Looks like SNK = Wii

Most SNK games are over 50 meg, which is the maximum size Live Arcade games have (nobody wants to pay 9 bucks, then waste a lot of time downloading huge files).

Microsoft wants developers to work on XBox 360 games, not XBox games. And XBox 360 games are supposed to be high-res. Which is a shame, because the SNKP president said last year that they were waiting until the 360 was released to they would release lots of 19,99 games for the XBox.

Still, it’s all SNKP’s fault. They’re the ones that won’t get on with the times and update the graphics.

It’s a pretty sad state of affairs in the world to see supposed 2D fighting game fans actually complaining about graphics, and making a big deal out of it.

Well, I can’t say I agree with the low-res problem since I’d rather have a well-animated low-res than a poorly animated high-res game.

This being said, do you only realize that a good part of the best old SNK members are actually working for Arc System? You think they’d let them go or give away some of their development procedures?

And you need to realize that fighting games, especially 2D ones are NOT a good way to make money. So don’t claim stupidities like “they need to put the money” because if they did to the extent you wish they’d only shorten their lifespan. And I’m not even talking of piracy (btw, I do hope you buy your games to claim that…)

just release the games on the xbox in america. snk graphics on next gen consoles doesn’t look right.

Considering the absolutely retarded huge cast of characters in KOF, it’d take a fucking six-pack of miracles for SNK to redesign, redraw, render and implement it all into one shiney new game. The best you could probally hope for is a new, hi-res game with a cast about double the size of Garou’s, then building it up from that… :confused:

then let it be

it should be called Garou 2

Yeah! And while you’re at it, download some movies and music too! Yeah! Let’s never pay for anything ever again. I mean who do these game developers think they are? Demanding money for their work? Fuck that. I say all game developers should be chained to their computers and whipped to make games for us to play for free. After all, we deserve everything for free! Why should we have to pay for anything?

And new arcade games - yeah they should be released on the web the day they come out in arcades. That way we wouldn’t have to pay for them ever. That would be cool. And who cares if these companies go broke? Not me. It’s not like they make stuff I really WANT to play anyway. I say let them all go broke as a lesson for not giving us free games forever. That’ll teach them for not giving us ROMs for free! Greedy bastards!

Now excuse me while I leave this thread and download a whole bunch of playstation games. Screw Capcom, scew SNK Playmore, screw SEGA. They’re all way too rich. I’m going to go and steal everything they ever made because they deserve it.

(PS: Are we getting the point yet?)


Quoted for emphasis!

Look at SNK vs Capcom. They made some great sprites for that game (about the only thing that turned out good in it…) So I KNOW they can do the same for KOF.

Besides, after 11 games isn’t it time for a fresh start? How much longer can you milk a series?

I buy all the SNK games as well and enjoy playing them. But honestly I have grown tired of the “feel” of KOF. The gameplay just feels outdated to me. Not that I don’t have fun, it just seems that the new games aren’t as “tight” as other fighting games. Look at SNK vs Capcom and its crappy hit detection.

Snk just needs to sit back, start fresh, and go back to making original content and new IPs. KOF is cool, but its time to rest it a little and try out some other series that aren’t so worn down. Perhaps another Garou? Or why not give Art of Fighting or World Heroes another go? I can’t wait to play NGBC since its something fresh.

I guess after playing CVS2 and 3rd Strike its hard for me to go back to KOF. Great games, but just not my cup of tea. And I think a lot of others feel the same way as well. Its not that I don’t love SNK, its just that im a little burnt out.

snk needs to show that 2d is capable of looking just as good as 3d games. when i say that i mean, a lot less pixelation and great animation. of course in my opinion 2d and 3d is like comparing apples and oranges. i prefer the style that only 2d can offer because it’s two demensional. not that 3d is bad but the game market is so saturated with it. granted, it would cost quite a bit of money to create something completely new but think about it. eventually they’ll have to or go belly up. people will be buying less and less rehashed games as the years go by.

when garou2 comes everyone will be happy, arcs + snk = dream team.

Id like to add that redoing the sprites for kof would take alot of time and really as much as we want it, for snk it wouldnt be profitable, but yes eventually people will grow tried of rehashes, but points back to garou2

I hear yah man…but my thing is on the opposite side of the equation so as I respect your views I trust you will respect mine…

Everywhere around me all people play mainly is 3s and the big three…so I’ve been burnt out of 3s for quite some time…I still enter tournies for it…but my passion to excel is gone…I’m enjoying NeoWave, NGBC, Tenka, and soon to be XI soon…trust me NGBC is fresh get it for a Jap PS2…its not like KOF…its a fresh feel…get Tenka while you’re at it…

3s is a great game don’t get me wrong…but I am just the opposite…3s burnt me out…I gotta play other games…and because I am used to KOF speed CVS2 aint really my cup of tea…:wasted:

And I do hope they bring back the other franchises to keep things fresh…bc yes KOF has taken over for SNK for a while…and I think though it aint gonna happen now they wont make LB3…they need to update the following games IMO:
ROTD, Power Instinct (make a true sequel), Garou 2, World Heroes 3, AOF4, and some others besides just KOF…and me man I think with XI they are going in a new direction and spending more time correcting buggy issues from the older KOFs…

that makes more quality IMO…and it shows in Tenka, NGBC, Neo Wave etc…

This is just my POV bc Ive been burnt out on the big three…the new Alpha Collection will be fresh with Arrange…but I think Capcom needs something fresh and new as well…SNk is a least giving us some stuff…just my POV…no need for flame wars…

I just cant see myself playing 3s, CVs2 and ther other big three like 10 years from now…not super seriously…it’d be like me playing KOF 1999 seriously now…sure I’ll enter tournies…but I wont play it super serious…