Long Island Fight Club

This thread is for all competitive gaming (2D, 3D, multi-player, chess…etc) on the Island, however it also extends to Queens and NYC. I’ll start off.

Planning to hold a MvC2 session on Sat, Feb 17th and then a follow-up tourney on the next Sat, Feb 24th. Might have a Bomberman side-tourney as well. Money matches anyone?:bgrin: Stay tune for updates.

that sounds cool…but would there be any other games besides marvel and bomberman…and oh you think you have an idea on where it could be held? (reason being is that i live on the island and was hoping for something like this lol)

Occasionally we hold CvS2 as well depending on the amount of interest. We had 3S in the past also. Which fighters do you play? The location will mostly like be at my place in Hempstead, Nassau County (really close to Hofstra), however that may change.

AWW man thats effin great…i live in New hyde park…and i was hopin to find some competition in 3s, marvel, and cvs2 although i dont want to say if im good or not…but everytime i go to the Jillians in westbury nobody can see my p-groove team…but 3s is my main game and im pretty good in marvel…so i’ll be waiting on updates on dates, locations, and whats gonna be in there…i might brng some people too…(one of my friends plays DOA4 like a monster…he murders on XBL and would love to go to something like this if it had DOA4 lol)

Cool, you’re not that far away. You might’ve played against my buddy Renrick, aka caliagent, in Jillian’s a while ago. He owns people up in there with his Ken. Yeah, definitely swing by and bring your buds. Just a heads up that most likely this session and tourney won’t have any 3D fighters… maybe in the future.

Update: May move the session back a day to Fri, 16th. Didn’t know that Chinese New Years eve was on that Saturday… thought it was on Sunday.

[quote=“Corrado_RS, post:5, topic:21373”]

Cool, you’re not that far away. You might’ve played against my buddy Renrick, aka caliagent, in Jillian’s a while ago. He owns people up in there with his Ken. Yeah, definitely swing by and bring your buds. Just a heads up that most likely this session and tourney won’t have any 3D fighters… maybe in the future.

Update: May move the session back a day to Fri, 16th. Didn’t know that Chinese New Years eve was on that Saturday… thought it was on Sunday.[/QUOTE

AHh yes much have i heard of Ren…excellent player he is (lol yoda talk real quick lol)…although i never played him…my brother and his friends played him…they had maad trouble playing him but then as time went by they just began beating him as a regular competitor…cuz before they came my brother and his boys ran that cvs2 cabinent…one night i was like the prodigy where they snuck me in and i got a finest KO on my brothers friend who was like the second best at jillians…(before Ren of course) but i swore it was like an evo moment everybody went nuts…and i was like 14 at that time…now im 16 lol but im still pretty good in cvs2

oh yeah and can you like set up an address and time to go…cuz i would really want to be organized with this…any friends of yours comin? (oh yeah, again lol, um a list of the games and consoles they’ll be played on would be good and also because its a friday i have school and shit so…try to make it at like 5 or 6 if you can plz

Damn it…(i dont like typing long posts) also how much money should be put up…i’ll probrably be able to spot my friends or something but still i would need to know…keep in mind we ARE 16 yrs of age lol

Haha, I apologize for being vague with the tourney. The people that usually enter already knows the routine so I didn’t even bother with the info. Shoot me an email and I’ll send you the info.

in case you didnt get my message…a PM on here would be good as well for all the information and i mean ALL the information lol

Alright, here are the updates. The session got pwned by Chinese new years, so I’m changing it to THIS Sat coming up, which is Feb 10th. It’ll start 1pm and will last till the evening. The tourney is still on for Feb 24th. Below is the info:

Tourney: MvC2, and possibly CvS2, Hyper SF2, or 3S depending on amount of interest
Place: 29 Nassau Place, Hempstead 11550
Date: Feb 24th, 2pm

We usually run a 16 man backet, double elim for MvC2. The other two will probably be 8 man due to lesser interest. $5 to enter, but you could opt out and still enter, however you will not get any prize $ if you place top 3. All the entrance fee will go to the pot and is split 65/25/10 to the top 3 respectively. Arcade joysticks will be used, however you could use your own stick or pad of preference if you’re paying to enter. If you’re using one of our sticks please be gentle with them, so no mashing like crazy, no wearing rings/bracelets (scratches the buttons and plexiglass), no dirty/greasy hands, etc. Lastly, no stupid stuff in my house or I will kick you out with the quickness.

I’m from Massapequa and I might be interested in something like this. Would these be money matches or just a get together? I’m assuming that we’d be on consoles and it’s BYOStick. And what Jillians are you guys talking about? I’d like to check it out sometime. I normally play at the Bayshore Mall at FYE for 3s. You guys should come down one time or another.

Massapequa represent! (close to amityville) … this sounds interesting… anyone interested in guilty gear, melty blood or 3s competition? ~.^

Jillians in westbury. I’m not sure if they still do, but they had cvs2. The nathan’s across the street has both cvs, mvc, and svc. 3s at bayshore is horrible btw, definitely one of the worst setups i’ve ever seen.

Who is your brother?? As long as i’ve been there, there has never really been anyone there playing cvs other than me, these 3 other guys i used to play with at night, one of the guys who used to work there, and another guy who used to play at port authority.

well my brother is a big guy…with glasses…he hangs out with a guy who like dresses like a punk rocker or somethin like that…the other guy just dresses casually…but they used to go there like i would say 2 years ago but i dont think they go there now…but yeah back then they were really good…my brother played hibiki, mai, bison n-groove/his friend played k-raiden, zangief, chang (sometimes yamazaki)…and my brothers other friend played c-ken,guile, blanka…they played Ren before and he beat them most of the time…but soon after they got around to beating him lol…

and oh yeah this for anyone going on the 24th to the tourney…ill hope to get some good matches…and as for tomrow…i believe its a just a session where ppl can gather and play money matches and whatever

lol, ok i know who your brother is…and no, they really never beat me. Every now and then i’d let them win becuase if they kept losing, they’d leave. Especially since 1 game cost more than a dollar. In fact i actually stopped playing there for a couple of months becuase they refused to play me after a while, lol. I’m not trying to sound like a dick but i can count on 1 hand the amount of times i lost to them. I will say this though, they did get 100x better from when i first started playing them up until a few weeks before i left LI.

ITs cause people can’t handle the mad Kim skills. Do you still play C-Todo Kim Ken?

HAHA! Dammit Ren, you’re so cruel.

No money matches or anything like that, just a session at my place tomorrow to loosen some rust. It’s probably going to be mostly MvC2 because that’s what we mainly play, however I’ll have another station setup for other fighters. Yeah, you can BYOstick and console. Just to let you know that for sessions we usually keep the same controllers on each console for the interest of time and not burning control ports out.

yeah i know how my brother is…he would be a sore loser after he keeps on getting beat…but ever since i started to advance with p-groove he’s been tellin me i should play you…but again this was like 2 yrs ago so…its kinda late for that lol…

Sorry for the last minute update. I have to push the session to 3pm b/c I have to do some emergency work on my father’s car. See you guys then.

look this is where i figuered to play on turbo 2 on mvc2 :http://www.evo2k.com/2005/rules.php#mvc2
i hope you can get that chicken wing warmed up for me lol

Haha now I see why you’ve been playing on turbo2 setting on the DC (and for 2 years might I add!). In the arcade setting menu, the degree of speed and damage is represented by the amount of stars. For speed, one star (speed1) = normal/no turbo; two stars (speed2) = turbo1; three stars (speed3) = turbo2. The arcade “default” mode would be damage2 and speed2. Apparently the MvC2 rules was written for the arcade and I’m guessing they simply replaced “arcade” with “Dreamcast”, and they never gave thought to this semantic discrepancy. I better get my chicken wing by the tourney.:nunchuck: