No Josh, LAZEERRS!!!
I’m sorry
No Josh, LAZEERRS!!!
I’m sorry
Personally, I prefer the sound of the TIE fighters lasers.
So classic.
I have such fond memories of me and my brothers playing star wars with our micro machines and trying to simulate the sfx ourselves with nothing but our shitty voice boxes.
I already talked about Demon Souls, its a game DESIGNED to kill you during its creation. It’s not naturally hard because they made it intended to make you die. You want a “hard” game play I Want to be that guy, I won’t even touch that game because once again, its not a game its just a “how many ways to die” gimmick.
I’m talking about the game’s 1P mode campaign or just overall game in general. Multi-player is only hard due to actually playing other people.
SC2 is only hard against other players, the campaign was easy once you get the right upgrades. And even then SC2 isn’t even in this argument, I’m not talking about competitiveness. Even Ali is saying SC2 is garbage compared to 1 anyways.
Chances are I can sit down with each of those games and finish the campaign in a weekend each if they are the usual length of a game nowadays, which is MAX 15 hours or so, and not have any real problems.
Play battletoads or ghost and goblins.
I miss Wizards
SC2 is a multiplayer game, the single player is icing on the cake. If you are basing SC2 on single player …thats just dumb. Seriously…what I don’t understand your argument …its so dumb. Everyone is making the SC1 > SC2 argument, even the pros they all hate the game back the skill cealing isnt as high as the first game. But that is irrelevant to anyone living in North America…and any pro player who isn’t Jadong/Flash and a handful of others. So once again it’s a moot point, SC2 is a hard game that punishes you hard for fucking up. If you don’t consider SC2 hard because single player is easy then I suggest you stop playing competitive video games.
Max 15 hrs? Mass Effect 2 is a “short RPG” by todays standards and you can easily get 30+ hrs in one play through.
I’m also confused by your Demon Souls comment, as the game is hard because of shitty controls thats it. And even then, any game thats hard is designed that way, games don’t just appear one day at EA offices and they decided to pout it out people work on it and make it as hard/easy as they want it to be. If anything Demon Souls is the “Naturally hardest” game made in recent memory because of the shitty controls, no matter how good you are or how much of an understanding you have you will always be fighting the controls.
Also I bet you hate super meat boy too, hahah what a joke.
Y’know what, let’s settle this flame war once and for all by playing in one big ST tournament without me in it of course.
Then the winner gets to have the losers sing Canada’s National Anthem with the winners cock in their mouths one by one.
Games these days are different. It may be easy to beat it once on normal mode run through.
But to get 100% is no easy task regardless of the game. Off the top of my head, Bayonetta, Bioshock and DKC:Returns are games that are easily “beaten” as in you go from start to end and see the finish. But to get all the achievements is a huuuuuuge task. Games these days can be just as hard or even harder than old ones it just depends how fully you want to beat it.
I know you like completing games 100%, can you really say doing all the SF4/SSF4 trials was easy?
Even the SC2 campaign, I’m sure it took you more than “a weekend” to get all the achievements.
Gonna have to point out that Drew is the most established gamer in our London scene here, he has beaten all old and a lot of new games. Probably has the best repertoire of all of us, he can say which games are hard and easy. Fact is that today’s games come with the options of really easy, medium, and hard. Many of the old games on easy modes were just brutally difficult, even simple shooters like Rise of the Triad, Doom, Duke Nukem etc. Arcade games like metal slugs and Raiden brutally hard even on normal mode, far more brutal on the most difficult levels. There is also the difference between hard cause they throw a stupid amount bad guys at you and a games thats just naturally hard to beat and needs trial and error. Perfect example, original ninja gaiden was hard because you need to run through levels that were difficult to maneuver around while fending off from annoying bad guys. New Ninja Gaiden on xbox/ps3 you basically run in a line fighting off retarded amounts of wave after wave of crap, which isn’t hard but more so obnoxiously difficult. There is also the difference between the trial and error basis and the checkpoint every 5 minutes game. Games which need dedication over losing 3-9 lives and having to restart over and over again until you beat it, ie: battletoads which requires continuous trial and error as well as constant improvement of reflexes as appose to new games which is just grind out beating the bad guys until your next check point and save points. Each new games is chaptered so that once you are done a big arc, you don’t have to go back. And in every chapter there is a save point every 5 mins.
New age gaming is totally easier not just on a normal run through of games, but even at their hardest. When you say the new games are only easy on their normal but super hard on their most difficult setting, you also have to keep in mind that while the old games were stupid difficult on normal, they were even more balls hard on their hardest modes.
And no offense Jeff man, but you really need to go back and try and beat some of these old games that you may not have played. Although you can names a few “super hard” games today, compared to the old hardest games, they don’t stand a chance.
K I made a rather large post just now for Jeff but fsr it didn’t post and it didn’t come back from hitting back. I kinda don’t feel like re-typing all of it out lmao.
To Arvand/Ardaland who ever it is who posted lol:
Yes, I love 100% games. Achievements are usually what is needed for the 100% too. Something like DKC its just about finding all the puzzle pieces, its not really “hard”, just strenuous having to look in every nook and cranny. I haven’t played your other 2 examples so I don’t know what kind of achievements they are sorry.
No the trials on SF4 weren’t easy, but that’s because of the strict timing in some of them. But that’s the point of trials, to TRY and accomplish them. Much like say Meat boy is, a big trial to try and jump the right ways. It’s not like the trials were necessary going to help my game or anything, but I did em to 100%. And it’s not all of them, usually just 1/2 per character really. You saw me do El Feurte’s. Some of the trials as we all know aren’t even match worthy so they were all just a big trial for the player to accomplish. Like FFX has the monster arena where there are creatures basically made to kill the player unless his characters are completely maxed out with the best weapons.
The hardest achievement I’ve ever seen in a game is from megaman 9 or 10 (kinda forget) and it’s play the entire game without missing a shot. Basically every time u hit A it has to connect or you got to restart the entire game over. I’m hardcore at games but I’m not a lunatic like that lol
SC2 everyone needs to remember I got that game waay late due to carnival during summer. So I had to play it during new school life and coming home like 8pm most days. I want to do good this time in school so I put Sc2 on a scheduled format of 100% based on levels. So i’d play a lvl on normal, then hard to get the last achievement then stop for the day. Maybe play 2 levels if I had time/no homework. If I had 3 days no hmwk/school/distractions I guaranty I could get every campaign achievement.
I just woke up from a nap so this might be a lil jumbled and stuff lol.
Old games for the most part were designed to be super hard due to arcades they wanted people to be pumping quarters in every few minutes or so, games are becoming easier as we move away from that for good. Just sayin.
and I have played a lot of old games, they feel old and broken to me. Not hard, but cheap.
Dunno if you played the Ninja Gaiden on 360 and or Ninja Giaden Black but calling it a run in a straight line is selling that game short.
I agree, if you are making the argument that games are be coming easier as a whole I agree 100% with that. That’s not the impression I got tho.
I think a great example of how games are at lest trying to get back to Skill based game play is BulletStorm, obviously the game isn’t out yet but the whole push/tag line is “Kill with skill” and Cliffy B has said many times in interviews that he is sick of this one shot kill(i.e. headshots) bullshit in games and that it’s ruining games. And Dragon Age Origins which is a throw back to Balder Gates and games like that where the game is super punishing even on the “Normal” difficulty settings. I guess my whole point is that if you’re stance on video games today is that they all suck and are for babies your wrong, they aren’t as hard as they used to be sure…but I don’t think they need to be to be a fun rewarding experience.
I’m sorry, but I don’t agree that games don’t need to be fun and/or rewarding. Could you please elaborate on this?
Okay ya arguing two different things, all I was arguing was that gaming is easier today. And in some ways it has affected the enjoyment of gaming, but there are many games that I enjoy that are newer. But it gets to be less enjoyable every new console gen. Also that Bulletstorm game totally reminds me of Turok for N64.
Chris old games like battletoads, double dragon, battletoads & double dragon I’ve played them all lol.
It’s hard in a non fun way. You could get all the way to the last battletoads level, make one tiny error, get game over and start FROM THE BEGINNING. That’s hard but it’s also F’in annoying. In the old days there weren’t really any solutions to that problem. In fact they made it that way so people would waste 25 cents at a time like Jeff said. SNES did have those “codes” to continue and what not but this is all besides the point.
Moving on to 2010, games come in a way so people can beat them and say yea I beat it. But more often than not, games have multiple endings and achievements. Bioshock is a popular game. You can beat it once in under 20hrs not paying attention to much. But if you want to find all the tapes, see all the different endings and get all the achievements it can take 100+ hrs.
Battletoads can take even longer but it’s the same stupid motions over and over and over again. In bioshock it’s at least something fresh and you’re working towards a different tangible thing every time. Battletoads was obviously very rewarding when (if) you beat it but I can’t blame anyone for giving up and walking away from something like that. Not everyone is a gaming masochist.
DREW in DKC returns the puzzle pieces are a joke you can find them. The real challenge is the time trials. We did a couple and we immediately thought “if drew was stuck on an island this would be the game to keep him busy”. If you can finish all the time trials in DKC:R in a weekend or get pure platinum on every level in bayonetta I will officially claim you the ultimate video game hero. I may even get it engraved on a trophy.
What you guys are saying is not totally false though. Games like mario galaxy are there only to appeal to the masses, and galaxy is the best of the bunch hands down. But then again mario was never really a hardcore game to begin with.
Lastly, there ARE still new games being made to appeal to old school tastes like mega man 9 and 10, bionic commando rearmed.
We should definitely continue this discussion tomorrow man when we meet for some SF/MVC. What time would it be cool to come at Ardalan?
There should be a comma in there haha.
I’m saying games do not need to be super hard to be fun and rewarding (which is what games should be.)
Chris tell me you lol’d at this part lol. That sound’s like a challenge there ard/arv, didn’t know there was a time attack mode in it either. Only played it for like 3 hours at Steph’s one time.
Someome please let me know when/where this is going down. I can bring my setup as well.
Yo guys is there a meet happening today?
Me is bored.
Edit: Maybe Dogberry will make an appearance too for some ST.
Anytime starting now. Bring drew.
Meljin if you want to come as well I can PM you my home address.
Josh: I think you’ve been here before w/ Arvand? If not you’re more than welcome. We can probably set up a SF HD station or SF Anniversary.