Looking for Love: Ibuki General Discussion Thread

yea i don’t know why he picked honda he wasnt doing that bad tho but still i don’t get y he did that maybe to make mike ross mad or something

where can i get these claky vids? andys bison pisses me off and i havent found a good answer for it.


^ this.

I can’t find videos of it anywhere. All I could find were the grand final videos of Filipino Champ raping Alex Valle.

Also why would Clakey D pick DeeJay vs Mike Ross’s Blanka?? Doesn’t Ibuki >> Blanka?

I think Ibuki VS Blanka is even for sure. Anytime we do Vortex he can just EX up ball out of it. The ground game is interesting because his movement and pokes do well against ibuki and his hitboxes are a giant pain in the ass which puts a huge dent in ibukis dmg output.

I would just pick Balrog against blanka. that match up is a joke. lol.

what izuna? i think blanka is one of our toughest matches cause of his speed and pokes, and blockstun on elec hmmm. maybe i need to see that match down right cause it always comes down to the wire.

Yeah once you master your vortex timing, purposely making EX ball whiff is very easy.

What speed? His walkspeed? His mobility comes from unsafe jumps and hops, both of which you can stop if you’re looking out for them.

The only time he can do elec is if he’s very close to you, which he shouldn’t ever be in the first place. Yeah he gets a frame advantage after it, but what are his followup options? Hop again and do elec? Blanka’s pressure game is more like Adon’s imo. It relies on you not pressing any buttons.

blankas an ass, but easy to deal with if you know his options and what beats them:

1.slide= block and punish
2.ball = look for jab ball wiff, if it doesnt punish with neckbreaker on block.
3.hop = jab/poke him before he recovers.
4.jumpin = B+mp owns his shit up.

after those all he really has is ok pokes and a slow walk speed plus good defense. basically just play lame as fuck and wait for him to hop/ball in and punish those moves. blanka has probably the worst offense in sf when it comes to safety.

if hes not hopping or balling, how is he damaging you? cant chip cause no ball. you have no reason to attack blana if you have the health lead, and getting a health lead is easier for ibuki cause she has safer chipping moves: tsumuji, kunai.

i make it sound easier than it is, but playing lame against blanka is the best way to beat him…if not the ONLY way to beat him.


hmm i guess ill throw some jabs if he hops around, i just feel like its a chiwawa attacking my legs the whole match

You know what match up is pretty easy that I used to think was horrible? Dudley.

IMO her bad match ups:

Akuma (its his combined walk speed and vortex that rape her)

I think everything else is either 5-5 or her favor.

Honda and Rog used to piss me off but once you’re in on them and stop them from throwing out stuff with frame traps and train them to block it gets easier.

Why are Ken, Gief and Rufus bad matchups?

Ken-kara throw, step kick, cr mk, 3 frame reversal, amazing dmg off of hit confirms, rekka loop doesn’t work on him ( I think). His ground game rapes ibuki and the speed he gets from using step kick murders her dashes.

Gief: one throw and he’ll probably win. You literally have to play perfect. W ryu, akuma, seth, sim, ken, they all have footsies and ways to get out of trouble. Sure you can. Keep gief at bay but all he needs is one mistake to take the game. A good gief is really hard to beat.

Rufus-if we don’t have ex meter dealing with dive kicks is extremely annoying and space dependent. St mk, raida, and cr hp are the best tools but if he’s already on your ass all he needs to do is just knock you down once to annoy you. Ex messiah is arguably the best move in the game, and both of his ultras are amazing and do great dmg. He does more dmg, more health, better ultra selection depending on how the ibuki plays, better corner game, better pokes.

**Ken: **I completely disagree here, except for the kara throw, and maybe his cr.MK. Ken’s kara throw game is really all he has going for him in this matchup, imo. His step kick is very easily kept in check with far.st.LP and st.LK (option selected st.MK). You don’t really have to think about it. Just purposely whiff these moves like outside his cr.HK range and it’ll put an end to f+MK usage. He has a 3frame reversal, but so what? Either he’s going to use it against your vortex (and get stuffed by a kunai) or in the middle of your blockstring. In which case it’s a reversal just like every other unsafe reversal. It doesn’t matter how fast it starts up. I don’t believe Ken gets good damage off hit confirms (cr.LK ,cr.LP , cr.LP xx hp.dp does well under 300 dmg; now compare this to Ibuki’s TC4 xx neckbreaker). In fact, most often he has to spend meter just for the (EX tatsu) mixup. Ken is certainly tsumuji loop-able, if that’s what you mean. Ibuki’s dash is fast, yes, but as Dime puts it, it’s an un-solid way of getting in. It’s more like forcing yourself in (no pun intended) and hoping that your opponent wasn’t pushing buttons.

Gief: I get the feeling that you’re zoning/spacing Gief all day and never, ever trying to pressure him. Gief can get pressured too. Just because he has a command grab doesn’t mean you should let him wake up for free. And while you don’t want Gief to get in on you, the destruction he can cause is nothing compared to a dive kick character like Rufus or Cammy.

**Rufus: **well that’s the thing: his entire gameplay is centered around dive kick abuse. If you having good spacing, and if you’re good at antiairing, what else does he have? Better corner game? So he gets an extra lp.GT. Or an ultra in the corner which is scaled just as much as TC4 xx SJC U2. Better pokes? lol you gotta be kidding me. I’m starting to think you just say every characters’ pokes are better than Ibuki’s just for the hell of it. Have a little more faith with Ibuki’s normals. Rufus’s normals are generally very slow, and/or have no range. If you’ve ever tried playing as Rufus, you’ll see that he can have a difficult time getting in if his opponent can properly shut down his dive kick.

Yeah oh no we don’t have a universal antiair solution like a dp unless we have meter. God forbid we actually have to judge spacing and choose an appropriate option from a list of possible antiairs. Now you know what it’s like to antiair as a character like Chun or Sakura.

Sakura has one of the best anti airs in the game…

And I’ve been playing a bit of viper lately to help w my ibuki execution and lack of options and I’m beginning to see a bit more of a light w ibuki. Imo tho, she has to remain agressive against like 80% of the cast and constantly take risks or she’ll lose.

In a sense, you always have to be doing different things with her to keep your opponent on their toes. Combine different punishes w different positioning if you will sort of speak.

Have you ever played as Sakura? Yeah glhf using her cr.HP as your universal antiair vs dive kicks.

No one has a normal that is great vs dive kicks man. Thats why Rufus and Cammy are like the best characters. You can see that shit coming for a mile and can’t do jack about it unless your name is ryu or ken. If characters could stop that crap they would easily go down like 5-6 characters. They are not god tier but that is a good 50% of the reason why they are as good as they are.

If this is the case, then why shouldn’t they be god tier? Dive kick automatically means they get in all the time, any time they want, for free, right? Heck just imagine if Ibuki had a 100% safe move that would teleport her in front of her opponent, as well as give her a frame advantage. Wouldn’t that make her god tier?

Edit: oh yeah and not to mention Rufus has low stun. Let’s say you successfully use b+MP as an antiair and go for stun.
b+MP xx cd , cl.st.HK xx SJC cd , cr.HP is what, like 300-400 stun? Then you mixup after cr.HP (let’s say cr.HP xx SJC hk.cd) and do TC4 xx neckbreaker. Now Rufus is really close to stun and you can stun him after the vortex, or if he guesses correctly and blocks, go for blockstring -> tick throw.

The fact that we can get high dmg, high stun, and a mixup opportunity off a well-spaced b+MP makes it dangerous for Rufus to blindly try to dive kick in. Now compare that to Sakura’s followup options after a successful cr.HP.

But agemen is not a viable option half of the time against dive kicks. That gets stuffed alllllll day long. Her best options are CR HP, ST MK, and EX Kazegiri which all lead to nothing. People also easily block her agemen AA shenanigans as well. It’s really easy to block once you know that SJ=cross up and reg jump=front. You just have to listen for it.

If the mix up was so strong people would be bangin that shit out in training mode to learn that…but it sucks. Sometimes landing the lk/mk/HK CD after the agemen is pretty hard too depending on the priority of the jump in (ie, dudleys hk, bisons fp, hondas fp) but of course, it should always be attempted to lead to more dmg. My favorite options after agemen aa are raida or straight up cr hp because i find the hk to CD afterword to be very difficult to land and something i probably wouldnt be able to react to and do under pressure.

I honestly think her game relies more on the “wow, i havent seen that in a while” factor that not so many characters can do as much. She has all sorts of different punishes that put you in different positions that can frustrate people. (mk and ex rekka kicks space differently, raida, nb, ex nb, tc4, tc7, tc9, cr lpx2-lk-mk-u2, tc4-u2, cr mp-u2, crmp/crmk to enders, etc) In the corner she also has a whole new set of positioning tools after ex spin with: cr hp directly after, raida, kazegiri-fadc-crhp-cross up/or dash to whatever, tc4 to dash to stuff. its less about vortex and creating the “WTF just happened to me?” factor that no other character can do aside from Viper.

Ibuki is a hard character to play because you have to remember all of her tools…as opposed to doing jab jab cr short headbutt or jab jab cr mp chun li kicks all day. She has the most moves out of any character in the entire game…and it takes a good ibuki to know them all and when and why they should be used.

I’ll tell ya one thing though…people definitely respect that shit if you can kick ass with a lesser used character. You stand out. I can’t tell you how many times random scrubs online message me and admire my ibuki. I’m not a great player by any means IMO, but i can definitely see myself grow as a player and can remember the first few months playing her. I got raped. HARD

I disagree. b+MP is probably her best option due to the diagonal hitbox, alongside nj.MK and possibly airthrow. cr.HP is way too slow to be used here, st.MK has a higher chance of getting stuffed (again, due to the hitbox) and EX kazegiri costs meter. They all lead to follow ups. Buffer SJC cd or jump for cr.HP, buffer command dash for st.MK, and do command dash mixups after EX kazegiri knockdown.

People are blocking your Agemen mixup most likely because you’re not mixing it up enough. And it’s not really a shenanigan. A shenanigan is more like something that would only ever work once or twice, like a random ultra. SJ doesn’t automatically mean crossup. Do SJ and then throw a kunai. Or do SJC cd if they keep reacting to your jump.

The mixup is definitely strong. It’s just execution heavy. You’re playing Ibuki, not Ryu. If you wanted things to be as easy as mash dp, then maybe you should go play another character. And it’s not just the mixup that makes it worth banging out in training mode, it’s the huge stun output, for the sacrifice of only a little bit of damage. I’m pretty sure you gain more meter too.

If Agemen trades vs high priority jumpins like the ones you listed, then it’s still in your favor. You just have to react accordingly and do kazegiri. 110dmg vs 190 plus knockdown. Sounds like a good trade to me. If you can’t react fast enough then I dunno, maybe work on your reactions or something.

mingo,pls submit a vid of you “stuffing” mp dp from ken with ibukis vortex kunai… i cant do it and i have yet to see it done with any kind of consistency… ken isnt ryu or sagat.
