Lovegety GGAC/AH/MBAC Tournament - Toronto,ON - 9/15/07

Just a small little tournament before everyone goes back to university or whatever they do…

Date: Saturday September 15

Location: Lovegety Station, 505 Highway #7 East, Commerce Gate

Games: Guilty Gear Accent Core, Arcana Heart, Melty Blood Act Cadenza

** Schedule:** Arcade opens at 3pm. Registration starts at 4pm. Tournaments start at 5pm. Hopefully everything will finish by 9pm.

Guilty Gear AC - 2 man teams

  • $10 per team, 80/20 prize split
  • single game per match, 2/3 finals, 3/5 grand finals
  • IF UNDER 8 TEAMS (16 PLAYERS), it’ll be changed to the usual singles format

Arcana Heart

  • $3 registration, 70/30 prize split
  • 2/3 per match, 3/5 finals, 4/7 grand finals
  • format changed to round robin if under 8 entries

Melty Blood AC

  • $3 registration, 70/30 prize split
  • 2/3 per match, 3/5 finals, 4/7 grand finals
  • format changed to round robin if under 8 entries

GGAC : X-Sapphire
Arcana Heart : K2
MBAC : Pui

And if the 3S guys want to throw a tourney for that, that’s cool too just tell me so I can add it to the list.

Support the scene motherfuckers. :lovin:

hopefully everything will finish by 9pm

is time for everyone to learn arcana heart
try the new game, enter the tournament

Nice guys.
I’m in of course.

Sounds nice. I’ll start finding out if I can go to this. Yay, Arcana Heart before it comes out to consoles.

so who wants to team with me if i go

yay tourney before school starts
I’ll ask the manager if its possible to record matches with a VCR or something, since i think thats how they do it in japan. I doubt he’ll let us though, too much hassle maybe…

I know altergenesis loves arcana heart without ever playing it, just like K2. Loli lovers = =

Common ppl! Team with toronto’s #5 with potemkin and win free money


here here !!

X-sapphire: You and me…Team SOL!!!

You know what’s good. :bgrin:

is it free play like last time

Your msg is too short. please leagthen our msg to atleast 4 letters

hows arcana doing out there
too bad u guys only have ahregular but whatever :frowning:

WHO TOLD YOU? :rofl:

You’re going to regret that.

hopefully i should be able to make this event, if so i’ll join all games, arcana heart looks like fun

arcana heart is a veryveryvery good game

Kellfire: i want the arcana heart book u shown me last friday, can u help me order one? btw, do u know if they will make one for arcana full? if there is gonna be one for full i will wait

Oh my, well, if it’s on this day, I will be totally not in the country. =(

well its only been here for a week or so, so ppls still learning the game and stuff
ahregular is better than none =(

Wanna teach me how ta play? lol

Altergenesis never makes it to tournaments =(

too many =(

Not sure if I’ll be able to make it. It happens to be CN anime weekend. But since the tourney isn’t starting until 5 maybe I’ll be able to make it back up in time but I’m not sure yet.

Sabin: what happened to guardcrush forums! :sad: