Are you sure that was a disco Geoff? Lyghts looked like he was trying to shake out of the dizzy. Most disco’rs become inanimate when they reach for the cord or access the main menu.
edit: i don’t know for sure, this shit was like years ago when me and my guys kept making fun of him and his lisp-- to be honest i’m 99% sure it was a disconnect, and if not, then it was very fortunate to not go through the humiliation of getting beaten (again) by my garbage F tier cammy
also what the fuck happened to the video how’d it disappear??
FWIW, I can’t recall a fight vs. Lyghts that felt turbo boosted to me.
Can’t remember a time he’s RQ’d on me, either.
A few decent points and yeah i think for the most part we have made our point, but i will say it sounds like you’re making excuses for a racist.
Online/offline, we challenge racism wherever we find it and there is never an excuse for it.
Sure there are other trash talkers in the game but this dude is a different breed, a contemptible little snake who has no respect for this shrinking community.
When he used turbo for years he had no respect for his opponent or the game, when he dropped the “N” bomb on Snakeeyes and called me and others a chink he didnt care about people’s feelings or how it may fracture what is left of this shrinking community.
When he wrongfully accused the Evo winner of turbo use, a player from the online community, he shat on the community as a whole. Snakeeyes provided inspiration by proving that someone from our community could succeed on the biggest stage and yet Lyghts had to rubbish that achievement and even claimed to be a better player.
He may attend tourneys but dont ever think he does so to support the community. Lyghts is self serving, he wanted glory, fair play we all do, but he wanted it to rub peoples noses in it. Just like his turbo use, all he wanted was to win to make people feel small. Fact is he came up short this time round and even in the past he has lied about how he placed, see Buktooths post for proof.
Where are you Lyghts, quiet as a librarian!! But believe if he didnt get clapped out of the game at the regionals he would be here gloating and running his mouth. Fact is you got done cos u couldnt rely on your little turbo pad.
And to anyone who wants to defend Lyghts, i wanna say this.
If Sanford Kelly gets lynched at Evo just remember you will have blood on your hands.
If J Wong is the victim of a whipping or gets skinned alive at Canada cup, then you too must share in that blame.
If he grabs the commentators mic and starts denying the holocaust at the next Norcal regionals, you will have desicrated the graves of all the jews that suffered.
Think on!!
Don’t get me wrong…my point wasn’t too pick sides or defend anyone. I’m saying it’s a moot point to discuss this. This has been a long ongoing thread about a man everyone, by now, is already familiar with and already know the history. No need for anyone to make a celebrity out of someone for bad sportsmanship. Since you already know his M.O., either play him or avoid him. No need to put up with his abuse if you know he’s going to dish it out. That was the only point I was trying to make.
Ever played dekor…? That guy is the number one hated guy on XBL, for hatemails, in-game chat-hating, forum troll posting douchebag. He’s admitted he supports the NAZI movement…so you can’t get more racist than him. And if anyone decides to make a thread just for him, he would absolutely welcome the idea that you would honor him in such a way and proceed to cuss you out until a moderator actually comes in and close it down.
Again, the joy of meeting online players! I just don’t think anybody need to get worked up about this dude…especially if it’s been going on for years now. C’mon? Should just make a turbo user thread and say here’s all the known turbo users and if people want to play them fine, or if not, you know who they are.
Wow this thread still exists O.O
Ok to end this thread i uploaded a video explaining how turbo works on ssf4 for hdr players. Heres the link [media=youtube]fdvBr4A9Es0[/media]
Nice video, and what idiot was trying to claim Lyghts was plinking. Plinking has nothing to do with fast inputs, and whoever said it knows zero about sf4.
This topic has been done to death and Pro’s latest vid should shut up the imbeciles who wanna claim he wasnt using turbo in that vid.
But i just wanna cap it off so we put this thing to rest once and for all.
Certain players say he doesnt use turbo in remix. I and many others of course know otherwise cos we’ve experienced it. Also when we look at the shoddy character of the guy, the lies the racism etc then I say why not? Also the messages of support iv recieved from well respected players give a pretty accurate snapshot of the sentiment of the community.
But none of the things iv mentioned are proof in themselves. They are very subjective and personal experiences which are difficult to prove to others and im certainly not going to betray the confidence of those that messaged me.
So lets take a look at another video:
Now im not gonna take anything away from mongolorobo who i have played and know to be a great player, but a big part of what you saw right there is what happens when you defang and de-venom a snake.
Without his turbo there is a complete inability to reversal uppercut or to uppercut deep. Zoning is seriously hampered cos he can no longer time his tiger shots to come out at the earliest possible opportunity like you can with turbo. No throw game whatsoever although i concede this is in part due to mongolos ability to stop him setting up throw attempts.
If i didnt know better id honestly think i was looking at a completely different player. His game bears no similarity to the online Lyghts.
Without his turbo pad, no way of disconnecting when things go against him, no lag and too gutless to trash talk in person, Lyghts is nothing, a rank amateur and a total scrub.
Lyghts has been found out, quiet as Harpo Marx and too scared to debate in an open and transparent fashion.
I trust AOD will do the right thing AGAIN and revoke his AOD membership, at present he is a stain on their good name.
Thread closed.
Yup first thing I noticed, no tiger knee instant throw. I also play sagat and I can’t even do it on a stick, so how the fk would he do it on a pad? are those buttons as responsive as my sanwas? You lose online champ
Is there a way I can get the full results from Super NCR May 27th-30th. I played Mongolo’s Chun then right after I played your Chun and won. So either the tournament is flawed by giving you 3 chances or you don’t remember. I played Sagat.
I didn’t say chink I said chinaman. So funny, so mouthy and brave behind your mic but why didnt you open your fucking mouth at this past Ncr? I was kinda waiting for it too I really was. Fed up of lil fuckers like you side-busting on shit you shouldnt open your mouth about. This has shit to do with you. At all.
Or DnGRS what about you talking shit to me in the room with Ego? Then having me ignore you and you crying and bitching because I wouldnt respond to you? Is THAT how grown-ups act? Mind your business son.
Anyway this past NCR I lost to Mongolo and Blue. I forgot my ps3 controller at home and wasnt about to drop $55 on a brand new one so I bought some shitty ass fightpad for like half the price ($35). Shit was malfunctioning the entire time kept shutting off and there was like a weird input delay, Mongolo was cool enough to even restart our match which I wanted to thank you again for that. Blue even noticed how terrible that damn fightpad was he’s like “dude your missing hella shit” LOL!. Shit I threw that stupid thing away as soon as I left.
It was fun watching all the matches though, Daigo vs Blue was one for the ages. Crazy ass cross-up tiger uppercut was retarded lol.
i like joking around with the people i meet from this game. it’s pretty fun
Posting in immortal thread
I know all Asian people look the same but I don’t think you played Buktooth’s Chun. You played 1up’s Richard Li’s Chun Li.
EDIT: Inappropriate post on a open video game forum. moved to PMs.
Guys, let’s be serious. No one’s going to brawl over street fighter.
But if you do, film it so we can plaster it all over you tube.
yeah I just realized how stupid my previous post sounded. I apologize to the rest of the forum members for having to see that. Can’t believe I went down to his level.
I just got home and was on a good buzz when I saw what Jason posted. I was thinking, we were in the same room and the same time and he waits 2 weeks to tell me that he had something to tell me in person. It just got me so heated that I lost it for a min.
I won’t bring this garbage to the forum again guys. my bad.
Seriously. Then someone can make a GTFA.
Yo guys lets drop this bullcrap already, so what if Lyghts out uses turbo online, if he talks crap to you just mute it, you don’t have to like everyone on XBL but at least he is contributing to the Fighting Community by showing up to tournaments. Just drop it forum fights are stupid anyway.