My internet is finally working again. :wgrin:
I did many things while bored without the internet. The most worthy of mention was plugging in a Genesis and playing various games. Of noteworthy mention: Mortal Kombat 3 but more interestingly… Shaq Fu. Haha that’s right. Mother fucking Shaq Fu. :lol: I am so bringing this shit next time.
Although I have only one 6-button controller to bring. If anyone has another one, please bring it. Also, if anyone has the wires for the small Genesis, bring them too. I have both the big and small Genesis, but only the wires for the big one. But I’d much rather bring the small Genesis.
The reason for the split is cause I don’t expect any particular person to come every week. But asking a person to come every other week shouldn’t be too much.
Not too many people are big on both 2D and 3D. The idea is rather than ask 1 group of people (everyone who plays any fighting game) to come every week, I ask 2 different groups of people (2D and 3D aficionados) to come every other week. If everyone one was willing to come every week, I would no problem with running 2D and 3D tourneys every week.
If you guys wanna play tourneys in 2D games on a 3D day, I definitely have no problem with that. Same for vice-versa. If enough people show interest in any game on any day, I’m not saying no. At the worst, you all would have to wait for a free TV. The 2D/3D focus just applies to who gets priority for that week.
I’d be interested in the one for PS3. But then again, this + convertor = use on PS3. Hmm… Well, it’d be a long while before I think about spending the money on this anyway. (buying a PS3 first)
Well… anyways, yep things are still on for May 20th as usual. Same games as last time. Same time. ( but I’ll be there earlier than 3 this time. :tup: )
Oy Kenny, tell Richie to let me know when he wants to get together for some VF casuals this week. I haven’t seen him on AIM in a while. I’m free all week. I’m also willing to play some Melty Blood anytime this week.