Looks like SNK = Wii

I am always against stupid SNK vs Capcom flame wars. I like both companies. Capcom does better in some aspects than SNK and vice versa. But everybody seems to hate on SNK for some reason. Anyways, KOF XI is looking real sharp to me. I hope it does see some kind of US domestic release sometime soon.

But that’s how the GG community gets things done and they do quite well. :confused: :looney:

Well, we do a lot better than SNK fans anyway. :confused:

There really wasn’t much of a choice, I doubt they’d turn a huge profit with SF4 unless it appealed to a huge demograph, the manpower needed for making a new SF game would equal the man power of 10 megaman sequels that each sell twice as well.

If I wanted money, this isn’t even close to a choice, thats just fucking stupid.

Maybe SNK should switch to high res graphics and sprites. Sony and microsoft’s chance of rejecting their games on their new consoles would at least be slimmer…

Which is why i’ve played slash against the same 3 people since release except for one tourney in jersey which is supposedly so good at gg yet no one showed up.

And don’t even get me started on melty blood.

I bought** KoF 99: Dream Match Never Ends, **so I support SNK.

Set up a poll next time, please.

the western market is all about kiddies. The kiddies and young adolescents are where the market is at for the consoles. And those ppl dun give a fuck about fighting games.

In asia, well… i can say for HK, they play a lot of fighting games, and buy it for consoles… but as usual, EVERYTHIGN THEY BUY IS PIRATED. Hence fighting games for consoles are doomed. It’s a shit house market… oh well that’s how i see it. Bleh

fuck, same in Mexico and Latin America

It’s Over!!!

But at least it can be said that the GG community can come out for big events like TXS or Evo, whereas you can’t say the same about the SNKP community.

why the hell won’t snk release high res games? i’m sure a lot more people would find the games attractive enough and buy them. and there are tons of kids who watch anime and cartoons that are 2-d so i’m sure a really nice looking high res fighter could sell in the states and elswhere. high res is the future for 2d games. i mean, even 3d games are constantly trying to improve their graphics so why shouldn’t 2d?

after (still am lol) studying animation I can tell you 2D is alot harder than 3D, realy it doesnt take you long to cook up a 3D model have it riged and hey its all done, thats why you dont see rehash 3D games.

2D is long and a pain in the ass to do, you need to put alot of effort into it, and im affaird most companies dont see that many man hours making as much money as a quick 3d game.

not sure bout the figures but KOFMI 1 outsold any 2d KOF, so thats just how it is.

Go dig a hole in a forsaken place and quietly die please.

I mean it

omg doez ne1 no ne ZERO AND goneitz STRATS!1!!

It would be nice, but it certainly didn’t help Rebout…

Hahahah funny Shiki…lol. Yeah I know Goenitz strats certainly…yeah the beefed up graphics didnt help Rebout…many were so used to the new school feel I think that the 94 old school feel didnt help too much…and yes the graphics were pretty high res.make no mistake about it…XI has the right mix of gameplay and graphics…and as long as both of those go hand in hand the Capcom faithful will be more privy to take a look.

You have no idea what you’re talking about. Outside of the US, SNK gets way more love than other fighting game companies. KOF 98 still gets play. And nothing groundbreaking? Mark Of The Wolves? SS? Seriously. Don’t be a narrow minded tard.

well i am an animator and i’ve done both 3d and 2d. 3d takes a helluva lot more time to make. the modeling and rigging alone can take weeks or months depending on the model. 2d takes a lot less time but requires more talent in order to look right. there must be another reason why snk has decided not to do high res…yet.

If that’s true, then they need to make it easier. They need to get new techniques,development kits, Guys from arc system works or something. Really, If Snk is going to continue to do 2D games they need to put the money and work hard. I’m tired of those low res graphics, we need Hi Res but not like those lame “Hi res” graphics from Rebout please.

Man, If only the old Snk team were here!.

Rebout’s graphics were in “high res” but they were still based on the neo geo’s sprites and animations. I certainly don’t want those “high res” sprites. I would love SNKp to redo their sprites from scratch, new animations and all and not “retouch and clean them up” based on their older versions.

Damn Magic-box for not citing sources

Here is the full interview: http://360.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=7430&pg=1&comments=&preview=

I wish Magic-box would site sources.