Low tier whiff DHC 100% combos

U can do this setup without zangief ground assist at the end. Just using hulk… OTG lk xx g.charge xx g.crush… delay slightly in the cancel to get unmashable crush… (still not unmashable vs sent).

ok i know this is in the wrong thread but i really didnt wanna start a new one. but are there any characters in the game with any move that forces you to stand? while in block stun or something. what im thinking is something that forces them into the throw assist with anakaris. any ideas? i hope this makes sense

What you are hoping for can’t really happen. All attacks in marvel force stand on hit… none do on block. The other issue would be (and I don’t know anak that well so i’m guessing) but all the throws I know of in the game will not connect on an opp who is currently in block stun. The best you can hope for and this actually has worked really well on me b4 (die beats die) but you can do frame traps with it. If you put the opp into blockstun and call anak… anak’s hand stick out for a bit so when they pop out of block stun if they try anything they get grabbed (unless it’s something crouching obv). You could easily combine this with someone who has a fast overhead or trijump to really convince your opp that they should be standing more :slight_smile:

If you like rogue just try something like run a block string into call anak+instant dive kick… either land dive kick into combo… or they stand block and maybe get grabbed. To make it work you’ll have to play with the timing and use some delay type mind games… but I imagine there is something there.

Got a set up with Ruby / Bison
Ruby - down jab, down Mp, Hk, sj Hp, Hyperschw’ f, b, f, u, u/f xx whiff psycho crusher, otg, launch, sj Lk, Mk, scissor kick xx psycho crusher.

Another thing not mentioned is that the DHC glitch affects flying screen.
eg Morrigan can do down jab + Ruby anti air, DF Hp, sj Hp, soul fist xx darkness illusion xx whiff Ruby’s qcf + 2P, otg, launch, sj Hp - which should normally cause flying screen - qcf + 2P.
Sometimes flying screen happens after the sj Hp, usually doesn’t. May have to do with how late you DHC

also, not a DHC glitch but a nice shuma combo
Down Lk and Bubble, down Mk, sj cancel, Lk, Mk, down Hp, flying screen deterioration, Lk, bubble hits, tag …

or, down Lk, Down Mk, sj cancel Lk, mk, down Hp, FSD Lk and Rocks, mk, frame cancel into gamma crush

Found one with Omega red & B B Hood - 90% or so
DF HP and B BHood proj, sj Lp, mp, mk, Hk, assist hits, carbonadium smasher xx Granny super ( whiffs), s.Hk, tag in Omega Red, Launch, sj … coil …

Couple for Thanos/Ruby/IM which got posted in another thread…

thanos soul super… DHC to ruby d,f,+PP… (whiffs)go to the ground… tag to ironman… infinite…

Can also do ruby hit with barrel super… DHC immediately to Thanos POWA(whiffs), throw lk bubble… tag to ironman… infinite

Or… ironman hit with proton cannon DHC to barrel super(hits), DHC immediately to Thanos POWA(whiffs), throw lk bubble… tag to ironman… infinite

That’s free IM infinite setups no matter what the team order is…

MadTitan - There are quite a lot of exceptional 100%s in this thread. I apologize for not making the video. I am going to start working on the video and plan to finish it within the next 2-3 weeks, maybe sooner. Please send me exactly what combos you want to be in the video (characters, dummhy character, inputs, meter, screen positioning). There is a vast amount of content in this thread, and since you requested the video, it would be best for you to specify what exactly you want in the video.

Also indicate what you want the title of the video to be, and who should be credited as combo contributors. If you have any song(s) you’d like as the BGM let me know.


I’ll send you a PM with the info in a few hours. Tnx man.

Can you leave out the one’s i’ve posted?
I’m capping combos now ( about 80% done) - I’ll have a thanos vid out soon - with none of the Rogue / thanos stuff you posted.

Decided to take an extra day to see if there is anything I can add to each of these combos and see if a couple more I’ve been working on can make it in time. I’ll get you the info late 2nite brett.

Id like to see my Zang/Hulk DHC in the vid :slight_smile:

Take your time, man. There is no pressure. Especially since I took quite awhile to take on your request. From what I have seen in this thread, I believe this will be an exceptional video that many people will enjoy and learn from. Please be as specific as possible regarding the combos and what you would like to be in the video (presentation/credits/music).


I know I told you to take your time, but it has been nearly two weeks since your last response. Are you almost done organizing the information?

Ya man I will send you the info this evening. Work has been unreasonably busy lately and I’m sorry for the delay.

Adding some more - Son son Fruit xx Morrigans f, d, df + 2P super - whiffs - unrollable otg., launch
Dilemma is that you need an assist to combo the fruit, and the only damaging follow up morrigan has is her infinite - so only good vs a dozen(?) characters.

Also Thanos can do soul gem in the corner xx whiff Kens qcb + 2K super, unrollable otg, launch
Can only seem to get a fraction of the time (10, 20%?) - may have to DHC at a very specific point to get a little extra Y Boost.
Something MadTitan would be interested in.

thanos - soul gem xx whiff Jills qcf + 2P, call IM, j. Lk, Hk, call zombie, Lp, down mp juggle.
Can’t get the set up that reliably. Was gonna put it in one of the combo vids i did.

Doom APA xx whiff Venoms web super, Venom dashes as rays hit, DF Hp …
might be able to get it in near the corner where venom can do a tonne of heavy’s.

EDIT - I got another non DHC glitch set up with Doom that i think is inescapable.
Do any set up where his Photon array super lets him get an unrollable down Lk otg - causes forced roll i believe - dash and assist, unblockable sweep.
Thinking this would be great for Ruby / Doom / commando or tron.
Gonna test this.

im curious about this because I use ruby/doom in one of my main teams, any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Ya I’ve played with that setup before but like you I never really found the perfect spot to DHC. Thanos soul changes number of hits, timing of hits, and length of super based on mashing, not mashing, or how much you mash. I would bet to get it every time you’d have to mash the same everytime and do it just right. Pretty tough.

@ Hustleman17 - I’ll try and cap some stuff on the weekend.

MadTitan - yeah, its a pity its so random.

when is romneto gonna make that video?

Great question. I plan to complete the video by the end of this week. I have been sick for awhile, but I’m feeling better now.