Hit or blocked st.MK?
Im assuming you mean on block because Tsumuji and neckbreaker should be the only specials you use on hit. In that case, no you are negative.
Despite how much plinking has increased my accuracy in hitting the cr.lp, st.MK bnb, I hate plinking it. Yet, it’s sooooo much better then single tap timing T.T. Might lay low with this BnB since I’ve started trying to actually use plinking more. Before, I only liked plinking for the kara’s, but I can’t get over how much I need it jsut by playing Ibuki (with her and her awesome 1 framers). I am enjoying cr.lp, st.lk>st.MK chain though. Despite less damage, and stun.
Her bnb is the only thing I plink really. Also, if it wasn’t already known Momochi will be using Ibuki vs Daigo at online godsgarden.
I still have a lot to learn but as of recently, I’ve been experiencing damage scaling with her on PSN. This might sound noobish but it was really rare for me to get it with Crimson Viper but how does damage scaling work? I remember seeing it talking about in crazy combo games like MvC2 and Blazblue(where you start seeing less damage in one LONG combo) but in this case, all my combos end with a knock down, shouldn’t that reset the damage scaling when the opponent wakes up?
Im not sure at all on how damage scaling runs in this game. I’m pretty sure it’s a fixed amount after a specific amount of HP is lost for balance, regardless if the knockdown resets combo damage. Best thing is to check eventhubs IMO since the have a huge write up on damage scaling.
More buttons you press in the combo equals more scaling apparently.
Combo scaling:
* 100% damage for first and second hits of a combo.
* 80% damage for third hit.
* 70% damage for fourth hit.
* 60% damage for fifth hit.
* 50% damage for sixth hit.
* 40% damage for seventh hit.
* 30% damage for eighth hit.
* 20% damage for ninth hit.
Damage scaling:
* At 51% health or higher there is no damage scaling.
* 50% health damage scaling is 95%.
* 25% health damage scaling is 90%.
* 15% health damage scaling is 75%.
The scaling does stack, so if your opponent is at low health and you do a long ass combo like tsumuji loop into SJC U2, the U2 is barely going to do any damage at all.
So I was fightin another IBuki the other night around same BP as me 4600 at the time. And he called me cheap because I vortexed him…scrub??
Ah yeah, I’ve done Ultra 1 a couple of times after the stack and noticed it took off the same amount of a fierce attack lol.
Only had one person message me that but the person I was fighting against wasn’t using Ibuki. Funny thing about your situation would be that he would be fully aware of Ibuki’s vortex lol.
I suck at tech’ing throws and my 4500 BP Ibuki was beaten against a 2000 BP Ibuki because I was thrown throughout the last round of the match. Wasn’t mad but it’s obvious that I have to work on my techs against obvious throws.
It’s true what the pros/old school players say, if you’re doing something “cheap” then that means you’re doing something right because they can’t figure a way out of it.
The bug with the unblockable ultras was cheap but then again, it’s so hard to get it working that I’ve never seen it used.
Dunno if you’ll read this, but GGs Zzbliss. Shame about the red connection. It wasn’t too bad, I just couldn’t qcfx2 for shit lol, or anti air you whenever you jumped in. The red connection might have been my bad, my sister was also on the internet and was probably downloading porn or some shit.
we need pics of this horny girl… and your address and number would help as well :tup:
LOL. Trust me, even if you weren’t joking… You wouldn’t wanna :lol:
kreative that dude just made cause you stylein on em… haters gona hate. =P
Momochi got killed =,(
How bad? I haven’t seen the vids yet. Really busy so probably won’t get to any time soon
10-3 daigo’s ryu
hmm something weird just happened. I cant kick whatsoever. So my X O and L1 and L2 does nothing but they work fine out of battle. I can use them normally out of battle but in Ranked and Training they do nothing. Nothing comes out. WEIRD. If this isnt a sign that I need to take a bread idk what is. Worst case scenario, my copy is broke and I’ll just take my friends who barely plays. Ironically the warranty ends today.
edit- to make this post somewhat Ibuki related. Ibuki seriously sucks without being able to kick. No pokes/throws whatsoever.
You mean they don’t work when you’re fighting, but do work in the menus? Sounds like your button config got messed up.