m trying to find my old phone that stored the pics. Iv had about 5 phones since then.

Anyway still looking so bear with me but here are a couple of pics that were on my Hard drive just to tide you over. Doesnt really show too much beyond a couple of wins im afraid.

Pictures by Eltonchong - Photobucket

Also on there are pics of lyghts sending me abuse plus a photo he sent me of himself.

Basically he sent me what he obviously considered was an intimidating picture and a message saying that he would physically destroy me, suffice it to say that i lolled. Arms and legs like a labrador spring to mind.

Anyway back then i was lyghts nemesis. He has improved but for whatever reason he had no way to beat me back then. His crowning achievement was this victory.


Have you upgraded your bubble tv yet lyghts?

Other pics on there are pics of my old DOA stick plus the immortal plank which is what i fasten my sticks to. The plank has a mysterious quality and i cant play without it. The day the plank is destroyed is the day i will be forced to quit the game.

Also there is a pic of 2 nasty looking blondes that look like eastern european whores from one of Vanilla Tears videos. Not my girlfriends i assure you. People with a good memory will remember this from when i destroyed another liar but we wont go there.

lol this is hilarious. i could give 2 shits either way on this but damn. i mean i think the fact that he hasnt responded really to any of this should answer all your questions. wonder what his new gt is? lol

Sure enough, the crazy inputs are gone in this vid. More proof if any was needed that he used turbo in the original vid, nothing to do with some secret technique. Sorry Phlush but Lyghts lied to you, your first instinct was correct. Seems this vid was posted after the initial controversy so Lyghts wasnt gonna make that mistake again.

Still there however is Lyghts foul attitude!! He even went as far as to call this guy a weabul :0

This is yet another small glimpse into the world of the real lyghts out. The safe as houses mr nice guy is reserved only for when he is in the spotlight and amongst known faces. ( actually the guy he was playing is a decent player but Lyghts clearly didnt recognise him )


Also i wanna reiterate that the fact he used turbo on the original vid means he most likely used it on remix. Circumstantial as it may be, many players have “detected” his turbo use over the years. Again the “legit” Lyghts out is only reserved for his friends and people he is cool with. When he thinks the cameras arent rolling this guy is one nasty bit of work and the turbo is there in full effect. I always knew he was using turbo against me, that feeling of being sucked in like a hoover when being thrown is unmistakeable.

Tell me, why should we believe otherwise when there is so much evidence and testimony from legit players that he is a racist and a liar.

Fact is Lyghts has used turbo online and most probably offline. I doubt if people are checking for turbo use at offline tourneys, RCAIDO already asked that question. There is an inherent trust and honour amongst players at these events, most new controllers and sticks are turbo enabled. I think the assumption is that noone would be brazen enough to use a turbo in an offline tourney.

Who is gonna defend a racist liar and a proven turbo user?

Oh hey I remember this match. Before this match I played his Ryu twice. I don’t remember him taking a round. Looking at the video it’s pretty obvious he’s a masher. He might have had a better chance fighting me if he used turbo.

His Ryu, Sagat: they’re both garbage. My Ryu and Sagat are way better than this scrub. He might have made a name for himself in HDR but he’s ass in 4. The messages at the end of the video are not over exaggerated, the guy’s just a douche and complete garbage at street fighter. You don’t understand anything about SSF4.

Lyghts 0ut, you need to man up.

I hate when SF4 only players post in HDR/VST threads.


p.s My bad if you’re not a SF4 only player. I’m just in the asshole mood hehaahaheheha! Yeah off topic asinine posts ftw…

Dont worry yourself about it Kacom.

Always remember the saying “my enemies enemy is my friend”

LOL listen people to end this thread im gonna post a video debunking the theory of lyghts out actually being able to mash all that shit on the throw tech frames. I play on a te stick. Im gonna tap one button with two fingers and that button is gonna be macroed to throw. I didnt get nearly as many inputs as lyghts out AND THATS ON STICK. Now i turned the turbo on and those inputs popped up like nothing. Expect the video later this week

whoa whoa brothers don’t hate on my favorite FG playing jew mitchel steinman

Lyghts 0ut is pretty pro at raging easily. The fact that you can rage and use turbo (in any game period) is pretty silly to me. It’s like raging that you lost in MMPR SNES with Ivan Ooze (however I would not be surprised if Lyghts 0ut would lose to anyone in MMPR SNES with Ivan Ooze!)

I’m curious as to why this thread even exists?
Even if what people say about Lyghts is true, what’s wrong with using turbo or being racist anyway??

Sshhhhh, dont you know that Lyghts reads this forum and now next time he plays SeikuRyu he’s gonna start with the holocaust denial trash talking.

Anyway Prodigy i look foward to that vid later in the week.

Also AOD, now we have demonstrated that yes Lyghts uses turbo, he is a liar, and a racist, i wanna ask you if that is the kind of guy you want on your team.

At best his credibility is shot to pieces. I will be emailing all major tourney promoters with Lyghts picture and details and this thread to ensure they check his pad and are vigilant for turbo use. All the while he remains a member of AOD I will have to advise them that he is a representative of AOD one of the premier clans on XBL.

At worst he is a proven racist. We know he used the “N” Bomb on Snakeyes and others on here. Phlush you are black, how can you permit someone like this to be on your team.

All the racist talk to chinese people, the lies, the way he conducts himself all over the place, come on phlush.

Maybe he has been cool with you but bottom line is if i had a friend who was racist, disrespectful etc i would disown them in an instant. You have to judge him by how he treats other people.

Many years ago i told ceasar that Lyghts was bad for business and he disagreed and said he thought he was good for business.

Seems i was right but it isnt too late.

This guy needs to be consigned to the dustbin of history, liars, racists and snakes before he brings your whole team down.

All the while you allow him to remain you are implicitly endorsing all his antics.

That lyghts scrub couldn’t make top 8, perhaps he needed turbo roids lol. but but but he’s “good” pfft…

Hey guys just gotta say that Lyghts Out showed up to NCR, and he can play. He didn’t make top 8 though but the tournament was pretty stacked with heavy hitters. I give him props for showing up to tournaments though since that is what the scene needs.

Right on there Cans. Precisely what the scene needs, more racist turbo users to liven things up.

I bet he was as quiet as a nun in person though. Shame he didnt hit top 8, I thought he was gonna destroy everyone. Where is he now?

Believe me if he placed we would all be hearing about it. So the tourney was stacked with heavy hitters? Sure it was, that plus the fact that Lyghts cant do shit without his turbo and trash talking to fall back on.

Anyway just a couple of quick questions i wanna pose to you Cans.

Does it bother you that your online friend Mr Lyghts is a racist? Do you overlook it or just ignore it cos he’s cool with you? Would you be friends with someone in the real world who is racist?

I dont think we can ignore the testimony of so many people.

What is it gonna take for some people to denounce him. Do we need to catch this mexican hitler red handed at a Ku-klux clan meet, robed up and all? Is it gonna take for him to be involved in a lynching at EVO? What the hell.

Damn, this thread is still going?!? What more can you say about this guy? Fawk it, I think the jury already in on this matter. Those that hate him have already expressed that a million times and the reasons have been duly noted! The HDR community is shrinking as is, and as long as he continues to play and even show up at tourneys then more power to him. Most online players that have beef with him just avoid him and I guess he does the same.

Of course sh!t-talking would piss anyone off but have you guys played any other games online on XBOX, it’s actually worse playing FPS games. Fortunately there’s a mute option to mute a particular player if you know they are going to talk trash. And Hatemail is always cool because you know you’re doing you motherfawking job…which is winning!

When I first played Lyghts when I got my xbox, he didn’t know who the fawk i was. When I starting winning, yeah I experience the love that only Lyghts himself could give via messages and chatroom sh!t talking. But the more I encountered him and the endless mind games we played, the battle went 50/50 for the most part (when we are playing at peak performance) we just end up earning each other respect.

As I said, HDR is a shrinking community…I like to see more of the online regulars come out and shine at tourneys…guess that includes me too. Cuz, we got some serious players that can wreck…from the online scene.

I suspect that Elton just wants to get in with AOD.

It’s lyghts 0ut 4 u!!!

Good night sweet bitch