lol ya I saw the guy playing, he was just in corner playing Halo by himself.
Thus why I say getting you guys to organize is like herding cats. Not that there are not good reasons for people not to be up for or available for things, but you see how things can go on Thursdays…
It is not that, it must be that I am missing something:
Why do I want to sit and watch someone else (in this case Drew) play a single player (-ish?) game for a long period of time in one sitting to complete it? Is it an accomplishment? Sure. But I don’t think that all of us would see it as a social experience per se. I would personally see it as something he does, shows the trophies and says “There ya go.” Unless the rest are doing other things (gaming, poker, etc.) while there and he is doing that, I would imagine that is why most are not quite that interested in this per se.
I’ll agree with you that it’s hard to get anything done mainly due to chris’ general flakiness and laziness and drew and Stephens lack of a car.
But man resident evil day was fun for me because drew does all the hard work while we shoot the shit and play virtual boy and pinball and DDR. I would most certainly be down for that anytime.
LOL ill definately agree that its hard to get us together. School gets in the way of important matters.
And yeah, resident evil day was fun. I’d love to do it for Bioshock because I LOVE the game, but I also plan to play 2 on my own time, and I also will have trouble finding a full day anytime in the next month.
How dare you insult London’s legendary icon. Any money on Nassim over you in SF1.
Awesome watch here guys funny as hell, yet sooooo cool.
He’s been playing for like 20 years now and he still can’t pronounce names or attacks? lol
Not everyone that went to an arcade went to play the games.
Sounds like he’s been playing, he says he had a teacher and everything.
So ya WEGA meeting today, focusing on MVC3. So once that starts we can move over there.
There is a difference between playing and seriously playing. Also, many of things that occurred around arcades in North America in general were not all about gaming.
Well considering it is day 6 and my GF is still in the hospital, me and my setup will not be present this evening.
bring your gf
So what’s going on today are we going to sac or is there a wega meeting? I need times
Both, if Chris is already there SAC has begun. Then around 6 we pack up and head over to UCC for WEGA meeting and spend rest of the time there. There we can play scrubby MvC players who complain about everything lol
im just leaving now, going to get alvin and will then will be at the SAC
Just got at SAC. Over 20+ huron peeps studying around here. Is it usually this busy at this time?
Must be exam area? Check Great Hall and make sure to bring tv alvin due to ben not coming
I’ll wait for Chris and Alvin to get here then see whether they decide to move or not
Wit failure. -1 internetz for you.
so how long after posting does chris usually get here? lol